Why Do Dystopian MSM Ignore The Genocide Brewing In South Africa?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

There is a Natural Law that will not allow anybody to dominate other people. And because domination does not work, "those in the know" invent more restrictions to human free will and freedoms. This is called tampering with a Natural Law, which can manifest both, positive and negative side-effects, depending on the nature of the input.

The controllers know the aftermaths of going against the Laws to further enslave Mankind. Yes, it is very twisted but that is how it is done because the Universe is also ruled by Law of Polarity. Natural Laws are real, verifiable scientifically, and the only violence deterrents.

While the Yemeni crisis and genocide by Saudi Arabia is way underreported, we do not hear much either about the Rohingya persecution in Myamar (previously Burma) by the state sponsored Buddhist military. By the same token, let's remember the Tutsi genocide by the Hutus in Rwanda described as "100 days of slaughter, the triumph of evil" during which the West did nothing to stop 800K from being chopped with machetes. The UN peace keepers just watched forbidden to intervene, as this would breach their "monitoring" mandate, narrated Frontline Magazine.

Enabling conflicts on such a large scale cannot be set into motion when "politics and money" are not involved. At this stage, ALL cultures have committed mass murders, called genocide when race or religion is associated with the crime. All wars are genocides, regardless of the whos and whys. Flat carpet bombing Dresden (Germany) too, even though Germans lost the war. Dresden's body count varies according to the sources and we should not trust that of the allies too quickly.

There can never be any legal killing justifying wars. Orders followers are a big problem in the world, especially when ordered to go terminate others under the name of whatever God or political reasons. Because religions and politics are same, two sides of the same coin. Luckily they have within the seeds of their own demise. It just is a matter of time... at the condition a majority wakes up.

If the story of the Boers in the video below is true, and much of it is true, the black communist party, democratically elected, is the machine behind the very possible upcoming genocide against whites. Apartheit, as explained in the doc, was more of a British invention, when the UK adopted South Africa as a colony. While the Boers welcomed the idea, they did not come up with it... The Boers' days are counted. Those in the know are now watching the Natural Law working for them. This is so sick!

McKenna: Culture Is Not Your Friend

Cultures/group thinks have dystopian origins when they ask to trade individual independence for the security of the group. That is the only parameter that can tell us as to whether a social concept is worth it. Only Voluntaryism definitely stands out. Genius is the norm but a culture will make sure that conformity becomes the rule.Not to mention, when a culture embraces the “money making mentality”, the aftermath does not bode well. Look around you!

It is very difficult to paraphrase McKenna, so please get some popcorn and listen (PODCAST AT THE LINK)

FARMLANDS (2018) Official Documentary (1.2M views)

South Africa's ANC defends "Kill the Boer" song (2010)

70,000 Whites Murdered in ‘Modern’ South Africa; Obama’s African Legacy

Dr. Stanton of Genocide Watch on Farm Murders in South Africa VIDEO (2012)

Necklacing is the practice of summary execution and torture carried out by forcing a rubber tire, filled with petrol, around a victim's chest and arms, and setting it on fire. The victim may take up to 20 minutes to die, suffering severe burns in the process. (WIKI)

Earth Custodians care more about resteems and following. Upvotes secondary but thank you! Until a critical mass is reached (30% of population) donations via patreon, to help spread the word, are welcome. https://www.patreon.com/earth_custodians_movement .

(But you also are encouraged to organize raffles for example (just find a fun way to do it) and this way sponsor banners on the internet and/or flyers to awake people to the only social alternative left and that is voluntaryism)


Well, that "immutable natural law" that does not allow anyone to dominate anyone else, seems to not have worked for, oh I don't know...the ENTIRE history of the human race.

lolz. Let's revisit our definitions of immutable and tampering:
unchanging over time or unable to be changed.


to meddle, especially for the purpose of altering, damaging, or misusing
to make changes in something, especially in order to falsify

So to summarize: somehow earthcustodian thinks her "immutable" law that doesn't seem to work at all throughout history, can be manipulated and changed. I am sure nobody will accuse her of thinking with any kind of logic.

Speaking of illogical, don't forget to give your evil, earth crushing, and soul shattering money to earthcustodians. She will know how to dispose of that vile stuff! She has her eye on some new jewelry!

you do not have enough maturity in thinking, to think in terms of Natural Laws... simple. It is way beyond your comprehension, you just cannot wrap your mind around it. Simple.

yes the output can be manipulated if you KNOW the positive and negative side effects EMBEDDED in that very Law.. dominate people and transform the planet into a full fledged technocracy and a cyber prison... this is the best example ever... try to dig that alone and ponder further.

Yes, you are correct, I can't wrap my mind around your word salad compilations of fallacies and logical discrepancies. I will admit that the twists and turns of your contradictions are hard to follow.

It must be a fascinating place inside your head. :-D