Do Not Stop Practising !

Sometimes we are felt that we good enough when would do something, but when we do it the result is not good enough as we expected. Disappointing, of course! We would predict in the beginning that what the result is good in the future, but it is not. So should we stop it? No, we should keep going on, as long as we have good intentions do not stop. Keep practicing until you think that is enough.(hpx)
Bahasa Indonesia
Terkadang kita merasa bahwa kita cukup baik ketika akan melakukan sesuatu, tetapi ketika kita melakukannya ternyata hasilnya tidak cukup baik seperti yang kita harapkan. Mengecewakan, tentu saja! kita memprediksi pada awalnya bahwa hasilnya akan bagus, tetapi ternyata tidak. Jadi haruskah kita menghentikannya? Tidak, kita harus terus berjalan, selama kita punya niat baik , jangan berhenti. Terus berlatih sampai kita berpikir itu sudah cukup.(hpx)

Betul banget om tetap berjuang dan tetap menunggu..
ah... bobok dulu ah :)
Boboknya sing lempeng ya om, awas jangan salah bantal... Lol😁
not when you can't stop there
yes... indeed :)
@happyphoenix ya ya ya ya
Kata2 sangat menyentuh...
Terus berusaha jngan pantang menyerah
terima kasih :)
Terima bang @happyphoenix atas kata kata nya yang sangat terrinspirasi. Good job brother :)
terima kasih kawan :)
love this post........when did you draw this elegant drawing
thank you :)
no thank you for sharing such elegant content
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
thank you :)
a very good post, thanks for you
thank you :)
yoii bg kan kita org indonesia pntang pulang sebelum dapa hasil
siiap :)
Lukisan yang mantap kawan@happyphoenix
terima kasih :)
Never get tired of trying.
Never stop moving forward. :)
yes.... that's right :)