Let’s stay stronger together and win this.

in #india6 years ago

First things first. Media blows things out of proportion. I am from bitbns team.

There is no ban on cryptocurrencies or trading or any blockchain related thing.

RBI just has mentioned that entities under its purview should not provide services to these companies. This just means that RBI is trying to stifle a way by regulating in the flow of INR to digital asset exchanges. This would be overcome.

Your crypto, INR are completely safe with us. And we would urge users not to panic sell.

We are introducing things to ensure users can get better rewards for the cryptos they hold with options like margin trading. Margin trading has been extended to other 12 more digital assets now. Check them out here

There are definitely ways to resolve this. And we would work on the same. One of them is — 
We are supporting this petition and we urge all of you to spread the word everywhere. We are already at 10,000 + in a day. Sign it here.

In south Korea after 220K people signed a petition and there was massive momentum and the South Korean govt overturned the decision to ban crypto.

We applaud the steps taken by other exchanges and would give full support to fostering a dialogue with RBI and concerned regulators on this.

We as a crypto community need to stay strong and together in this. We have been the early adopters of this revolution. We need to educate and explain constantly to regulators, negative proponents on how being associated with blockchain has impacted you. Once we do this constantly and enough times we would win. There have been instances like this like SavetheInternet — Where TRAI tried to stifle net neutrality in India. In the end the users won. But it was not until the voice was raised multiple times everyday in different forms by hundreds of thousands of supporters. So tag official twitter handles of RBI, finance ministry, the prime minister and make your voice heard. Send them emails here. Go to their office. Constantly remind them.

We are here for the long-term. We would continue no matter what till we establish India at the forefront of blockchain revolution. This we just see as a minor blip in the long road ahead. We love the fanatic users who are going strong. We would win this. Let’s stay strong.