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RE: Revealing The Grand Chessboard - Official Clarity of Signal Blog and Geopolitical Information Site

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Not sure if you saw this post of mine from a while back Dan. It has the link to Suttons work in the middle of it, but alas, now the link needs to a dead URL.

Luckily I screen captured a lot of the most important images from the book for the sake of posterity in case the link was removed.

Hegelian Dialectic Exposed: Dr. Anthony Sutton and Putin’s Mentor General Petrov Explain The New World Order and Why Hitler Never Took Switzerland

Here's another link to it that is working.


Thanks! I will check these out very soon. So swamped with "information overload" these days; it's so hard to find time to read and process it all...