Personality who has influenced me the most

There have been a vast number of lives that have touched mine.Many different people have shared a piece of their soul in my formation,However it is my mother who has the most important and influential person in my life.It took me a few years to realize what an extraordinary influence my mother has been on my life.She is the type of mother who always has time for her kids always interested in learning something new and is easily the strongest women in my eyes.Looking back my mother has the most positive and important influence on my life.Each of her failure her grief and the way she overcame difficulties to move on has made an indelible impression in my mind.She is the type of mother who always has time to listen to me whenever i need to express my feelings.The type of benevolent individual who loves to help anyone who is in need.I try to imitate her in a way of spending life but rather have been successful though.Moreover she has a graceful personality with resplendent features.I am conceited to have such mother who has adjusted herself in every rise and fall of life.She told me to be loyal to yourself and things would turn your way.I am greatly fond of her integrity,veracity and candor. She has been my support through all thick and thins in life and a push factor to make me whatever i am today. The gleam in her eyes after seeing me being successful is worth anything .She is my soul guardian and my caretaker she taught me how to talk how to walk and how to carry on with life.She is the only one who told me the difference between good and bad and the fact of facing bitter realities of life. Nevertheless my mother did not just have a gift to persuade people rather she made people respect her with deeds more than with words.