Great Britian: Schools Forbids Shorts For Boys - Have To Wear Skirts
When the temperature nears 30 celcius, boys at UK schools will not be able to change into shorts, but instead is required to wear a skirt if they want to cool down.
A school in Oxfordshire has made it mandatory for boys to wear skirts if they feel pants is too warm. Shorts have been forbidden, because they want to have a "gender neutral" environment.
The demand is following a trend for schools in UK where they are adopting so called gender neutral measures to make the day more comfortable for trans gendered.
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Relevance: They probably have to sit down to pee too.
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Last year there where already UK boys who wore skirts in protest of the no shorts rule. I expect this to continue. And I see nothing wrong with it. You don't need to be female or transgender to wear a skirt / kilt as any manly scotsman will testify.
To the UK boys: call there bluff, buy a skirt and wear it.
The way uk's mindset is, i expect that to continue too. Nothing wrong with male wearing skirts as the kilt type thing. But the idea behind this is as dumb as the uk's mindset in the first place. You say gender then you reffer to difference. To decide men should (mandatory) wear skirts for gender neutrality is as stupid as saying women should wear pants/shorts as gender neutrality. Neutrality can only be achieved if there is no such thing as gender or differences. And since when is a skirt neutral from a standalone point? Tha, this people are so stupid i wonder how they are still alive nowadays with such thinking.
That deepened on the country and which age you are raised in:
Of course right now it's skirts are gendered female in England.
Men's skirts
Outside Western cultures, men's clothing commonly includes skirts and skirt-like garments; however, in North America and much of Europe, the wearing of a skirt is today usually seen as typical for women and girls and not men and boys, the most notable exceptions being the cassock and the kilt. People have variously attempted to promote the wearing of skirts by men in Western culture and to do away with this gender distinction, albeit with limited general success and considerable cultural resistance.
Yeah, i'm talking about england now.