ChiCom "Social Credit Scores" (courtesy of treasonous "Google") already in the political debate here in America.

in #informationwar6 years ago

We try to avoid political discussions over Thanksgiving with family, but one topic that came up yesterday that left us all feeling good--because of the unanimity achieved--was the dangers of Chinese Communist "social credit scores." I hope a lot of you managed to reach a similar consensus prior to that second helping of turkey and stuffing.

(Democratic candidate, Andrew Yang, wants ChiCom Social Credit System for Americans.)

I think this is another one of those topics (as are many in the area of personal liberties) that people across the political spectrum can largely support. WE MUST STOP THESE HORRIFIC, ORWELLIAN SCHEMES from gaining a foothold in the West. Should even have mass organized protests, boycotts, and even enormous fines leveled against Google and any other "corporation" involved in pushing such Orwellian nightmares on a freedom-loving society.

Talk about already being on the slippery slope...Check this out:

Let's hope this dufus never reaches even single-digit recognition from Democrat primary voters. We ALL need to send a very loud message that we do NOT want big tech running our lives, snooping into all of our private beliefs and affairs, or rewarding (or punishing) us for pleasing them (or not) in any way, shape or form. I am not crass, typically...but if there were ever a time to give big tech the proverbial middle finger, this would be it.

It may even be close to time to considering a Constitutional Amendment restricting any such schemes specifically and by name. There is ZERO room in a Constitutional Republic for such COMMUNISTS ploys, and there should not be room INA ANY MAJOR POLITICAL PARTY in Western civilization for anyone pushing such schemes.

GOOGLE NEEDS TO BE SPANKED into bankruptcy, one way or another.

BIG BROTHER needs to take a nice long walk off of a very short pier.


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This man is dangerous, he's also the same guy calling for basic universal income.

Yea, he's a total nut job.

howdy sir mepatriot! I didn't know anyone was talking about this stuff here but I've heard what China is doing and probably India too if I remember correctly. Yeah I hope we can soundly crush this whenever the liberals bring it up! Brilliantly stated and emphasized sir mepatriot, make them take a long walk off a very short pier! lol. Not funny but that expression is.

Thanks, brother. Yes...the AMERICAN CHURCH needs to wake up if we are going to resist the full rise of this beast system.