Dahlan Iskan Dan 13 Tahun Rakyat Aceh Bangkit (Bilingual)

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Desember 2004 silam, Tsunami telah memporak- poranda Provinsi Aceh. Musibah ini menewaskan 130 ribu jiwa, dan menjadi bencana terdahsyat sepanjang abad di Provinsi paling barat @indonesia. Hingga kini Bencana 13 tahun silam ini masih berbekas dan selalu dikenang masyarakat Aceh, bahkan dunia terhadap Bencana alam ini.

Kondisi jalur Calang- Melaboh 5 Hari Tsunami

Hari ini saya ingin menuliskan tentang 13 Tahun Rakyat Aceh dan berdirinya satu surat kabar lokal. Saya mulai tulisan ini pasca 3 hari musibah Tsunami.. Minggu pertama Tsunami, persisnya Rabu, 29 Desember 2004, pimpinan umum Jawapos Group Dahlan Iskan berkunjung ke Lhokseumawe, dan saat itu diirnya menginap di Hotel Lido Graha, merupakan salah satu Hotel di Kota Lhokseumawe.

Setelah semalam menginap di hotel tersebut, Kamis 30, siang kami langsung bergegas menuju Banda Aceh, ibukota Provinisi disini merupakan paling parah terkena dampak musibah Tsunmai. Dan kami tiba disana sekira pukul 20.30 WIB, dan kawasan yang pertama dikunjungi Dahlan Iskan bersama Rida Kaliamsi pimpinan Riau Pos Gruop, merupakan anak perusahaan Jawapos adalah Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh. Suasana saat itu, masih gelap gulita. Listrik padam, bau mayat korban tsunami di sekitar kawasan itu masih menyengat. Sejumlah tentara masih mencoba membersihkan dengan alat ala kadar.

Sesampai di Banda Aceh, kami baru mengetahui ternyata daerah yang dampak terlalu parah merupakan bagian Pantai Barat Selatan, dan Dahlan Iskan saat itu ngin melihat kawasan terparah terkena gempa dan tsunami. Namun jalur Banda Aceh – Calang- Melaboh Dan Aceh Selatan tak bisa dilalui. Kamipun mencoba bertanya sana sini-tim kembali ambil strategi lain.

Hal tersebut dikarnakan jalur satu- satunya untuk ke daerah tersebut menuju Jalur Takengon Aceh Tengah, dan kami harus kembali ke Bireuen, menuju Takengon malam itu juga. Pukul 23.00 WIB, tiba di Hotel Mahara samping Kodim 0103 Aceh Tengah, Dahlan Iskan nyelonong tiba-tiba berjalan kaki masuk markas TNI itu. Tim sempat kelabakan, dimana Pak Dahlan. Karena saat beriringan berjalan kawasan itu suasana gelap. Tengah piker sana-sini dimana pak Dahlan, tiba-tiba keluar suara “Kita Berangkat lewat Beutong,dini hari nanti” kata Dahlan sembari menyebutkan sudah saya tanya tadi sama prayurit jaga pos itu, kalaqu lewat Beutong bisa ke Meulaboh.

Baru terlelap sekitar 2 jam, tiba-tiba Pak Dahlan menggedor pintu kamar hotel. “Bangun, bangun. Kita jalan sekarang,” kata Dahlan Iskan sambil membuat minuman sendiri yang ada di sisi meja sebelah kiri lobby hotel. Suasana dingin dan kabut masih ,menyelimuti kota Takengon. Melibas jalan Angkop penuh batu dan lobang, Pajero yang ditumpangi Dahlan terasa anteng –anteng saja. Namun, mobil Toyota Kijang jenis Krista di belakang harus ngos-gosan mengejar.

Jalur Beutong Pada Saat Itu

Sambil menyetir, Dahlan Iskan sesekali nguyon atau buat lucu agar tim satu mobil yang belum puas tidur harus bergerak lagi. Pak Rida yang berada di sisi kiri ikut tertawa. Dalam mobil Pajero Nopol BM 17 RD. Memasuki kawasan Beutong, jalan mulai lebih hancur lagi. Puluhan kenderaan ingin membantu korban tsunami baik itu berisi BBM dan sandang pangan menuju Meulaboh atau Calang, terperangkap karena jalan terjal dan lumpur. Mobil Pajero yang dikemudikan Dahlan Iskan, tak bisa lewat. Karena pas ditengah jalan ada mobil L 300 bak terbuka penuh dengan drum berisi BBM terperangkap. Begitu pula kenderaan lainnya.

Keinginan tahu Dahlan Iskan kenapa macet, ia pun berjalan kaki sejauh 300 meter kawasan berbukit. Ternyata, persoalan itu tadi. Ada L 300 terperangkap ngak bisa naik bukit. Melihat ini, Dahlan Iskan meminta L300 itu harius di tarik dengan Pajero. Mobil lain jelas ngak bisa lewat karena takut terperosok ke jurang. Dengan cekatan Dahlan melewatui satu persatu mobil yang antri. Sesampai di depan L 300 yang macet, Dahlan Iskan minta supir truk yang punya tali atau sling buat tarik L 300 segera membawa kepadanya.

Tak lama, tali seukuran tangan anak dewasa diantar oleh salah seorang kenet. “Nah, tali itu bisa. Ikat saja biar di tarik sampai atas bukit yang rata dengan Pajero ini,” kata Dahlan lagi, 10 menit kemudian, L 300 terangkat dari jalan berlumpur dan terseok-seok saat di tarik Pajero Dahlan Iskan. Setibanya di kawasan datar. Baru lah di lepas dan seluruh kenderaan yang antri tadi dapat berjalan.

Setengah jam berjalan, ketemu alur yang diairi air sangat jernih. Disinilah Dahlan Iskan dan tim membersihkan kaki, tangan dan celana serta baju yang kotor kena lumpur. Sejam kemudian, terlihat hewan kerbau dengan tanduk cukup panjang. “Lihat itu, sehat kali kerbaunya,” kata Dahlan dengan semangat. Eh kenapa bisa begitu heboh ada kerbau ? Ternyata Pak Dahlan, mengingat masa kecilnya. “Itu Idris, , teringat bapak sewaktu kecil sebelum pergi mengaji. Orang tua bapak suruh mandikan kerbau dahulu,” ujar Dahlan bernostalgia. Kabut masih terus menyelimuti perjalanan tim hingga memasuki Jeuram, Nagan Raya. Sekitar pukul 15.05 WIB tiba kawasan ini. Makan, pagi plus siang pun di rapel pada sebuah warung yang berada.[]

Dahlan Iskan and 13 Years of Rising Aceh People

December 2004 ago, Tsunami has devastated Aceh Province. This calamity killed 130 thousand people, and became the most devastating disaster throughout the century in the westernmost province of Indonesia. But the disaster 13 years ago is still a trace and always remembered the people of Aceh, even the world against this natural disaster.

Today I want to write about 13 Years of the People of Aceh and the establishment of a local newspaper. I started this post after 3 days of Tsunami disaster ..

The first week of the Tsunami, precisely Wednesday, December 29, 2004, Jawapos Group general chairman Dahlan Iskan visited Lhokseumawe, and at that time he was staying at Lido Graha Hotel, one of the hotels in Lhokseumawe City.

After staying overnight at the hotel, Thursday 30, afternoon we immediately rushed to Banda Aceh, the capital of Provinisi here is the worst affected by Tsunmai disaster. And we arrived there at approximately 20:30 pm, and the first area visited Dahlan Iskan with Rida Kaliamsi Riau Pos Gruop leadership, is a subsidiary of Jawapos is Baiturrahman Great Mosque, Banda Aceh.

The atmosphere was still dark. Power outages, the smell of bodies of tsunami victims around the area is still stinging. A number of soldiers are still trying to clean with a tool of assay.

Arriving in Banda Aceh, we found out that the area that impacts too badly is part of the South West Coast, and Dahlan Iskan when it wished to see the worst affected by the earthquake and tsunami. However, the Banda Aceh - Calang - Melaboh and Aceh Selatan line is inaccessible. We try to ask questions here and there-the team takes another strategy again.

It was marked the only route to go to the Takengon area of Central Aceh, and we had to return to Bireuen, to Takengon that same night. At 23.00 pm, arrived at Mahara Hotel beside Kodim 0103 Central Aceh, Dahlan Iskan nyelonong suddenly walked into the TNI headquarters.

The team got upset, where Mr. Dahlan. Because when the troop walk the area was dark atmosphere. Central to think here and there where Mr. Dahlan, suddenly out vote

"We Departed through Beutong, in the morning," Dahlan said as I mentioned that I had asked the prayer to keep the post, kalaqu through Beutong able to Meulaboh.

Just asleep about 2 hours, Mr. Dahlan suddenly banged on the hotel room door. "Wake up, wake up. We walk now, "said Dahlan Iskan while making his own drink that is on the side of the table to the left of the hotel lobby.

The atmosphere is cold and fog still, enveloping the city of Takengon. Melibas road Angkop full of stones and apertures, Pajero Dahlan boarded it feels just a tad. However, Toyota Kijang type Krista in the rear should be chasing after chase.

While driving, Dahlan Iskan occasionally nguyon or make funny for the team of one car that has not been satisfied to sleep should move again. Mr. Rida who was on the left side joined in laughing. In a Pajero Nopol BM 17 RD car.

Entering Beutong area, the road began to be more destroyed again. Dozens of vehicles wanting to help victims of the tsunami either contain fuel and food clothing to Meulaboh or Calang, trapped by steep roads and mud.

Pajero car driven by Dahlan Iskan, can not pass. Because pas in the middle of the road there is a car L 300 open tub filled with drums filled with trapped fuel. Similarly, other vehicles.

Dahlan Iskan wants to know why jammed, he also walked as far as 300 meters hilly area. Apparently, the problem was. There are L 300 trapped ngak can go up hill.

Seeing this, Dahlan Iskan asks the L300 to be pulled in with Pajero. Other cars clearly can not pass for fear of falling into the abyss. Dahlan skillfully passes one by one the cars are queuing up. Arriving in front of the L 300 is jammed, Dahlan Iskan ask truck drivers who have a rope or a sling pull L 300 immediately brought to him.

Shortly, the rope of an adult's child's hand was delivered by one of the knobs. "Well, it can. Just tie in the pull up the flat hill with this Pajero, "said Dahlan again,

10 minutes later, the L 300 lifted off a muddy road and stumbled on Pajero Dahlan Iskan. Arrived on a flat area. New is in freelance and all vehicles that queue was able to walk.

Half an hour walk, meet the flow of water is very clear water. This is where Dahlan Iskan and team clean up the feet, hands and pants and dirty clothes with mud. An hour later, the buffalo looks with horns long enough.

"Look at that, healthy kerbunya times," said Dahlan with enthusiasm.

Eh why is it so buzzing there is a buffalo? It turns out Pak Dahlan, remembering his childhood. "That's Idris, remembering father as a child before going to the kaji. Parents of the father ordered bathing buffalo first, "said Dahlan nostalgic.

Eh why is it so buzzing there is a buffalo? It turns out Pak Dahlan, remembering his childhood. "That's Idris, remembering father as a child before going to the kaji. Parents of the father ordered bathing buffalo first, "said Dahlan nostalgic.

The fog still continues to blanket the team's journey into Jeuram, Nagan Raya. Around 15:05 pm arrived this area. Eat, morning plus noon was in a rally at a stall located.