A thing in motion stays as it is until something stops it, and a thing that lies will forever stays lie until something touches it
A thing in motion stays as it is until something stops it, and a thing that lies will forever stays lie until something touches it

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For men measure, other men, as well as every single other thing, without anyone else's input, and in light of the fact that they get themselves subject after motion to pain and stupor, think everything else becomes fatigued of motion, and looks for rest voluntarily, small considering whether it be not some other motion wherein that want of rest they find in themselves predictable.
It is what the schools say, overwhelming bodies fall downwards out of a craving to rest, and to ration their nature in that place which is most appropriate for them, attributing hunger, and information of what is good for their protection, to things lifeless, ludicrously.
At the point when a body is once in motion, it moveth unceasingly, and at all thwarts it, can't in a moment, however in time, and by degrees, very douse it, and as we find in the water, however the wind stop, the waves give not over moving for quite a while after, so additionally it occur in that motion which is made in the inside parts of a man, at that point, when he sees, dreams.

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For after the object is expelled, or the eye close, despite everything we hold an image of the thing seen, however more dark than when we see it. Also, this is it the Latins call imagination, from the image made in observing, and apply the same, however despicably, to the various senses. In any case, the Greeks call it favor, which implies appearance, and is as legitimate to one sense as to another.
Imagination, in this manner, is nothing however rotting sense, and is found in men and many other living creatures, also dozing as waking. The rot of sense in men waking isn't the rot of the motion seemed well and good, yet a clouding of it, in such manner as the light of the sun darken the light of the stars, which stars do no less exercise their ideals by which they are obvious in the day than in the night.
But since among many strokes which our eyes, ears, and different organs get from outer bodies, the transcendent just is sensible, in this manner the light of the sun being prevalent, we are not influenced with the action of the stars.

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Impression to any object remain even after being discharge from our eyes, yet different objects more present succeeding, and working on us, the imagination of the past is clouded and made powerless, as the voice of a man is in the commotion of the day. From whence it followe that the more extended the time is, after the sight or sense of any object, the weaker is the imagination.
For the persistent difference in man's body devastates in time the parts which in sense were moved, with the goal that separation of time, and of place, have one and a similar impact. For as at an extraordinary separation of place what we take a gander at seems diminish, and without refinement of the littler parts, and as voices become feeble and incoherent, so additionally after incredible separation of time our imagination of the past is frail, and we lose many specific conditions.
This rotting sense, when we would express the thing itself, we call imagination. In any case, when we would express the rot, and connote that the sense is blurring, old, and past, it is called memory. With the goal that imagination and memory are yet a certain something, which for assorted contemplations have different names.

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I remember having a class adviser who told us many times that imagination is pivotal.
Well said 😀😬
Depends on what we are imagining...
Oh yes yes! I would not forget that part. haha thanks
A great imagination, thank you very much for writing this,
The photo is telling me , from what is see a perspective of life .
It express the illusion of a life that can be lived under shape of human existence over and over again . That is what i feel looking at the photo .