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RE: Kidnapped Father?

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for reporting, upvoted and resteemed.
Disgraceful! Disgusting! Shame on you UK government, UK police for arresting a reporter, a journalist who was only reporting THE FACTS, THE TRUTH on a court case of child rape and sexual abuse carried out by muslim rape gangs.
He has been unjustly jailed for 13 months, intentionally to silence him and get him killed, since last time he was unjustly arrested and sent to a maximun security level prison, he was beaten up so badly he lost several teeth and stabbed by muslim inmates.
The UK has become a dictatorship, the press has been silenced from even reporting on his arrest.

He is a journalist, a reporter, that is his job to report the facts.

Let's all take a stand and say "enough is enough" with all this injustice and arresting innocent people for free speech and exposing the truth.

Tommy is innocent. I stand with Tommy Robinson.
I stand up for free speech.

Free Tommy Robinson now!
#FreeTommy #freetommyrobinson #tommyrobinson #FreeSpeech #TommyRobinson #IamTommy
on youtube :


BBC had to delete their article on Tommy. Hundreds of newspapers were banned from reporting on it by the EU, even websites and companies outside of the EU was banned. They are erasing it off the internet, off Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, in 2018 May 25th, Friday, which was yesterday, and since then, and it is him today and you tomorrow. It is me tomorrow. People don't see the pattern. Speak up or die.