The pieces of the puzzle are starting to fit together – providing a much clearer view of what is really happening with regards to the dominance of the Neocons in the Trump administration and how their ties to the branches of the US Military and the Military-Industrial-Complex are USING Q AS A MAJOR DECEPTION ON THE GULLIBLE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
I know that there are countless desperate souls out there in the Alternative Media space and Truth Community, not excluding people I admire and have even called Heroes of Truth such as Sean from @sgtreport and Dave from @x22report, that have fallen victim to this hoax – hook-line-and-sinker.
Unfortunately, and despite repeated attempts by myself and others in the Steemit truth community, they fail to see how they are being conned by this Q deception.
I’ve been saying for several months now that Q is a major PSY-OP deception. And today, I will offer some additional ironclad evidence which is also supported by others.
Hopefully, people will start to really see how they have been deceived and STOP SUPPORTING this Q bullshit!
Firstly, I want to mention that Q isn’t entirely a bad thing. Au contraire. It actually does provide some information about some ugly truths and facts that are out there and I don’t doubt the validity of a lot of it. But this is besides the more important point – which is with regards to the legitimacy of Q itself.
Some basic observations and facts about Q:
First and foremost, Q is a façade for one or more unknown, anonymous person(s). Q has never identified himself/herself/themselves. And it is astonishing that so many would 'take the word’ of a completely anonymous stranger; but that is what so many are doing. Think about it for just a freakin minute. Would you trust a complete stranger whom you’ve never seen or met with such critical information? Would you trust them to ensure the safety of your family members? Really?
Next, we have to make a few observations:
Q unquestionably has access to a lot of (mostly accurate) inside information (inside the Establishment, Trump administration, the Military). Thus, it is safe to establish that Q encompasses insiders who are privy to such information.
Q makes posts information in a very timely manner that would absolutely prove direct and intimate access to those just mentioned above.
Q appears largely partisan to the Republican side, as so much damaging information is posted about the Democratic Party and its people.
(And don’t think for a minute that this faction of the Deep State wouldn’t simply throw Hilary Clinton and the other Demoncrats under the bus, as these puppets are no longer useful to them for the implementation of their nefarious agendas.)
- Q has actually called for violence and regime change in Iran - see Q’s post to this effect hereunder:
I mean come on guys! Seriously! Q calling for MORE WAR and REGIME CHANGE? WTF? Does this look like a benevolent group that is looking to overthrow evil and avoid more regime change, war, destruction, and devastation? Really?
- Q, this past week has insisted that Vice President Mike Pence’s recent tirade against China (see video below) is filled with “FACTS”.
”Vice President Mike Pence's Remarks on the Administration's Policy Towards China”, from the Hudson Institute published on Oct 4, 2018.
Proud Neocon Mike Pence
Anyone with the most basic level of critical thinking skills and knowledge of recent history could easily rebuke the majority of Pence’s statements regarding China.
While a few statements were factual, most of them lacked supporting evidence and were more of a datribist – Nikky Haley'esque– nature.
While I will be the first to admit that China – a place where I have lived since 2008 – has committed many abuses (in terms of unfair trade, theft of Intellectual Property, and its use of soft power abroad, the reality is nowhere near what Pence paints it to be.
Pence touched upon all of the sensitive points about China, including the most taboo – Taiwan, knowing full well that they would listen to this speech and would agitate the hell out of them. For a so-called Vice-President, he seems totally ignorant of diplomacy or international relations.
Moreover, one must ask whether the rhetoric used by Pence in this speech is conducive to building a constructive relationship with America’s largest trading partner (and creditor). Or, rather, whether it is an aggressive Neocon-style posturing aimed at labeling the rising power as a menace to the U.S. and the world.
Furthermore, a lot of what Pence accuses China of is what the United States has actually done themselves (i.e., currency manipulation, forced expansion, abuse of human rights, etc.). What hypocrisy!
One last point on the China issue: What if something was to happen to Trump and Pence became President? He would have put himself in an absolutely horrendous position to begin any kind of dialogue with China – the United States’ biggest trading partner and creditor. Shouldn’t a real statesman think about these things? Hasn’t he even contemplated the possibility? What an idiot!
More on Mike Pence, the Neocon servant (and the Hudson Institute)
Let’s rewind a bit and look at an earlier speech given Mike Pence at the same Hudson Institute – a Neoconservative Think Tank founded by Herman Kahn of the RAND Corporation (another Military-Industrial Complex looter of tax-payer money and agent of destruction) which promotes military strategies and continuously postures for war and conflict.
Although the name Herman Kahn may not ring a bell, he was a physicist who worked on nuclear war strategies during the Cold War and was the basis for the character in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964).
Herman Kahn (left) founder of the Hudson Institute, Actor Peter Sellers (right) who plays Capt. Lionel Mandrake / President Merkin Muffley / Dr. Strangelove in Kubrick’s timeless classic.
In November of 2017, Pence received the Herman Kahn Award a “prestigious” award that is given to players in the MIC with past recipients including none other than the war criminals Henry Kissinger and Zionist lunatic Benjamin Netanyahu.
The entire speech can be found here, but here are a few highlights for which I will offer some remarks and related facts:
For this first quote, try to guess who Pence is referring to when he says: “Indecision replaced engagement. Red lines turned into retreat.” You got it! He was referring to Democratic President Barack Obama’s Syrian “line in the sand” which had been crossed, but was not followed through by the Commander-in-Chief. And by “engagement”, he means outright military strikes or similar actions for which he seems to indicate should be the norm.
Once again alluding to Obama’s weakened military stance over his tenure (especially with regards to Syria and Iran), Pence reassures the salivating Neocon audience that “those days are over”. And although he mentions Trump’s leadership, he states that “our administration has taken decisive action to restore American strength”. But who exactly has taken this “decisive action” to restore American strength? And one must ask: who is really in control of foreign policy in the Whitehouse? The vagueness in Pence’s wording leaves it a bit suspect, to say the least.
“Trump is renewing American prosperity.” This is indeed factual, as Trump’s expenditures for the military has surpassed his predecessor by a significant margin. But the key part here is: "the Hudson Institute has long understood, security is the foundation of our prosperity". It doesn’t take a rocket scientist – not even Mr. Khan himself – to conclude that by security he means the Military-Industrial/Security-Complex and by prosperity the profits generated by the top Defense contractors and related corporations the federal government feeds in the billions of dollars every single week. And the fact that he also specifically says “our prosperity”, i.e., implying the members of the audience – who, undoubtedly, are well invested in these companies – will therefore assuredly continue to enjoy hefty profits in the years to come. I’m sure they toasted and clinked their champagne glasses to that!
For more on this particular subject (of gargantuan military related spending), see my related posts:
- The US Government Lost $1.2 Trillion In 2017 + $250 million per day since September 11, 2001 where the figure amounts to almost a mind-blowing $30 Trillion; and
- Pentagon so proud of its 'Angel of Death' killing machine...US Tax dollars hard at work!.
And one certainly cannot exclude the treasonous members of CONgress who have supported these military endeavors over the decades while enriching themselves tremendously.
We will “make you a promise”, Pence continues, “…we’re going to rebuild our military.” This is an astounding statement considering that the United States’ military budget is (and has been for a very long time) the largest in the world – dwarfing even the next 10 countries combined.
Source: [Peter G. Peterson Foundation] (
“We’re going to restore the arsenal of democracy…” Wow, the “arsenal of democracy”. This is very fitting, as the Neocons’ endeavors over the last several decades have been to impose “democracy” by means of force and destruction. Fitting Mr. Pence, very fitting. You must be so proud of all this “arsenal of destruction, devastation, and death”. Glad you can sleep well at night knowing that you are supporting and actively taking part in the war crimes that have killed and displaced millions, including innocent and helpless women and children, not to mention all the thousands of American servicemen and servicewomen who have been scarred for life and many of which have paid the ultimate price. Bravo you fool!
Looking at these facts above, it has become quite evident by know for anyone who can connect two brain cells together that
Q IS the NECON faction of the Establishment/Trump admin./Military/Military-Industrial Complex
Neocon Agenda and Targets going forward: Iran and China.
Now that the Neocons have been served a major slap in the face from Putin and Russia on many fronts – Syria in particular – and have been outsmarted in many regards, it is feasible to assume they will back off a bit and rather focus on their original targets: Iran and China.
You can go back to their previous writings such as The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and countless other think tank trash publications in which they have specifically stated that they would take out a whole bunch of countries in the Middle East (and Africa) finishing with Iran. Even former General Wesley Clark had mentioned the U.S. Military’s plans to invade 7 countries.
But ultimately, enemy #1 for these crazy Neocons is China.
And you can already see the rhetoric and dirty tricks ramping-up recently. Apart from the tit-for-tat displays of force in the current Trade War between the US and China, we are starting to see elements from the Neocon faction of the Deep State (on a side note many have argued that there are, indeed, many factions of the Deep State such as the Neocons, the Zionists, or Ziocons as some call them, the International Banking Cabal, and the Powerful families such as the Rothschilds & Rockefellers) use their media lapdogs such as Bloomberg to engage in information warfare.
This couldn’t be more obvious than with the recent farce of a “report” published by Bloomberg Businessweek entitled The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies (alternate link via ZeroHedge). The report begins with the sub-heading:
The attack by Chinese spies reached almost 30 U.S. companies, including Amazon and Apple, by compromising America’s technology supply chain, according to extensive interviews with government and corporate sources.
But it is funny how both Amazon and Apple have actually denied that such hacks have occurred. With Apple conducting the majority of its manufacturing for its products in China, this assertion is not to be taken lightly.
Furthermore, as Jason Bermas from astutely observes and states in a recent video, if such a hack occurred whereby thousands upon thousands of computers and servers were infected with this small (rice size) micro chip, why haven’t we seen even a single one taken apart on a YouTube video or even photographed for that matter?
This fact truly exposes the Bloomberg article farce for what it really is – fake news!
Although the Neocons usually use their favorite trash rag outlet The New York Times to push their agendas and propaganda for war, this time they have opted for Bloomberg. Why? Simple. Bloomberg has been banned in China for many years now and it is not so hard to surmise that they would be glad to oblige in this, very amateurish I must add, hit job.
Expect many more hit jobs against China (as has been the case with Iran) to appear in U.S. media in the near future, as for the Neocons to chug along with their evil agendas, they will have to push their narratives accordingly in order to get popular support. A major false flag (as they clearly have done with 9/11) is not to be excluded, especially with the Mid-Term Elections coming up.
– Trump
What do I mean by – (minus) Trump?
What I mean by the minus sign is that it remains to be seen whether Trump is simply a victim of poor advice from his Neocon cabinet members and/or whether he is simply being overwhelmed on all fronts from this multi-tentacled group.
Trump never appeared to be a Neocon prior to taking up the presidency nor as he seemed to espouse their agendas or doctrines. So, it could be wise – at least for now – to assume a stance that is disjoined from theirs.
But playing devil’s advocate here, one could indeed argue that Trump has chosen too many Neocons within his cabinet, been way to close to Zionists such as Netanyahu and way too supportive of the destructive policies and war crimes of Israel. And he has as the Commander-in-Chief ordered air strikes in Syria and has ballooned the Military Budget to astronomical heights. But that being said, such policies don’t necessarily align well with his primary goal of “Making America Great Again”. So, in other words, something doesn’t add up with the theory that Trump is a Neocon.
Also, Trump has not insisted on turning Syria into another Iraq or Lybia and has actually managed to meet Kim from North Korea and make peace with his regime despite repeated calls by Neocons to not meet with or negotiate with the leader along with apparent attempts by Pompeo to sabotage the deal.
Consequently and, despite these shortcomings of President Trump, I am more in the camp of he is not a Neocon bred from the likes of Mike Pence, John Bolton (more facts about the warmonger here, here, here, and here), Mike Pompeo (more on this Israel’s ass licker here), General Mattis, et al.
Regrettably, Trump’s foreign policy posture has changed dramatically since the appointments of Bolton and Pompeo. They differ immensely from his election campaign days and early presidency. Although he should definitely take the blame for appointing these assholes (he should have known that they would simply call for war, more war, and yet more war), he does still have a lot on his plate and should be commended for efforts in courageously fighting other elements of the Deep State (especially the bad actors in the intelligence agencies) – something that no president since John F. Kennedy has attempted.
So what I really mean by “minus Trump” is that he is simply overwhelmed and perhaps overpowered by these aggressive Neocon types and all the high ranking military generals and personnel that are most likely heavily invested in the Defense contractors. Thusly, they are negating his will.
Finally, by “minus Trump” it is not so implausible that the Neocons could indeed literally take him out – either with a coup, by impeachment, or even, heinously, by means of assassination.
A more (better) thorough analysis by geopolitical analyst London Paul (via Rogue News)
Although I’ve been questioning a lot over the last several weeks regarding Q and Trump, listening to a recent interview that geopolitical analyst London Paul (from [The Sirius Report)( gave on Rogue News on October 8th really clarified things a lot for me. Mr. Paul is much better versed in these matters, as he researches the facts thoroughly and looks at the bigger picture to formulate a very perceptive and comprehensive analysis. Thus, I highly recommend that you watch the entire interview which I will post right hereunder.
Final Thoughts on Q
I must re-iterate something that Mr. London Paul mentioned in a prior interview; so I will roughly paraphrase what he said because it really makes a whole lot of sense.
We have to be logical folks. If a group (Q) were genuinely fighting an organization as rich, powerful and resourceful as the Deep State, do you really think that they would be outlining what they know about them, dropping countless hints, and even projecting some of their current and upcoming moves? Really?
I would think that if these were real patriots, or “White Hats” as some call them, they would be more serious about taking them down in the most effective way possible – one that would not give them any sort of advantage as to what they know about their enemy.
Folks, don’t be duped and deceived. If you believe in the sincerity and legitimacy of Q, then you are being played like a Grand Piano and will be left grandly disappointed when you realize that the false promises will not come to fruition.
If you think I am wrong, tell me why in the comment section below and provide some solid facts and evidence to disprove my or Mr. London Paul’s theory. Otherwise, please re-post / re-steem this article to try to wake up people regarding this Q deception.
Thank you for your attention.
In Peace and Liberty!
Drumpf is the biggest Neocon president ever.
Why portray him as dominated by them?
This is similar to denying that Reagan was a Neocon, but considering GHWB as one.
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Vingative individual = downvoted my post for agreeing that Q anon is a fraud.
Another laughing hyena Q-tard at work.
Thanks for your feedback. But some things still don't add up. How do you explain the US/Trump not Iraq'ing Syria and North Korea? If Trump is really as you say?
Sorry for the late reply.
Bidbots shit over my replies section.
Easily, NK has/d nuclear abilities, and Syria is occupied by Russia and Iran.
Neocon does not mean complete suicidal, and if he was, he would still not been allowed to Iraq Syria and NK.
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Great post Dan. QAnon is definitely a psyop, as is the actor Donald Trump. I will leave you a longer response regarding this in my other post you commented on. Upvoting and Resteeming this one. Best regards and great job on this one.
For sure, a TOTAL PSYOP! Notice also how themarkymark poster above just attacked me and down-voted a post of mine for agreeing with you that Q-Anon is a fraud!
Nice post @libertyacademy, great expose of the Q psyop & way to put the puzzle pieces together. Upvoted & resteemed - this needs more exposure; still too many Q-tards out there thinking they are helping bring down the Deep State while supporting the very fuel which feeds it - the War Machine.
I tend to agree with you that Trump is not a neocon per se, but my belief is that he is fully owned by the Zionist bankers who bailed him out back in the day to get him under their thumb to be able to use him as a puppet in the future, and it appears they seized their opportunity in 2016... If you haven't watched the following video documenting this, I highly recommend:
It's obvious the President is being influenced by Zionist neocons in his Administration, but even before elected he said some rather insane comments which would make even the most zealous neocon proud. Examples: I support waterboarding, but I don't think it goes far enough - I will kill the families of terrorists - I will bomb the shit out of them [Arabs] - we need to take Syria's oil - etc. (quotes from memory, not verbatim...)
I never trusted the guy - he's clearly a hypocritical liar & a pompous rich elitist even if not a "neocon," even well before the election, certainly no statesmen of the people even without the cabal influence. Feel free to check out my post from just before the 2016 election documenting this obvious hypocrisy:
Clearly, he's only gotten worse with the influence from the neocons his handlers have presumably dictated he appoint to his administration. Case in point: still no withdrawal of troops in Syria & US now admits plans to stay indefinitely (ie. permanently like Afghanistan & Iraq, to help take our Iran, the endgame of the grand plan all along).
Thanks again for the awesome post and have a great day!
Thank you @jasonliberty. I agree with pretty much everything you said about Trump. I do believe he is too cozy with Israel and the Zionists. For my article though, I tried to put my personal feelings aside so as to have a more objective assessment. I guess we will really know what is the case after the Mid-Term Elections. If nothing happens in terms of big names being indicted and actually prosecuted (which I think will be the case) and if he doesn't revert back his foreign policy to his earlier stance, it will be another 2 years of the same old same old. I think that it is all inevitable due to the debt-based monetary system which needs greater and greater amounts of debt issuance (i.e., money printing - devaluation) just to sustain itself, Trump has no choice but to go to war to expand it all. He is not dumb and knows the monster needs to be fed; and if he doesn't feed it, he himself will be gobbled up. The dollar's crash is inevitable though, as once they start their QE after the next meltdown, the Chinese and others will dump all their Treasurys and dollar before they become entirely worthless. The charade can't go on forever. Huge pain, division, and civil war coming to the US as a result of this. Sad state of affairs!
themarkymark poster above just attacked me and down-voted a post of mine for agreeing with you that Q-Anon is a fraud!
It has been disappointing to see some great researchers such as @x22report and @sgtreport get so easily deceived, while at the same time clinging desperately to the hope that liberty will prevail. It is very difficult to get them to understand facts, that there will be no arrests, and that the continuous delay in doing so is designed to allow time to reshuffle the deck with new names and faces in positions of power, allowing the old names to move into the shadow spaces of corporate control, and the new names to blame everything on their predecessor, claiming that "this time its different." They will just get away with taking even more of peoples liberty, freedom, and rights, because people believe "its different this time."
The most disappointing part of the situation is the people continuing to turn to government, playing right into the P>R>S (problem reaction solution) agenda created by the very same government.
Great work @libertyacademy.
Yes, nice post. They are completely deceived! And notice how themarkymark poster above just attacked me and down-voted a post of mine for agreeing with you that Q-Anon is a fraud!
Please see my latest post exposing the Q fraud:
Jeff SESsions Firing By Trump Proves Fake "Q Anon" Fraud!
Notice how themarkymark poster above just attacked me and down-voted a post of mine for agreeing with you that Q-Anon is a fraud!