These 5 Unique Villages Can Only Be Found in Indonesia
Talking about Indonesia's wealth and natural beauty is endless. It seems every end in Indonesia has its own story and beauty. The sea and the Indonesian mainland have formed a beauty that other countries often
One of the beauty and uniqueness of Indonesia when compared with other countries is that Indonesia has unique villages that are very cultural and very tempting to visit. Call it the village of Wae Rebo in Flores and Baduy Village in Banten.
Both villages are two of the many unique villages in Indonesia. The unique villages in Indonesia still retain cultural values and reject the technology that has changed everything.
Well what are the unique villages that exist only in Indonesia? Here are the 5 villages, as reported from the veiled.
1). Wae Rebo Village
Wae Rebo Village.
The first unique village owned by Indonesia and globally known is Wae Rebo Village in the Satarmase sub-district, Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.
In this village there are at least 7 main houses that are conical with the same height and diameter. Unique houses in this village can be occupied by 6 to 8 families.
For views in this village there is no doubt that mountain ranges and the natural greenery we can enjoy every day. What else is the location and existence of a cone-shaped house that is arranged in a circle makes this village perfect Wae Rebo.
2). Penglipuran Village
Penglipuran Village.
Bali is a very famous place in the international arena, many world travelers who recognize the beauty of this island owned by Bali.
Well besides the beach which is the mainstay of the island of the gods. Apparently Bali also has a unique village named Penglipuran Village located in Bangli. It is said that this village is touted as the cleanest village on the Island of the Gods.
This tourist village is indeed not so big, the village area is only 112 hectares with 9 hectares used for settlement. The air and the condition of the village are still beautiful and very thick with Balinese culture. Balinese architecture houses are lined up on the left and right of the road. Trees, grasses and flowers of various colors seemed to thrive. As far as the eye can see what is visible is only beauty!
Fun again, this village is free from motor vehicles. You can be satisfied photographing while knowing more closely the culture of local residents without having to be afraid of smoke pollution. The entrance fee to the village is also affordable, which is Rp 7,500 per person.
3). Baduy Village
Baduy Village.
Turning a little to the island of Java precisely in Banten Province, in fact there is a unique village that is very thick of traditional culture. The village is named Baduy Village.
Baduy village inhabited by Baduy tribe. Baduy village is divided into two namely Baduy Luar and Baduy Dalam. For those of you who want to come to this village can directly visit the Village Ciboleger which became the entrance to the Baduy Tribe settlement.
4). Trunyan Village
Trunyan Village.
Trunyan Village is a village located in Bangli Regency, Bali. If the villages above have a value of beauty that is second to none. Trunyam Village is the opposite of this village is said to be a unique village because of the unusual culture and customs are still awake in this village.
The green landscape of the village is complete with the abundance of human skulls scattered everywhere. Certainly, but this is what makes Bungli village unique.
This village has a grave on the east side of Lake Batur. Here, the corpse is not buried. The corpse was left alone on the ground to rot. It is different from other Balinese who make the majority of Ngaben ceremonies when there are people who died.
5). Kete Kesu Village

Kete Kesu Village.
Almost the same as Trunyan Village in Bali Kete Kesu Village located in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi has unusual uniqueness.
People in this tourist village have the belief that burying human corpse on a rock cliff is a good thing. So do not be surprised if you watch the skulls scattered on various sides of the cliffs in Kete Kesu.
In Kete Kesu Village, there are two ways of burial. There are bodies placed on rocks and natural caves, or house tombs called patane in Toraja.
While on vacation to this village, you can see the coffins of Toraja people called erong. The shape is symbolized by the genitals and animal heads. Most of this erong age has reached 500 years.
Regards @arifmunandar070
Nice publication. Congratulations.
Buena energía.
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