Neuroimaging To Hijack the Right to Cognitive Liberty And Promise Of Eternity In Dystopia

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The more knowledge the more we ought to understand that everything is just bound to pass. It is a must... or else!

How Hierarchy Communicates with Humans - Manly P. Hall (TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT @42mins): .... worldiness is gradually coming to an end, and we are not going to maintain it much longer. Worldiness is the individual investing his hopes, his believes, his fears and securities in material things, the most fragile and impermanent of all, there is no permanence in this world. There is no permanence in the institutions that we build... there is no security in this material stage of things. Security consists of the unfoldment of eternals and principals within ourselves....

The most important question is: what we are doing to do with that knowledge, and how can it benefit Mankind as a whole, because as it is now, populations are not ready for the HUGE leap ahead since they have been lied to for the sake of control and profit seeking. The robot and automation takeover are in turn also becoming very real. Not to mention virtual reality, which could be used to replace teachers for example.

What is indeed the future of money amid all that?

While monetarism is a theory that is supposed to protect "property rights" , this concept is about to show its first cracks. But if we also could look the other way: it is threatened because the latter wasn't an inalienable premise in the first place. Truth is Truth and will never change according to social trends nor epochs. Truth is invariable.

The only Truth here is that we belong to the Universe while being simultaneously fractals within it. And so are all our projections into material things. This is one of the axioms of Voluntaryism as defined by Earth Custodians Movement.

Knowledge and technological advances have led the world to the inevitable. One can scrutinize endlessly the situation from several angles but the same conclusion surfacing is obvious: Darwinism looks more and more like a theory for cavemen and a recipe for self-annihilation because competition and profit seeking know no bounds. Both are the tools for centralization.

When aware of the very ancient roots of "state welfare" which already existed in the antiquity (as demonstrated in the previous blog "The Inherent Flaws In Monetarism Will Always Break The Law Of Equilibrium") , we really have to grasp that if humans apparently tend to be gullible, maybe... maybe their primary Nature is compassion, collaboration and contribution. That a hidden hand (see blog: Do They ALSO Control The "Soul Grid"), is just taking advantage of this to enslave them using monetarism. This theory has legs because 80% of people are definitely peaceful. Many are just driven insane by our ancient and pervasive structural violence. In this sense Voluntarysim, even if not perfect as a model, would be much more peaceful.

Coercion is embedded in monetarism. This model has only been HIGHLY successful at one thing: distracting almost everybody from what was really going on, because chasing money is the center of people's preoccupations. Monetarism has only perpetuated a more sophisticated form of tribalism so far.

We have to look beyond the traditional and political labels, think outside the box and realize that they have become completely meaningless.

It is the level of knowledge that defines the level of materialism. And both trends evolve as two polar opposite trends. The more knowledge, the less materialism and the less need for power.

Brain-reading technology can be seen as just another unavoidable trend that erodes a bit more of our personal space in the digital world. (from link below)

Unavoidable, right. The digital world, and this considering the world agenda, was never meant to enhance freedom. Far to the contrary. This line has it backward. But on the other hand, as written, it is as if the West is the beacon of freedom, which is far from being true. This also is a very subtle predictive programming.

People could, in fact, look at this technology as something that requires the reconceptualization of basic human rights and even the creation of neurospecific rights.

Reconceptualization is a diplomatic word for "everything we thought about human rights and self-ownership is now bogus, more than 300 years of research just went down the drain". However several months ago, scientists conceived that even the entire Universe has to be rethought (see link below). On top of that science is riddled with frauds as 40% of lab research cannot be reproduced . That is what happens when science is monetized. Only a small fraction of scientists really know what is going on. The others are mind controlled with half-truths.

Truth is always Truth. It is an axiom. Truth remains Truth regardless of the epoch. When Truth changes, it is not Truth but moral relativism and cultural perceptions. But the big picture is even more shocking considering that bigpharma owns the DNA of 100s of 1000s of people already and that AI scientists have found last year a way to store data in the DNA. If you wish to have a good glimpse at what lies ahead, follow DARPA .

One logical question comes to mind now: are humans going to be transformed into organic computers completely to continually feed AI gods with their manipulated algorithms? Really folks, it is not that far fetched anymore, especially after a mass die-off, a war or several pandemics! Yes think about that. The AI gods will need a lot of storage space. It also could be much less expensive as the human body works as long as it is alive. A dark rendition of the promise of eternity?

Lawyers are already talking about a right to cognitive liberty. It would entitle people to make free and competent decisions regarding the use of technology that can affect their thoughts. A right to mental privacy would protect individuals against unconsented-to intrusion by third parties... The same kind of brain interventions being explored to reduce the need for sleep in the military could be adapted to make soldiers more belligerent or fearless. Neurotechnology brings benefits, but to minimize unintended risks, we need an open debate....

If soldiers can be made more belligerent and fearless, then the opposite can be done too.... a formula to desensitize the masses?

Considering the track records of the "hidden hand" , this attempt will reveal itself completely elusive because the technocrats are at least 2 generations ahead in term of research. And they will get what they want.... unless we start implementing voluntarysism. It is important that scientists working on those projects stop getting paid because the vast majority follow their paychecks blindly, some of which are also afraid or cannot afford to speak out. And the latter would help Truth prevail.

Metaphysics to the rescue. Does a desire to achieve balance inherent to any species gifted with a higher level of awareness? Is the Law Of Equilibrium imprinted in our DNA, which constantly interacts with Light? Since Light is proven to be the prime cause of all Knowledge, without Light nothing would exist, so what is the nature of Light? Why is data circulating in the form of Light in the brain? Where does the word "enlightenment" come from?

I Beg to Differ with the Darwinian Theory – Manly P. Hall @21 mins more or less | TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT .... The problem with modern science is to accept: there will always be ONE LIGHT in space through infinity of differentiation with everything that is conceivable – or unconcievable – to man, is part of the potential to this ONE LIGHT . This ONE LIGHT is all and one. All as the total that exists… this ONE LIGHT cannot be analyzed by any of the fragments of itself but it is the source of all fragmentation. This one Light is not only the source of all bodies but of a mind of souls and spirits and every type of differentiation that exists in space. This ONE LIGHT is the totality of all manifestations of itself. Plus the nature of his own identity, which is known only to Itself.

Further Readings

Preserving the Right to Cognitive Liberty.... The idea of the human mind as the domain of absolute protection from external intrusion has persisted for centuries. Today, however, this presumption might no longer hold..... MORE

Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a single gram
A bioengineer and geneticist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have successfully stored 5.5 petabits of data — around 700 terabytes — in a single gram of DNA, smashing the previous DNA data density record by a thousand times.

Your Body Literally Glows With Light


On The Supranatural, Materialism — And The Spontaneous Order

40% Scientists Say Fraud Causing Crisis of Science — Can Science Be Saved?

The Voluntaryism Versus Capitalism Debate

A blog introducing the readers to the facts presented by Peter Jospeh in a discussion with Stephan Molyneux. And concluding that Voluntaryism represents the merging of philosophy, metaphysics and economics. A voluntaryist society prioritizes education, ecology and health and regards poverty as the worse form of violence. The state alone is not the the cause #1 of violence, but just any top down model.

An Intro. to a Resource-Based Economy [ TEDx - Peter Joseph ] (18mns)

Thank you in advance for furthering the aims of Voluntaryism, Earth Custodians care more about resteems and following. Upvotes secondary but thank you! Until a critical mass is reached (30% of population) donations via our website are welcomed.


Wow, that was a large wall of bullshit.

Truth is, money is a useful tool. And that's the name of that tune. You know, just like you use money because it is useful.