pramuka bukanlah segala-galanya tapi segalanya ada di pramuka (bilingual)
What is a scout? Scout is an abbreviation of Praja Muda Karana and is an organization or movement scouting. Scouting is an organization that is a forum of educational process of scouting conducted in Indonesia. In the international world, the Boy Scouts are called "Scouting" (Boy Scout)
pertama kali mengenal nama pramuka ketika saya kelas empat Sekolah Dasar, waktu itu pramuka salah satu jenis organisasi yang ditawarkan pihak sekolah supaya para siswa aktif dalam kegiatan ekstrakulikuler. Pertama kali mengikuti pramuka saya dimasukan ke kelompok Siaga, dan berlanjut ke Penggalang, penegak, dan sampai saat ini saya melanjutkan pramuka pendega di perguruan tinggi racana institut agama islam negeri lhokseumawe.
first got to know the name of the Boy Scouts when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, at that time scouting one of the types of organizations offered by the school so that the students were active in extracurricular activities. The first time I followed my Boy Scout was inserted into the Alert group, and continued to Penggalang, the enforcers, and to this day I continue the scout of the college professors of Islamic religion institute lhokseumawe.
Namun tahukah teman-teman bahwa pramuka memiliki arti kiasan yang sangat tinggi yang menjunjung nilai-nilai perjuangan besar bangsa Indonesia.
Maka tidak heran apabila dikelas-kelas awal, pramuka diwajibkan untuk diikuti oleh peserta didik. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan kegiatan pramuka layaknya OSIS merambah semua aspek, keagamaan, sosial dan budaya, alam, kepemimpinan, seni, dan lain sebagainya.
But do know friends that the scouts have a very high metaphorical meaning that uphold the values of the great struggle of the Indonesian nation.
So do not be surprised if the early classes, scouts are required to be followed by learners. This happens because the scout activities like OSIS penetrated all aspects, religious, social and cultural, nature, leadership, art, and so forth.
Dan di pramuka juga ada kegiatan menarik bagi anak atau pemuda, Kegiatan menarik disini dimaksudkan kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan mengandung pendidikan. Karena itu permainan harus mempunyai tujuan dan aturan permainan, jadi bukan sekadar main-main, yang hanya bersifat hiburan saja, tanpa aturan dan tujuan, dan tidak bernilai pendidikan. Karena itu lebih tepat kita sebut saja kegiatan menarik. oleh karena itu saya sangat tertarik dengan pramuka, di pramuka bukan hanya mendapatkan kesenangan, namun di pramuka kita bisa menjadi seseorang yang berkarakter, kreatif, dan inovatif.
And in scouts there are also interesting activities for children or youth, Interesting activities here are meant fun and educational activities. Therefore, the game must have a goal and the rules of the game, so it is not just a play, which is only entertainment, without rules and purposes, and not worth the education. Because it is more appropriate we call it interesting activities. therefore I am very interested in scouts, in scouts not only get fun, but in scout we can be someone who is character, creative, and innovative.

sekian terima kasih atas perhatian teman-teman semuanya..
so thank you for the attention of my friends all ..