Gigie says hello to all Steemians [BILINGUAL]
Hello Steemians around the world.
Glad to welcome you all here.
Halo Steemians di seluruh dunia.
Senang bisa menyapa kalian semua disini.

Source : @gigiemedia
Let me introduce myself through this shared post. Well, my full name is Euis Ratnaningrum. My family call me Teteh and my friends call me Gigie. You either. You can call me Gigie. I was born from Sundanese family in Sukabumi, a beautiful small town in West Java, Indonesia. I enjoy writing, reading, singing and musics. That's why I took a part as Soprano Voice for a group of Choir. And I love local wisdom all the way.
Ijinkan Saya memperkenalkan diri melalui tulisan ini. Nama lengkap Saya Euis Ratnaningrum. Panggilan keluarga 'Teteh' dan panggilan teman-teman 'Gigie'. Kalian juga. Kalian bisa panggil Saya 'Gigie'. Saya terlahir dari keluarga bersuku Sunda di Sukabumi, sebuah kota kecil yang indah di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Saya suka menulis, membaca, bernyanyi dan menikmati musik. Makanya Saya bergabung sebagai pengisi suara Sopran pada sebuah grup paduan suara. Dan Saya mencintai segala hal berkaitan dengan kearifan lokal.
I was graduated my bachelor degree of faculty of administration and humanities sciences from one of university in Sukabumi. I took apprenticeship as the announcer for local radio and as the teacher for one of Senior High School in Sukabumi.
I am formerly work for Event Organizer (EO) company, for Information and Technology company and for Construction Management Consultant.
Saya merupakan lulusan Sarjana dari Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi dan Humaniora di salah satu universitas di Sukabumi. Praktek Kerja Lapangan Saya sebagai seorang penyiar di radio lokal dan sebagai tenaga pengajar Bahasa Inggris di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas di Sukabumi. Dulu Saya bekerja pada perusahaan pengelola acara, perusahaan teknologi dan informasi dan konsultan manajemen konstruksi.
Those kind of experiences fortunately lead me to some communities. One of those communities is Blogger Community. Luckily I met Mom @alaikaabdullah for the first time as my random room mate in an ASEAN Blogger Festival 2013 located in Surakarta, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. Again, I feel so lucky to meet you all here as Steemians because of her. She approved me to join Steemit Online Class whose Mom @mariska.lubis as the Guest Star and Speaker as well. It was such an interesting and cool online class. Steemit Online Class hosted by Mom @alaikaabdullah took me here, welcome you by this cool kind of platform.
Pengalaman-pengalaman ini membawa Saya kepada beberapa komunitas. Salah satunya adalah komunitas blogger. Beruntungnya Saya bertemu dengan Mom @alaikaabdullah untuk kali pertama sebagai teman satu kamar Saya pada acara ASEAN Blogger Festival 2013 yang berlangsung di Surakarta, Solo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Lagi-lagi, Saya beruntung bertemu dengan kalian semua disini karena beliau. Beliau yang mengijinkan Saya bergabung dalam Kelas Online Steemit dimana Mom @mariska.lubis sebagai bintang tamu dan nara sumbernya. Kelas online yang menarik dan keren. Kelas Online Steemit yang dibawakan oleh Mom @alaikaabdullah lah yang membawa Saya kesini, menyambut kalian melalui platform yang keren ini.
My another blog, is being under construction. No nitche, I just keep writing free. There are poetries, short stories, poetries analysis, event press release and review, traveling and any kind of free writing of mind. Hope I will fix it back soon.
Blog lain Saya, sedang dalam perbaikan. Tanpa nitche, hanya tulisan bebas. Terdapat puisi, cerita pendek, analisis puisi, rilis acara, perjalanan dan tulisan bebas. Semoga segera pulih.
Now I am happily having a role as a wife and of course stay as the Event Organizer for any kind of events; talent agency, brand activation, branding, permit, tour and travel, MICE, concert, wedding, etc., Master of Ceremony for multi-event. I am running as the entrepreneur for the company of mine. Beside that, I involve myself to the social activities for people around. One of my social project activity is Bumi Teteh, the learning house center for junior age from 7 to 10 years old. They will either learn together or even just enjoy reading the books. Bumi Teteh welcomes you well for book donation, especially for children. And for sure, I keep doing and learning how to write and share positive vibes and energies.
Sekarang Saya berperan sebagai seorang istri dan tetap menjadi EO dan MC untuk berbagai acara. Saya menjalankan usaha sendiri. Selain itu, Saya juga melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan sosial untuk orang-orang sekitar. Salah satunya adalah Bumi Teteh, rumah belajar untuk anak usia 7 sampai 10 tahun. Mereka belajar bersama atau juga hanya membaca. Bumi Teteh sangat menyambut baik untuk donasi buku, terutama untuk anak-anak. Dan tentu saja, Saya terus belajar menulis dan berbagi hal-hal yang positif.
Reading and writing are like the perfect couple of hobby. By reading, we will know others. By writing, others will know us. (Translated from Dzikri Robbi). So, writing eventually is one of sustainable legacy for me. After we share it, others will read it. Moreover, we share it in a secure online space, Steemit. Once we post it, this platform keeps yours alifetime.
Membaca dan menulis layaknya pasangan hobi yang sempurna. Dengan membaca, kita mengenal orang lain. Dengan menulis, orang lain mengenal kita. (Dzikri Robbi). Pada akhirnya, menulis merupakan warisan yang berkelanjutan menurut Saya. Setelah kita membagikannya, orang akan membacanya. Terlebih, kita membagikannya dalam sebuah ruang maya yang aman, Steemit. Sekali kita membagikannya, Steemit menayangkan tulisan kita selamanya.
Finally, I would like to thank to Steemit team for the approval email notification meant to me. And to you all Steemians, thanks for reading. Hope we can meet and share live someday.
Terima kasih Tim Steemit untuk notifikasi email persetujuannya. Dan untuk semua teman-teman Steemians, terima kasih sudah membaca. Semoga suatu hari dapat bertemu dan berbagi ya.
Jabar Erat, Salam Literasi,
Source : @gigiemedia
Sukabumi, 1 July 2018
Hello gigiemedia! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:
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Thank you so much
Welcome to Steem, @gigiemedia!
Thank you @thanhtam
I like calling you Teteh also, welcome to steemit! I’m @ichie1 and I’ll love to see your progress and success here.
Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let's not be afraid to receive each day's surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.
Henri Nouwen
Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.
Joseph Parry
This page may help answer some of your questions as young member to steemit;
Hi @ichie1
With my pleasure.. you can call me Teteh.
Thank a lot for sharing. :)
Welcome teh
Thank you
Hello Gigie and welcome to Steemit! That was a very well thought self introduction. Though, I have to admit that I am not much into long reading specially with the translations in between that makes the article look much longer. Regardless of my preference, you did a good job because I still read through :)
I am also new to this platform so cheers to us for our learning and sharing on Steemit!
Hello @macoolette
Thank you so much
Cheers! :)
Welcome on board @gigienedia.
We will your another post here
keep Steem on!
Thank you 👌
Welcome teh gigi, glad to know you
Hatur nuhun @rahmayn
Glad to know you too
Selamat bergabung disteemit, dan salam kenal mbak @gigiemedia
Terima kasih ya @agussusiyanti17
Salam kenal kembali..
Hai teman,
Salam kenal dan selamat bergabung.
Semoga betah yak di Steemit😊

Hai juga
Terima kasih
Salam kenal kembali yaa
Hai kk, salam kenal dari pekanbaru 🤝🤗
Hai juga @diyanti86
Salam kenal kembali ya