Sebaiknya Jangan Gunakan Facebook Messenger

in #indonesia7 years ago

Facebook Messenger dapat Memindai Percakapan


Facebook mengakui mereka telah memindai hampir semua kotak masuk di Messenger para pengguna. Inilah alasan mengapa sebaiknya tak gunakan Facebook Messenger untuk berkomunikasi;

Laman Business Insider menyebut para pelanggan Facebook Messenger sebagai tawanan. Data pelanggan tak lagi menjadi pribadi. Miliaran data dari seluruh dunia Facebook kumpulkan dan dibagi ke konsultan politik Cambridge Analityca dan baru berhenti pada Maret 2018, setelah ramai dibicarakan media.

Facebook beralasan, para pengguna telah memberikan izin untuk mengakses data tersebut. "Ada baiknya kalau menghapus aplikasi Messenger dari smartphone dan pindah ke aplikasi lain yang lebih aman," tulis Busines Insider, Senin, 9 April 2018.

Facebook Messenger tak memiliki akses kuat. Tak seperti WhatsApp maupun BlackBerry Messenger, aplikasi Facebook Messenger mengirimkan pesan tanpa enskripsi. Menurut laman Business Insider, Facebook Messenger malah memindai seluruh percakapan kita.

MENKOMINFO Tak segan menutup Facebook


Menurut informasi yang saya baca disini terkait kasus kebocoran data Cambridge analytica, Kementerian Kominfo telah berkoordinasi dengan Kepolisian RI (Polri). Rudiantara selaku Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika telah meminta pihak Facebook melakukan wajib lapor terkait perkembangan kasus tersebut.

Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat Divisi Humas Polri Brigjen Muhammad Iqbal mengatakan Polri pada prinsipnya akan mendukung Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dalam melindungi hak privasi masyarakat Indonesia. lqbal bahkan menyebutkan, Badan Reserse Kriminal Polri sudah mulai menindaklanjuti permintaan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika tersebut. Dalam waktu dekat dia menambahkan Polri akan melakukan kordinasi dengan sejumlah lembaga.


Staf ahli bidang hukum Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Henri Subiakto mengatakan Facebook bisa dipidana dengan Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Jeratan undang-undang ini bisa dilakukan jika Facebook terbukti dengan sengaja memberikan data pengguna Facebook kepada pihak ketiga.

Menurut Henri dalam Pasal 30 UU ITE sudah diatur tentang akses ilegal dengan ancaman pidana hingga 8 tahun. Pasal tersebut menyatakan seseorang yang sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan hukum mengakses komputer dan atau sistem elektronik dengan cara apa pun dengan melanggar, menerobos, melampaui, atau menjebol sistem keamanan, diancam pindana hingga 8 tahun.

"Nanti kami lihat dulu progress-nya. Tapi saya tak segan kalau terpaksa menutup Facebook," ujar Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, Rudiantara, di Gedung Cyber Tower 2, Jakarta Selatan, pada Seninmalam, 9 April 2018.

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Facebook Messenger can Scan Conversations


Facebook admits they have scanned almost every inbox in Messenger users. This is the reason why you should not use Facebook Messenger to communicate;

The Business Insider page mentions Messenger's Facebook customers as a prisoner. Customer data is no longer private. Billions of data from around the world Facebook collected and divided into political consultants Cambridge Analityca and only stopped in March 2018, after a lot of media talked about.

Facebook reasoned, the users have given permission to access the data. "It's a good idea to remove the Messenger app from your smartphone and move to a more secure app," Busines Insider wrote, Monday, April 9, 2018.

Facebook Messenger does not have strong access. Unlike WhatsApp or BlackBerry Messenger, the Facebook Messenger app sends messages without encryption. According to the Business Insider page, Facebook Messenger scans our entire conversation.

The Minister of Communication and Information Technology does not hesitate to close Facebook


"According to the information I read here related to leakage cases of Cambridge analytica data, Ministry of Communications and Informatics has coordinated with the Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri). Rudiantara as the Minister of Communications and Informatics has requested the Facebook to do mandatory report related to the development of the case.*

Head of Public Information Bureau of Public Relations Division of Police Brigadier General Muhammad Iqbal said Polri would in principle support the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in protecting the privacy rights of Indonesian society. lqbal even mentioned, Criminal Investigation Police has started to follow up the request of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics. In the near future he added the Police will coordinate with a number of institutions.


Legal expert staff of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Henri Subiakto said Facebook could be charged with the Information and Electronic Transaction Act. The strike of this law can be done if Facebook is proven to deliberately provide Facebook user data to third parties.

According to Henri in Article 30 of the Law on ITE has been set about illegal access with criminal threat up to 8 years. The Article states a person who knowingly and without right or unlawfully accesses computers and or electronic systems in any way by violating, breaching, surpassing, or breaking security systems, threatened by pindana for up to 8 years.

"We will see the progress, but I do not hesitate if I have to close up," said Minister of Communications and Informatics, Rudiantara, at Cyber ​​Tower 2 Building, South Jakarta, on Monday 9 April 2018.

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