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RE: Increase Your IQ With Learning Pairs
Good to see you back online, hope everything got sorted without too much trouble.
Unfortunately I'm not back online yet; still stuck using the library during the day and nothing at night :-(
Darts is a great one for quick mental arithmetic, shame the darts suffered, maybe you needed to find another comparable skill to learn; maybe knitting? :-)
Hahaha, just had a mental picture of me sitting amongst the team, while they are all drinking and I'm sitting knitting haha.
That's ridiculous, that your provider have not got it sorted yet.
Lolz; that would make an excellent photo . . and then when they see it's actually improving your darts, your teammates ask you to teach them, and before long you're all sitting around between points knitting away!
Absolutely; I think after today they will no longer be my provider; I'm expecting a call any minute now from them, telling me that they're releasing me from my contract. Then I'll seek some serious compensation for the trauma it has caused!