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RE: Is Steemit A Dragnet?

in #informationwar7 years ago

Every public place we speak may be a dragnet. Yet some things are too important to remain silent about. Those doing evil things would like nothing more than people not to speak about their wrong doings.

So anything that is public which STEEM is can be potentially used as a dragnet.


A person is only courageous or brave if they are afraid of something and they work up the will to face that fear and o it anyway.

Someone with no fear can never be referred to as either brave or courageous.

Likewise someone forced (by taxes, or other means) to pay for some socialist program to "help" some group can not be referred to as being compassionate. Compassion requires choice.

Stay the course, you do good work. Your husband is correct about the potential dragnet, but I don't think trying to be safe and avoid danger is a wise course in this day and age either.

Do we agree to be a slave, or do we fight? Fighting requires entering places that could be dragnets.


@dwinblood, I don't know what else to say besides your words were exactly what I needed to see. They gave me much needed confidence in the midst of this sea of voices. This is why you're a leader in this community. Thank you for your support, and the resteem. :) Edit: and that's not to say I don't appreciate everyone's addition to the conversation. Just that you have a gift.

Also I am worse off than many of you. My handle here dwinblood is indeed my first initial and last name. So I am far from anonymous. Shrug If they want to kill me, imprison me, etc. they will.

Almost ANYWHERE on the internet or traversing the internet is a dragnet.

Unless it is heavily encrypted it can be gathered by bots. So the only way to truly avoid it is not to use it at all. Yet that like not voting is essentially giving them your okay to continue their actions... silence is consent.

Thanks. There are days I can put my foot in my mouth too. Part of being human. ;)