in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The theme of the "Economic War" against the Chavez regime, used as an excuse by Chávez himself and his unfortunate successor to justify the serious problems that Venezuela is going through since the beginning of the 21st century, is nothing but a gross lie, but a lie that rests on a reality, because in Venezuela there has been not one, but several economic wars, but all caused by the Chavistas, not by the gringos or by the rich, and all against the Venezuelan people, not in against chavismo and the revolution.

The first began when Chávez expropriated the Hato "La Marqueseña", not for ideological reasons but because of resentment, because, according to him, the owners of the herd had treated his mother badly. The result was immediate: in a very short time "La Marqueseña" no longer produced meat or milk or by-products, and soon its facilities were ruined and the spectacle of hundreds of grazing cattle was no longer seen from the road.

To that expropriation followed others with the same result, and the agricultural productive apparatus of Venezuela ceased to exist. Another losing economic war was that of PDVSA, when, for political reasons, the irresponsible Chávez dismissed from the company several thousand well-trained officials and employees, who immediately left the country for the benefit of many oil companies in the world, and they were replaced by people without the slightest experience, with what PDVSA began its descent race that has led it to ruin, accentuated by the terrible idea of ​​putting it to do things that have nothing to do with oil or gas and yes with corruption.

The third was to turn the military into greengrocers and give them an omnipotent power that also led to corruption, as well as drug trafficking. The latter has had a very serious effect, related to nothing less than the so-called "List Clinton" (Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers or SDNT list), the black list of companies and people linked to having relations with money from drug trafficking in the world, and whose Management is entrusted to the United States Department of the Treasury. It was created in October 1995, by Executive Order 12978, issued by President Bill Clinton as part of a series of measures in a real war, the war on drugs and money laundering.

On July 31, 2017, the Department of the Treasury approved the sanctions against the unfortunate Nicolás Maduro as a member of the so-called "Cartel de los Soles", composed mainly of Venezuelan generals and Chavez officials, who were found to participate in the trafficking of drugs, arms trafficking and money laundering, in what are also involved, among others, Vladimir Padrino López, Diosdado Cabello and several high heads of the armed forces and the government. This is compounded by electoral fraud, torture, persecution, and everything that ultimately constitutes a real shame for a country that can not be but humiliated before the international community.

The cloak of invisibility fell with the price of a barrel of oil. For one decade Hugo Chàvez (the same one who shouted that he had to leave a rentier economy), enjoyed the benefit of a price in production, which allowed him to cover the black holes that opened up in our economy, importing everything that the Venezuelan consumes. I had already finished with the private company, our canceled production did not stand the global fall of the crude oil.

In 1997, the price of oil fell to the historic level of $ 7 per barrel, however there was no disaster in Venezuela that we experience now. Other OPEC countries did not fall into ruin because of the drop in the price of crude oil. The exchange control that generated the parallel currency market, as well as everything controlled by the government, has only generated social unrest. Cause, effect and consequence.

The bachaqueros for example, are not a cause, the cause is the control of currency and control of the food distribution system, which generates a response effect to the bachaquero, and this brings as a consequence the price increase in food. Thus, and like that, the economic war of the government against the people, translates into multiple causes, effects and consequences.

Of course, the great loser of all these wars is the Venezuelan people, who also suffer the consequences of the just sanctions that apply to corrupt Chavistas. And that also suffers the consequences of the ineptitude, corruption and evil of the capos of the PSUV. Among others, the most perverse of the economic wars led by the Chavomadurist dictatorship: the irresponsible emission of inorganic money, combined with the absurd system of increasing wages, has produced the highest inflation that humanity has known since it was invented. money, and that is already killing from hunger, decline and diseases, thousands of Venezuelans.

How long can it stand is absurd situation? There must be some limit in time, because if they do not make the Chavez regime fall, the entire country will disappear.