GK Current Affair August 4, 2019

in #india6 years ago (edited)

GK Current Affair August 4, 2019

Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay

1.0 The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by:
a.Mahayana Buddhism
b.Hinayana Buddhism
d.The Lokayata school

2.0 According to Mimamas system of philosophy liberation is possible by means by:

3.0 Bronze icons of Nataraja cast during the Chola period invariably show the deity with:
a.Eight hands
b.Six hands
c.Four hands
d. Two Hands

4.0 According to accient Indian cosmogonic ideas the sequential order of the cycle of four acons (yugas) is:
a. Dvapara, Krita, Treta and Kali
b. Krita, Dvapara, Treta and Kali
c. Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali
d. Treta, Dvapara, Kali and Krita

5.0 What is India’s rank in the Save the Children’s “End of Chhildhood Index 2018”?
a. 116th
b. 113th
c. 118th
d. 110th

6.0 Indian navy has recently rescued 38 stranded Indians from cyclone hit Socotra Island. The Island is located in which country?
a. Egypt
b. Saudi Arabia
c. Yemen
d. Oman

7.0 Which country is hosting the 3rd Asia Cup international Bridge Championship 2018?
a. Japan
b. Singapore
c. Thailand
d. India

8.0 Gandhi Peace Prize comprises a prize money of Rs. _________.
a. 10 Crore
b. 1 Crore
c. 10 Lakh
d. 1 Lakh
e. 50 Thousand

9.0 What is the capital of Nigeria?
a. Kigali
b. Rabat
c. Abuja
d. Cairo
e. Kampala

10.0 Who among the following received Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2017?
a. Vivekananda Kendra
b. Sulabh International
c. Ekal Abhiyan Trust
d. Akshaya Patra foundation
e. Yohei Sasakawa


  1. Jainism
  2. Karma
  3. Four hands
  4. Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali
  5. 113th
  6. Yemen
  7. India
  8. 1 Crore
  9. Abuja
  10. Ekal Abhiyan Trust

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