inventor of the first computer in the world

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

inventor of the first computer in the world.

The first computer inventor? Perhaps many are wondering, who the hell is it? Computers when viewed from its development is very fast. Basically, the computer is divided into five generations.

Each generation is found in different years, as well as different people. But clearly, the embryo of computers discovered by Charles Babbage. A mathematician was able to find a calculating machine called a computer in 1822.

At that time, Charles Babbage managed to find electronic devices that can help humans in performing complex mathematical calculations. Unfinished, this tool is also dimuseumkan in London Museum of Science.

From here the embryo of the creation of computer devices that now play an important role in supporting human activities daily.

Year 1937 created a calculating machine using the world's first electronic digital computer technology. It is Dr. John V Atanasoff and Clifford Berry who collaborated at the time. This arithmetic machine is also called ABC which has an extension Atanasoff-Berry Computer. Operations that can be done in their computer creation are just sum and subtraction.

Continuing into 1943, a British scientist named Alan Turing succeeded in creating electronic devices with digital technology. The tool was made to try to break through the German defense code in World War II. Then in 1945, it was his turn. John von Neumann wrote a concept of storage that at that time was only an idea.

One year later, Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, jr. trying to create the world's first large-scale computer. This experiment and creation was also known as ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). Well, at this time they are both considered by the international community as the inventor of the first computer in the world.

ENIAC has a weight of about 30 tons consisting of 18 thousand lamp tubes in the form of large transistors. ENIAC is operated on this large scale also has an area measuring 30 feet × 50 feet. For power sources, this computer uses 160,000 watts of power. The first time turned on, precisely at the time of this computer experiment was suddenly dead.

ENIAC is not an electronic calculator that can only operate on addition and subtraction. Mauchly and Presper try to develop the technology used so as to run simple programs. Officially later the world considers the discovery of these two scientists as the world's first computer.

Then in 1947 there was little progress made by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain. The development is realized in a tool called a transistor. Well, the transistor has been found to have a very small size.

considering the history of the world's first computer creator
