Because of this, Indonesia is Back to the Spotlight

in #indonesian7 years ago

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Now it is no longer a public secret if social media has become a part of many people's lives. not a few people who spend their time just by playing social media. The number of people who actively play social media obviously makes an event or information circulated so quickly and became the conversation of many people.

recently, circulated a video that made a social media users. In the video an animal in one of the zoos in Indonesia seemed to be smoking. clearly, the incident became the hot topic of conversation among social media users and also made the incident so quickly spread even to various other countries.

quoted on page (08/03/18), the incident made the animal protective activists from various countries around the world very regretted and condemned it. not only that, many international media also highlighted and reported on this incident like CTV News, CBS News, Fox News, ABC, Newsweek, BBC and The Boston Globe.

one of the zoos in Indonesia back into the international spotlight, the Indonesian government should pay more attention to the guarding and supervision of existing zoos in Indonesia. let alone this is not the first time the Indonesian zoo became the international world talk. .it is known, in the year 2016 ago for the zoo is also the international media spotlight because a bear honey dwellers look very thin and unkempt and seen often ask for food to visitors, as reported (08/03/18)