Protecting Freedom In The Warfront Of Tyranny - Enjoy with Troy!

You will own nothing and you will be happy.
The Great Reset
Such are the 'Gestapo' words of the elites, as they force the NWO global reset down our throats. Placed on the false flag back of the covid 19 depopulation-track and trace agenda, the global reset is here.
The reset has been termed the forth industrial revolution, where we will have smart cities, smart government and smart traffic driven by big data. These arogenate elites believe that capitalism needs a dose of Marxism. If you listen, you will here their code words, 'Build Back Better."
I say return it to its rightful owners, the people, and leave it the hell alone
Reminds me of so many old cult movies and shows. Dr. Strangelove, Fahrenheit 451, The Twilight Zone and the list goes on. George H. W. Bush told so smugly, how 'they' would succeed at the NWO reset. Even Weird Al spoke of it in his song parody , Foil. And still the sheeple are in a stupor of the vaccine distraction. And yet if we continue down this road, where will we end up? Will we be a part of the human/AI singularity... or will we even be here? I am reminded of the 1927 silent film , Metropolis and and how it is expressed in the the old Zager and Evans song.
Is An Orwellian War of Depopulation
Every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners, saints. - Mick Jagger
The world has turned Orwellian overnight. Being a racist is socially frowned on more than being a rapist. Profit is valued more than people and slavery is encourage while bravery is discouraged. With the covid agenda, We kill people in hospitals rather than cure them. The news reports propaganda rather than real journalism. Yeah, it's in your face Orwellian.
Truth is hated, as lying propaganda is funded.
There is depopulation effort going on, as forewarned on the Georgia Guide Stones. It is in our food, in the air we breathe, and now in the jab they push. They have tried to bribe us with food, gift cards, paid work days and even paid education. They have socially shamed us as being incorrigible hold outs. They have manipulated the environment to force us to take the jab to make living. Trump set them back four years, and they are frantic to depopulate and track and trace us. Please know that covid 19 stands for 'Certificate of Vaccination Identification Document.' The 19 corresponds with the with letters A and I, as in artificial intelligence. They plan to program us using 5G and change our DNA through the MRNA element of the jab. Those who will not take the jab will be sent to re-education camps or eliminated. There is talk of 1.2 billion dying from the covid agenda, as they work to eliminate 90% of the global population by 2030. Yet, this is only one of the warfronts we face.
You can't leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution
There are so many fronts to this war. Not one bullet will be fired, yet countless are dying daily from the apathetic silence of those who do not speak. The vaccine, the food, abortion, child trafficking, chemtrails, elder abuse, euthanasia, financial slavery, and the list goes on.
You are important to the freedom and the future of this world. I encourage you to pick an area or areas to be a voice. Together, we are the force that can save this world from destruction.
That Targets The Innocent
As for me, I try to be a voice for the children. So many young boys and girls are stolen into a world of child trafficking. Child Protective Services use intimidation, manipulation and outright lies to stalk, steal, sell and shatter the lives of families. They prey on the vulnerable and young, in an effort to make commissions off human life.
These children are taken from their mom and dad and placed with strangers. These babies too often hear angry words or face violent hands. Too often, they are move from home home, ending up on the streets or as merchandise for a sex trafficking ring.
And then their is the psychological baggage that remains for a lifetime, haunting the innocent. There are the repeated tapes playing in the mind, the death that never dies. Voiceless tears go unnoticed and unresolved, as the CPS scatters families, littered in the filth of governmental greed.
Sadly, the courts and the lawyers are in the pocket of the CPS, and a mom or dad can spend their life saving in vain to save their child. That is why it is up to us to be the voice for the voiceless. There are profamily groups, like @familyprotection, who work tirelessly to protect and preserve the family.

And Requires Unified Non-Compliance
Whatever battlefront you choose, your efforts are valued. This is a silent war, yet the death count and the voices of the hurting are louder than any war ever fought. Apathy must die for us to win. We need a unified, global non compliance for freedom to thrive and people to truly live. The time is now, and there is no middle ground. What side will you take?
There are some who believe this is a chess game we have already won. There are 6 or seven moves for the enemy to make, that must be made, yet it will not change the outcome (thus the opening picture). I am not that confident. I feel it takes all of us to make sure we remain free, There is no white horse or Calvary out there to save us. We are the plan. Only our proactivity and our unified voices will save us.
We Are The Soldiers...We Are The Plan
I leave you with this song called, I Am A Soldier, by Unspoken. For many, this is an information war, and we are digital warriors for the truth, But this also is a spiritual war between good and evil, between right and wrong, freedom and enslavement, God and the evil one. I hope and pray you chose the right side. Our existence as a people is at stake.
We will truly never be happy until, we chose to own our freedom.