20 Ways Human Beings Are Being ATTACKED on a Daily Basis

-Who Controls Earth?-
Global Elite/New World Order/Illuminati/Deep-State/Shadow Government
There are many names for this entity that is currently in power over our planet. This group largely consists of secret societies, royal families, billionaires, and many more. Some would even say extraterrestrial races are involved here, which makes sense considering a lot of these actions do not seem like something a real human being would do.
These individuals are alright with causing harm to the everyday populous, just so their shadow group can benefit. I will list many of their weapons that are being used globally deeper into this post.
This syndicate has 3 main locations from which it orchestrates, with major obelisks in each one:
Washington, DC as the MILITARY center
Washington Monument - Washington DC, USA
City of London as the FINANCIAL center
Cleopatra's Needle - London, England
Vatican City as the SPIRITUAL center
Obélisque du Vatican - St Peter's Square, Vatican City
20 Weapons Being Used Against Humanity
These weapons are prevalent in our every day life. Some of these you may already be familiar with, others may come as a surprise. All must be taken seriously. Your guard cannot be let down, as these 20 weapons just scratch the surface of everything that is being used against us.
These are not listed in any particular order.
Pharmaceutical drugs
Antidepressants and painkillers are actually more toxic and addictive than heroin.
The legal intoxicant of choice, this attacks every cell in the body in order to produce a mind-altering buzz.
Chemical Food
Weaponized fast foods that lead to addiction, weight gain, and lethargy. Overheated oils turn rancid and sugar and spices are used to mask the corresponding bad taste.
Refined Sugars
These cause excessive cravings, weight gain and diabetes. Proven to be more addictive than cocaine.
Additives elevate heavy metals to toxic levels, creating autism in children ; among other things.
Artificial Protein
Proteins in wheat called “gliadin” attack the thyroid gland, ruining energy and attributing to weight gain.
Citric acid; there’s the naturally occurring kind, which is an organic acid found in vegetables and fruits, particularly of the citrus variety. Then there’s the kind of citric acid that’s prepared in a lab, from black mold.
MSG (MonoSodium Glutamate)
Often hiding as Natural Flavor, Spices, Hydrolyzed Extract, Autolyzed Yeast, Whey Protein, etc.
GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)
Particularly soy, corn, and wheat.
Hormones and Antibiotics
Often in the conventional dairy and meat supply.
Air Fresheners
These release toxic chemicals and trick you into ignoring mold and other household toxins.
This keeps workers alive until retirement age, then they require prolonged medical care due to constant smoking.
Found in dental fillings that creates systemic toxicity and heavy metal poisoning.
Found in conventional underarm deodorant that causes breast cancer.
Found in conventional produce, this attacks and weakens the body.
Aerosols sprayed by certain aircraft that add to overall pollution and toxicity.
Vehicle Emissions
Gasoline-powered vehicles create carbon monoxide and release other toxins into the atmosphere.
EMFs (ElectroMagnetic Frequencies)
Cellphones and headsets that bring dangerous electromagnetic fields close to the brain.
Power Lines and Cell Towers
These create cancer if you live nearby them, much like wifi.
Placed in our water and conventional toothpaste, which clogs the pineal gland and lowers IQ and spirituality.
Do Your Own Research
I encourage you to look deeper into all of these weapons. There are ways to avoid just about every single one of them. You will also find deeper information on exactly what each of these weapons does to human beings.
Be Aware
This same group of people using these weapons also has control of search engines, such as Google. Meaning, when you search for answers, the top results with most of the time be fear-based/false knowledge.
I will provide a perfect example of this with the search "Why is Citric Acid Bad".
This search result is very misleading. Natural citric acid, in things such as oranges is indeed harmless. However the citric acid produced in a lab, from black mold, is absolutely terrible for us.
Stay aware on your search, and always cross reference your findings. These are just 20 of the many different weapons in their wicked arsenal.
Do not be fearful of these weaponized tactics. Simply known that they exist. When we stick together as a collective & strive for perseverence, then we still have a strong chance to stop these terrible things from continuing to occur.
I hope this list will allow you to live more healthful. Being consciously aware of your environment is essential to a long, happy life.
Almost all written here are have advantages and disadvantages. We, as human should always be informed of what we taking in into our body. As a saying dont put to your skin what you cannot eat. All this perfumes weakens our immune system. Great blog @daltono
Thank you for coming into this conversation with a level-head. I appreciate your support.
There are positive and negative charges with all things in existence. This is how we achieve balance. Magnifying both sides of an argument is highly beneficial. Picking one side over the other may lead to things going off-kilter, especially if closer analysis is not first completed.
The referee in between the two boxers is the one who, the vast majority of the time, comes out unscathed & with the most complete recollection of the match.
Do you really believe this c**p? Are u f*****g serious? I mean the article presentation is good but the content is just a big lie. Maybe it's a joke I don't catch. If it is I'm sorry xD

Also, I cover myself for the alien attack haha!
No, of course not.
I am an expert in card games. That’s how I aim to change the world for the better. I will build the strongest deck, and then nobody in the world will ever die from cancer again!
Finally once I start livestreaming on @dlive, I surely will be able to feed the hugry from my basement.
I play for fun man, hahaha don't be angry!!!
And also this as useful as my livestream in dtube xD (maybe worse, cuz u are telling lies)
Sorry man if I damaged your reputation as a conspiracy pshychic, I'm not gonna fo it again hahaha
I was just giving some friendly sarcasm back 🕴
Hey, you know, not getting a terrible disease and dying sounds nice, but there are debunked reports of people getting a nonfatal disorder from vaccines so we shouldn't use them!
Idiot. This is how you kill herd immunity and cause people with weak immune systems to die because the vaccine happened to not work on them and idiots like you were carrying the disease.
And don't get me started on the other bullshit in this post. Electromagnetic radiation is absolutely harmless unless it has a photon energy above the ionizing threshhold (~eV range), or if a ton of it is focused into a small area (1000 Watt microwave ovens). The ~1W omnidirectional cellphone antenna that isn't even on most of the time on your phone isn't going to do crap in terms of harm.
This kind of thinking is a threat to the health of others, hence why I am aggressively angry at it.
What a load of bullshit, this post is legitimately retarded
this is the sad true
I like your 20 reasons and the breaker you put in between them! It looks aesthetically pleasing. Yes, I think the biggest ones on the list are alcohol, sugar, and tap water. So many Americans consume these and don't think they are bad, or at least the amount they drink. They are generally all overweight, stupid, and non-spiritual as well. That's interesting that tap water makes you non-spiritual, I never knew that? I have a filter on all the water I drink, I digress. Yes, there is some hidden agenda by the Illuminati to make us all sick and die. I don't know if its for population reduction or to just make more money in the healthcare industry. Who knows, the only way is to remain vigilant and look out for yourself, family, and friends. This revelation is great!
Thank you so much for your detailed input. I am big on design & making things user friendly.
Alcohol, sugar, and tap water are so easily accessible. Almost everybody has tried all three of those before. Some are even daily users. This does bring their resonance down quite a bit. Making them dis-harmonic with the natural way of being.
The reason tap water reduces our spiritual know how is due to the fact that the chemicals inside the water are very fond of our pineal gland (seat of the soul). This keeps us from producing the proper amounts of chemicals in our brain. Ultimately creating an imbalance of sorts. Distillation is the best way to get 100% water. However for showers that can be difficult, so filters & reverse osmosis are good options.
The agenda is dark whatever it may be. Surely it’s a combination of greed, diluted thoughts, population reduction, and a general dis-taste for their own kind. Either way, it will NOT go on forever.
The inclusion of the illuminati in this post is really the result of Christian/Catholic propaganda. The Illuminati has historically been opposed to elitism, central banking, and celebrity worship.