Earn Money Millions of Rupiah Free In Coinpayments

in #indonesia6 years ago

Gratis 100 cps coin senilai 170.000 Rupiah
Hay ,. back again with Bang Jaka on blog Caranettizen this time I will share a bit of information that is very important that you are all curious.
Money .. Money .. ??????   who of you do not need Money ?
yep .. we all definitely need money, moreover we can get it without the need to drain the sweat even without a capital alias free !
This money will you get in the form of crypto coin, what is crypto ?
that's the currency currencycryptocurrency or the language we often hear digital or virtual currency that we can exchange to real money such as dollars, dollars, and more.
You will get 100 coins (CPS) which is equivalent to 170,000 rupiah when you list in Marketplace coinpaymens and you will also get 25 Coins (CPS) if any friends or people register in coinpayments through your reff link.
So the conclusion tau dong what should you do ?
really! & nbsp; you just need to list and distribute your reff links on social network so that many people sign up through your reff link, so you get a lot of coin (CPS) that you can exchange to rupiah.
But it seems boring if we have to spread the link reff and that if there is a list, if not there ?  Both-And..
Well from there Bang Jaka think, Can it cheat ?
It turns out after the trick I tried to finally succeed, and I can collect hundreds of thousands of dollars in a very short time! see how as follows.

How To Cheat Coinpaymens (CPS)

The first step you should create the original account according to your data,
please register here
Please register by selecting menu sign up
daftar coinpaymens
Next fill in your data like username and email then click register
nuyul coinpayments
Further confirmation of the account through a link that has been sent via email that you register.
If your account is already made, automatically you get 100 CPS coins for free which will enter some time after your account is active.
then the next step you open a different browser to create a cloned account in bulk.
for example, I use chrome browser to create my original account at coinpayments then I use the operamini browser to create a bulk cloned account. & nbsp; with a note never to open the original account and clones simultaneously even though using a different browser.
For each cloned account listed using the reff link you are given a prize of 25 CPS coin or equivalent to 40,000 rupiah.
and here's how to create a coinpayments clone account in bulk.
The first you enter Tempmail to gain access to thousands of emails for free using the browser you will use to create a cloned account
Once you go to the start page the email address listed is your email address that is ready to use now, see the picture below for more details.
tempmail gratis nuyul
Then you go to web coinpayments via your reff link that you have previously prepared.
I suggest refresh your IP first before starting to create cloning account, by way of discounting internet or data network and reconnect
If you have entered the start page of web coinpayments please register by using email account tempmail
follow step by step so cluster account successfully verified and active.
If the account is active and 100 CPS bonus already entered in your cloning account, meaning 25 CPS bonus has landed on your original account.
Next close the coinpayments account tab and refresh your IP in the above manner
then as usual go to coinpayments using your reff link and update email in tempmail to re-register cloning account by click ubah, see picture below.
tempmail untuk nuyul
Click save and grab the email address to create the account, repeat it as much as possible until the balance in your original coinpayments account is enough.
Aja from Bang Jaka hopefully article
Earn Money Millions of Rupiah Free In Coinpayments" useful for you all if any questions please leave in the comments form, I will reply as soon as possible Thanks ..