Benefits of aloe vera juice for the health of the human body

in #indonesia7 years ago

Aloe vera or aloe vera is one of the ingredients commonly used for beauty treatments. health benefits as a supplement to the body.
Aloe vera gel consists of 96% water and contains vitamins A, B, C and E. Most people consume aloe vera gel to treat diabetes, hepatitis, lose weight, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, fever, itching and so forth. In addition, aloe vera gel can also be used in a way applied to the skin and hair.
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This gel is also used to make juice that is commonly used in medicine. But, most consume aloe vera juice
1.Tukar ke IndonesiaCauses skin allergies
The use of long-standing aloe gel can cause skin allergies such as inflammation, itching and redness of the eyelid. Other effects on the skin include drying, lighting, the development of purple and cracked spots. In addition, applying gel and out in the sun can cause skin rashes and irritation or redness and burning.

  1. Lowering blood sugar
    Aloe vera is known to lower blood sugar levels. However, diabetics or diabetics should be careful when consuming aloe vera. If you want surgery, it's good not to consume aloe vera at least 2 weeks before surgery because aloe vera can affect blood sugar levels and intervenes blood sugar control during and after surgery.
  2. Complications in pregnancy and breastfeeding
    Both gel and aloe vera latex may not be safe for pregnant and lactating women to eat. The reason, aloe vera can stimulate uterine contractions and cause complications such as miscarriage and increase the risk of infants experiencing birth defects. Meanwhile, the baby can be affected if the mother who was breastfeeding consuming aloe vera juice.
  3. Liver poisoning
    High doses of aloe vera can cause inflammation of the liver. The presence of many bioactive compounds such as C-glycoside, anthraquinone, anthrone, lectin, polymannan and mannan teritritated in aloe can interfere with the liver detoxification process and this can cause liver damage.
  4. Kidney failure
    Aloe vera can interact with certain drugs-Digoxin, antidiabetic drugs, Sevoflurane, urinary disorders-and can cause long-term kidney disease. Latex aloe vera is also associated with kidney failure. So, people suffering from kidney problems should avoid the consumption of aloe vera.
  5. Electrolyte imbalance
    Eating aloe vera juice in large quantities can cause loose movement, diarrhea and stomach cramps that cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
  6. Discomfort in the abdomen
    One of the side effects of drinking aloe vera juice is the discomfort in the stomach. Latex charge can cause abdominal cramps, bloating and abdominal pain. Avoid drinking aloe juice, especially if you're having stomach problems.
  7. Bowel conditions such as Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis
    If experiencing intestinal conditions like this, avoid consuming tongue juice costs because aloe vera latex causes intestinal irritation.
  8. Ambeien
    If suffering from hemorrhoid, do not drink aloe vera juice. This juice can worsen the condition.