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RE: My Dirty and Disgraceful Past

I upvoted this because I sense your heart is in the right place, despite some misconceptions I believe you hold as far as assigning blames.

All people have their share of evil people, and the way structures work these people will seek exploits to gain the positions of power within the communities they live in. I refuse to take guilt for what others of my skin color have done, or may continue to do. Just as I hold no group of other skin colored people all as being guilty because of crimes from the past or crimes currently being committed by others who have the same hue to their skin.

I am of Irish descent for example, and many of my people were brought here not so voluntarily. Nor was the treatment received very humane, and it is also a fact that Irish people were not granted a lot of say in the doings of the powerful here in the U.S. There were also many Irish who fought on the side of Mexico in the land grab of 1846.

Putting that aside, I would use modern day dynamics under the microscope. The government that demands I pay them x amount of dollars (their claim to my sweat) that in turn are used to force others in lands far away to also pay to their true constituents (business/bankers) is not one I endorse. They don't ask my permission, they dictate I will fund it or be put in a prison.

At some point, group blame will either be the death blow to stopping any form of unification to stop those of evil intent, or it will be shed as we understand it is used to keep us fighting among ourselves while they exploit our dis-ease with one another.

And for what it is worth, these same evil dynasties that are responsible for the horrible crimes you mention target white communities as well. It is not about race with them, it is about their view most of us except their select bloodlines are cattle to be exploited and discarded when no longer useful.

I didn't colonize anything, you didn't colonize anything. I don't owe anyone for the actions of others, and I don't expect anyone to owe me for the actions of others. There is no white privilege, there is wealth privilege. Usually when I see the argument for privilege, it is used in the context of having less violence used against one in the current locality. I would argue that this is not privilege, it is what all free men and women are owed and instead of arguing for it to end, the argument should be on all men and women having the same basic right to be free of violence and obtain their daily bread unmolested.


I love a quote by Albert Einstein "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

You're entitled to your own opinion and i'm not trying to push my feelings about the how I acknowledge that my ancestors played a contributing role in trying to wipe out the Indigenous Nations.

I believe we have to understand where we came from in order to know where we are headed. This is our past and it is truly horrendous. It is my belief that we can't dismiss the past because we did not live during that time and by not taking a stand against the injustices that the Indigenous face, then we are continuing to be part of the problem.

I am expressing how I feel and thank you for sharing how you feel. I also believe that there are evil bloodlines who are responsible for this, but my ancestors played a role in supporting these evil acts, so I accept responsibility for this and I want to make amends.

How can we do that, well we have to let the Indigenous Nations determine that because we have pushed ourselves on them already. If we all lived by their standards, the world we live in today would be a much better place.

Thanks for engaging in a meaningful discussion and have an enjoyable day.