Men and their escalating dowry demands.
India is a country where men believe they are the best thing to have happened to mankind. Any woman would not survive without them and we women should be thankful if any of them hold our hands promising us to give a roof and some children for lifetime. Unfortunately, what they forget is, without us they would have no children too and given us an opportunity we can make our lives better than what they are presently offering us.
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It is this thinking of men that they are superior, gave rise to the dowry system. Parents were supposed to give gifts in cash and kind to the guy who ties the matrimonial thread around their daughters neck. Well, the gift they were supposed to give usually depended on their will and their financial condition, but thanks to modernity men started demanding their choice of gifts from the girls parents.
Well, thinks we're still better when engagents broke because parents were unwilling to budge to the demands of their daughters fiance but the condition worsened when these men married their daughters and held them as captive forcing her parents to give in to his demands. It is sad that these parents who cannot see their daughters suffer keep giving cash and gifts to their daughters family just to see her happy.
These parents should understand that these dowry demanding men are like parasites. They will stick on to your daughters skin and drink her blood like leeches do because they know she is their gold egg laying duck. Just trouble her and get the cash.
Recently in Uttar Pradesh, northern India, a man was so angry that he tied his wife to the ceiling with her hands and legs tied tightly with rope and send the recording of the same to her parents. He expected them to come running with the cash that he demanded for his wife's delivery and the party that followed. Unfortunately, to his surprise, the parents went to the police with the recording and got him arrested under various dowry harrasment charges.
Educating parents and daughters in rural India to report such incidences is the only way with which we can curb this social evil. Tell girls and her parents that dowry demanding men can never keep them happy. It will always be a bad marriage which would eventually lead to physical harrasment and sometimes to even death.
The car in the hands of the bride and groom.
Though, what you have written is 99 .9 % right, but I am told by some of my friends that actually opposite in their villages. Man have to pay to bride to get married.
The same is in other community, where bridegroom has to pay 'meher' to bride to get married.
Meher is kind of token amount in the Muslim marriage i.e. 'nikah'. When the groom announces 'talaak' thrice the woman is expected to leave the house with just the meher amount that she was promised at the time of wedding. I am not too sure about this, but that's what I have heard from my cousin who married a Muslim guy for love. Hindu culture is different and my maid has a similar story to tell. Sad but true, women are still treated badly in economically backward sections.
Yes, unfortunately..
We are living in a country where things are changing, but at a snail pace..
Dear mam. @samysamy. its a great post. in your blog.. i know that you have written a social problem..really its a problem....Parents were supposed to give gifts in cash and kind to the guy who ties the matrimonial thread around their daughters neck...It will always be a bad marriage which would eventually lead to physical harrasment and sometimes to even death.i like your all blogs..because your blog appreciate me..keep going mam. I always follow you.
Unique post. Love it....
But now a days things changing because of matrimony an Indian you how engineering graduates having tough competition to get job like that bride groom facing tough competition to get bride and they are demanding too many things..if you have time check it matrimony websites...I'm not denying your statement but things changing it's not old case..:)
@sureshvtec I admit things are changing in matrimonial sites, but the condition is still same in economically backward class . What I mentioned in my post happened recently. The newspaper is loaded with cases like that.
Because the dowry increases then I have not married @samysamy hehehe
@samysamy I am very happy if the female family relieve the dowry on the prospective husband of her child
Very interesting post..
I am always follow your post @samysamy
Dowry is a social evil which unfortunately still exist . Good post!
Thank you @shilpavarma it feels so good that both you and @utkarshvarma follow me 😀
😀.yes, we enjoy your blogs, and discuss also.
😎 this definitely gave me wings 😍
In fact, how well human thinking is, without looking at the picture, there is no understanding,
Car pictures of mehdi It seems that the car is in the hands of the real, there are many beautiful favorites ..... @samysamy