Iblis dan Wanita (Devil and Woman)

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

Apa teman teman sekalian, bagaimana puasanya lancar???
Kali ini saya akan menceritakan sedikit dari banyak nya cerita, yaitu cerita tentang hebat nya seorang wanita karena wanita di zaman ini bisa menghacurkan seluruh lelaki di dunia, berikut ceritanya:

Di depan toko baju, seorang wanita berkata pada Iblis, "kau bisa menggoda pemuda pemilik toko baju itu sampai dia menceraikan istrinya?". "Jelas bisa!", sahut Iblis tegas.

In front of the clothing store, a woman said to Satan, "can you tempt the young owner of the clothing store until he divorces his wife?". "Obviously can!", Satan replied firmly.

Iblis pun membisiki pemuda pemilik toko baju dengan segala macam tipu muslihat dan godaan lewat pikiran dan perasaannya. Namun semua itu tidak mempan. Hingga akhirnya Iblis menyerah.

The Devil also whispered the young owner of a clothing store with all sorts of tricks and temptations through his thoughts and feelings. But it did not work. Until finally Satan surrendered.

Iblis kembali pada wanita itu, "sepertinya pemuda itu orang yang sangat bertakwa, meskipun dia pedagang, dia rajin beribadah, jujur dan pasti dia tidak pernah makan makanan haram", Iblis beralasan.

The Devil returns to the woman, "it seems that the young man is a very pious person, though he is a merchant, he is diligent in praying, honestly and surely he has never eaten illicit food", Satan reasoned.

Si wanita mencibir pada Iblis. "Sekarang lihat!", kata wanita sambil beranjak ke toko. Dia masuk ke toko dan memilih gaun wanita paling mahal dan paling mewah. "Adik laki-laki saya punya pacar dan hari ini ulang tahun pacarnya itu. Tolong kalau bisa dibungkus yang rapi sekalian", pinta si wanita kepada pemuda pemilik toko.

The lady pouts at Satan. "Now look!", Said the woman as she went to the store. She walks into the store and chooses the most expensive and most luxurious lady's dress. "My younger brother has a boyfriend and today's his girlfriend's birthday, please if it can be wrapped neatly," pleaded the woman to the shopkeeper.

Setelah membayar uang gaun itu, wanita pergi ke rumah istri pemuda pemilik toko. Ia pura-pura memohon tumpangan untuk shalat. Selepas shalat, ia sengaja meninggalkan bungkusan kado yang ia beli tadi di rumah itu.

After paying the dress money, the woman went to the house of the shopkeeper's young wife. He pretended to pray for a prayer ride. After the prayer, he deliberately left the gift wrap he bought earlier in the house.

Pemilik toko pulang. Setelah bersalam mesra dengan istri tercinta, ganti baju, mencuci muka dan berwudhu, ia masuk ke dalam kamar sembahyang. Betapa terkejutnya lelaki shaleh itu melihat kado berisi gaun yang dibungkus dia sendiri tadi. Dia pun marah-marah. Terjadi pertengkaran hebat di rumahnya hingga akhirnya talak pun jatuh dan pasangan itu bercerai.

Shopkeeper home. After greeting intimately with his beloved wife, changing clothes, washing her face and performing ablution, she entered the prayer room. How astonished he was to see the gift of the dress he had wrapped himself. He was angry. There was a big quarrel at his house until finally the talak fell and the couple divorced.

"Bagaimana?", kata wanita penggoda pada Iblis. Iblis hanya melongo tanpa bisa berkata apa-apa. Kepalanya bergeleng-geleng takjub.

How? ", Said the devil woman to the Devil, and the Devil just gawked and said nothing, his head shaking with amazement.

Dengan senyum bangga, wanita berkata pada Iblis, "sekarang, kau bisa membuat pemuda itu kembali pada istrinya?". "Hah??? Bagaimana???", sahut Iblis kaget. "Sekarang lihat", jawab wanita itu sambil melenggang menuju toko.

With a proud smile, the woman said to Satan, "now, can you get him back to his wife?". "Hah ??? How ???", Satan said shocked. "Now look," the woman replied, strolling toward the store.

Wanita itu memesan gaun yang sama seperti yang ia beli dulu. "Gaun yang dulu itu lupa saya taruh mana. Mungkin ketinggalan di rumah seorang wanita waktu menumpang shalat. Tapi saya malu untuk memintanya. Saya beli lagi yang baru saja dan tolong bungkuskan lagi", kata wanita itu.

She ordered the same dress she bought first. "I forgot to put the dress I used to put in. Maybe I missed a woman's house while I was praying, but I was embarrassed to ask for it, I just bought it again and please pack it up again," she said.

Pembelian gaun berjalan hingga selesai dan hal itu menimbulkan penyesalan di hati pemuda pemilik toko. Hari itu juga ia menutup toko untuk menemui istrinya dan mengajak rujuk kembali. Akhirnya mereka berdua hidup bersama lagi seperti dulu.

The purchase of the dress runs to completion and it causes regret in the hearts of the shopkeeper's youth. That very day he closed the shop to meet his wife and invite reconciliation. Eventually they both live together again as before.

"Bagaimana?", kata wanita pada Iblis sambil senyum dan menaik turunkan alisnya. Seketika Iblis berteriak sekeras-kerasnya. Iblis terkena serangan jantung parah lalu dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Sampai sekarang Iblis masih dirawat inap di RS umum kota langsa terdekat. Setiap kali melihat wanita jantungnya kumat dan berteriak-teriak.

"How?", Said the lady to the Devil with a smile and ascending down her eyebrows. Instantly Satan screamed loudly. The devil had a severe heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. Until now the Devil is still hospitalized in the nearest public hospital of the city of Langsa. Every time she saw her heart woman recurrent and shouting.

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Yg kamu maksud iblis yg sekarang di rumah sakit umum langsa itu siapa @agusmauladi

Iblis ny berobat d situ @rabijal

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