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RE: The final intractable problem for the Flat Earthers...24-hour sun at the South Pole.

in #informationwar6 years ago

How do you know there's no observable difference or even better, why do you know that there should be an observable difference?

If "they" can hypnotize you, why do you think they would chose to make it about such a mundane thing if not the most mundane, as it doesn't make sense to lie about "there's an infinity of stars and planets out there" or tp hide that"we live in a bubble" with it?

BTW, what would the cause of coriolis effect be if we are stationary?

Posted using Partiko Android


I claim to know nothing! But I do have force expectations based on my own experience. Not logical proof, opinion.

If it’s mundane why do you personally spend energy on it?

Where’s the proof of Coriolis?
