*UPDATED* The hidden purpose of our hair
Greetings Steemians.
As with most of our topics, we are trying to raise awareness of the potential of our pineal gland and how it is being hidden from us. We are looking to discover a possible deception that has been laid upon the human race. There is reason to believe that yet another assault on our pineal gland has been perpetrated via the cutting of our hair along with fluoridated water. Some investigation into early electronics shows us that before diodes, there were selenium rectifiers that were used to convert AC current to DC current. These selenium rectifiers were made primarily of copper and an element called Selenium. Selenium Element
As we know, our hair contains a considerable amount of copper naturally, and it also contains selenium. In fact, our hair needs selenium to grow. I have not heard anyone speak of this yet, but i believe that our split ends may also represent the positive and negative poles of this natural energy from our atmosphere we are supposed to be receiving as healthy beings living in symbiosis with our planet. If we look back to our earlier days, take for example the Native Americans who, as primitive as they may seem, somehow managed to survive the harshest of conditions without being completely wiped out by higher members of the food chain. In order to live in such close proximity to so many dangers, I beleive they used their hair as sort of a sixth sense that we have lost today. Have you ever felt like you're being watched, and are? Womens intuition? Has your hair ever stood on end when something significant enough is about to happen? As Nikola Tesla has proven with many of his repeatable and demonstratable experiments, there exists in our atmosphere a great electrical current. I believe our hair is meant to cull this energy and direct it into our electrical receptors in our brain, and from there convert it into a spiritual energy that feeds our pineal gland. If you're new to the pineal gland, at 49 days after conception, the pineal gland is fully formed in the center of your brain, and, just once, secretes a chemical called dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The only other time it does this is the moment you die. As with the compounds and elements that make up our hair, DMT is also found in nature. in fact, the native tribes of South America have been harvesting DMT by blending tree matter from two seperate species and brewing them into a tea they call ayahuasca. Nowadays, one can smoke DMT and the affects are nothing short of paradygm shifting. Often times people feel as though they have been shown something that they can never put into words. Perhaps a forbidden knowledge a...trespassing on Gods doorstep if you will. I as well as many others believe the pineal gland is where science meets the soul. It has been discovered that fluoride attracts to the pineal like a magnet and calcifies around it, effectively dimming its ability to receive and emit this natural spiritual energy that is meant to feed our souls.
Now for a peep inside the rabbit hole. Here is where people who haven't experienced these benefits of our natural abilities scream "CONSPIRACY THEORY!". Fluoride is a toxic byproduct in the process of smelting aluminum. If you look into the history of fluoridating water, you will find that the first known mass fluoridation of a people was in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Hitler did this to the prisoners of war because fluoride drastically decreases our ability to critically think. Nowadays, the United States buys fluoride from China by the barge load and is dumping it into the water supplies of all of its towns and cities in the guise of protecting our teeth. It makes us less able to really think things through, at least to a desired point. Why would the USA wish to harm its population in the same way Hitler did his POW's? Now if you are willing to believe as I do concerning the tie between our hair and our pineal, you may start to look why, in this deception, it is so imperative for men to cut their hair? For that matter in this day and age, professional women are also encouraged to do the same. It might be interesting to know, when the military scientists discovered the electrical properties of our hair, they successfully petitioned their superiors to allow them to grow out their hair. Very intelligent men thinking that growing out their hair was worth, back in those days, looking like a dirty hippie. This factoid is usually shown in Hollywood movies where, when all else is failing, in steps the somewhat loose, long haired scientist with the keys to saving mankind.
Here is where you might begin to take a look at this new found knowledge from a broader perspective. Now, besides the macho, "big boys don't cry" programming we get as western children and a society as a whole, you may ask why it is imperative for any government officer, police and military types to keep their heads shaved. Of course we are told its because of the delicate and or dangerous nature of their jobs. Yet there are video after video of astronaut women on the International Space Station washing and playing with their hair, splashing water all over powered up laptops and electronics. You see people, the powers that be, this... ultra elite class and in most cases, bloodlines that can be traced back and have been kept in power for thousands of years ie. Prince Charles' boasting of his blood relation to the infamous Vlad Dracul (Count Dracula) and the ownership of his castle, have been interested in one thing and one thing only; the perpetuation of their world dominance, and they have devoted a great deal of study on how to control the way we see things in order to do so.
With that being said, any amount of research into this elite bloodline will reveal somewhat of a Satanic association. This is evident in some of their 'church' symbolism ie. Masonic pagan icons, Skull and Bones ties to Baphomet. Now whether you believe a higher power created you or if your faiths lie in the theories of men that would have you squirted out a mud-skippers B-hole and smacked on the ass by a big bang, you can ask yourselves, 'If the people running our world and controlling our minds through their ownership and control of all our media are religiously bound to a belief in Satan, wouldn't it stand to reason that they would be devoted to fulfilling his wishes, whether he is real or not? This should be cause for concern to both Glowing Souls and mud-skipper monkeys alike.
Now if you know anything about Satan you know that, in short, his numero uno goal is to destroy the human soul by separating it from its Godsource. Would it not stand to reason that the 'faithful followers' of such an evil belief would by now have mastered every way possible to assault anything believed to be a source of our receiving these spirit level energies that we are supposed to be experiencing while on our stay in His Garden? I have, since my 'Unintentional Awakening', been personally taking great steps to combat this assault and restore my pineal gland towards its original potential and thanks to my 'gift of gab' (and most definitely to a much higher power), have been fortunate enough to have experienced the joy of waking up some of those closest to me.
This is our hope here as TruEarthers to present this evidence to anyone who might think that there is more to our experience as sentient and spiritual beings on this Earth than is being offered to us by our Controllers. We implore you to chase the rabbit a little farther down and allow yourself to experience the exhilarating freedom of realizing for the first time what you really are as a human being. Be warned. Some of the things you will see this far in may be a bit overwhelming to absorb and could prove to be very upsetting to you as, if you are mentally strong enough to unplug from the "regularly scheduled programming" and even look this deep, you may come to the realization that you ARE under attack, whether you believe its for your soul or simply to keep you in control. I'm rambling. The warning is "Once you see, you cannot unsee". In other words, if you decide to go on this quest into why we are being attacked both physically with fluoride and haircuts, and mentally with the constant bombardment of distractions and propaganda on our daily programming, you may find you can see things in a way you never could before. This new knack for discernment can be quite upsetting...and there will be no turning back.Your life WILL change forever, whether you want it to or not. So there it is. Please, we implore you to look into this with your "eye" open. Be brave. We have to start pushing back.
Thanks for reading. We hope you found it both entertaining and informative. Upvotes and feedback are appreciated. Please check our other videos on DTube. we will be blogging more now on Steemit.
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As we know, our hair contains a considerable amount of copper naturally, and it also contains selenium. In fact, our hair needs selenium to grow. I have not heard anyone speak of this yet, but i believe that our split ends may also represent the positive and negative poles of this natural energy from our atmosphere we are supposed to be receiving as healthy beings living in symbiosis with our planet. If we look back to our earlier days, take for example the Native Americans who, as primitive as they may seem, somehow managed to survive the harshest of conditions without being completely wiped out by higher members of the food chain. In order to live in such close proximity to so many dangers, I beleive they used their hair as sort of a sixth sense that we have lost today. Have you ever felt like you're being watched, and are? Womens intuition? Has your hair ever stood on end when something significant enough is about to happen? As Nikola Tesla has proven with many of his repeatable and demonstratable experiments, there exists in our atmosphere a great electrical current. I believe our hair is meant to cull this energy and direct it into our electrical receptors in our brain, and from there convert it into a spiritual energy that feeds our pineal gland. If you're new to the pineal gland, at 49 days after conception, the pineal gland is fully formed in the center of your brain, and, just once, secretes a chemical called dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The only other time it does this is the moment you die. As with the compounds and elements that make up our hair, DMT is also found in nature. in fact, the native tribes of South America have been harvesting DMT by blending tree matter from two seperate species and brewing them into a tea they call ayahuasca. Nowadays, one can smoke DMT and the affects are nothing short of paradygm shifting. Often times people feel as though they have been shown something that they can never put into words. Perhaps a forbidden knowledge a...trespassing on Gods doorstep if you will. I as well as many others believe the pineal gland is where science meets the soul. It has been discovered that fluoride attracts to the pineal like a magnet and calcifies around it, effectively dimming its ability to receive and emit this natural spiritual energy that is meant to feed our souls.
Now for a peep inside the rabbit hole. Here is where people who haven't experienced these benefits of our natural abilities scream "CONSPIRACY THEORY!". Fluoride is a toxic byproduct in the process of smelting aluminum. If you look into the history of fluoridating water, you will find that the first known mass fluoridation of a people was in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Hitler did this to the prisoners of war because fluoride drastically decreases our ability to critically think. Nowadays, the United States buys fluoride from China by the barge load and is dumping it into the water supplies of all of its towns and cities in the guise of protecting our teeth. It makes us less able to really think things through, at least to a desired point. Why would the USA wish to harm its population in the same way Hitler did his POW's? Now if you are willing to believe as I do concerning the tie between our hair and our pineal, you may start to look why, in this deception, it is so imperative for men to cut their hair? For that matter in this day and age, professional women are also encouraged to do the same. It might be interesting to know, when the military scientists discovered the electrical properties of our hair, they successfully petitioned their superiors to allow them to grow out their hair. Very intelligent men thinking that growing out their hair was worth, back in those days, looking like a dirty hippie. This factoid is usually shown in Hollywood movies where, when all else is failing, in steps the somewhat loose, long haired scientist with the keys to saving mankind.
Here is where you might begin to take a look at this new found knowledge from a broader perspective. Now, besides the macho, "big boys don't cry" programming we get as western children and a society as a whole, you may ask why it is imperative for any government officer, police and military types to keep their heads shaved. Of course we are told its because of the delicate and or dangerous nature of their jobs. Yet there are video after video of astronaut women on the International Space Station washing and playing with their hair, splashing water all over powered up laptops and electronics. You see people, the powers that be, this... ultra elite class and in most cases, bloodlines that can be traced back and have been kept in power for thousands of years ie. Prince Charles' boasting of his blood relation to the infamous Vlad Dracul (Count Dracula) and the ownership of his castle, have been interested in one thing and one thing only; the perpetuation of their world dominance, and they have devoted a great deal of study on how to control the way we see things in order to do so.
With that being said, any amount of research into this elite bloodline will reveal somewhat of a Satanic association. This is evident in some of their 'church' symbolism ie. Masonic pagan icons, Skull and Bones ties to Baphomet. Now whether you believe a higher power created you or if your faiths lie in the theories of men that would have you squirted out a mud-skippers B-hole and smacked on the ass by a big bang, you can ask yourselves, 'If the people running our world and controlling our minds through their ownership and control of all our media are religiously bound to a belief in Satan, wouldn't it stand to reason that they would be devoted to fulfilling his wishes, whether he is real or not? This should be cause for concern to both Glowing Souls and mud-skipper monkeys alike.
Now if you know anything about Satan you know that, in short, his numero uno goal is to destroy the human soul by separating it from its Godsource. Would it not stand to reason that the 'faithful followers' of such an evil belief would by now have mastered every way possible to assault anything believed to be a source of our receiving these spirit level energies that we are supposed to be experiencing while on our stay in His Garden? I have, since my 'Unintentional Awakening', been personally taking great steps to combat this assault and restore my pineal gland towards its original potential and thanks to my 'gift of gab' (and most definitely to a much higher power), have been fortunate enough to have experienced the joy of waking up some of those closest to me.
This is our hope here as TruEarthers to present this evidence to anyone who might think that there is more to our experience as sentient and spiritual beings on this Earth than is being offered to us by our Controllers. We implore you to chase the rabbit a little farther down and allow yourself to experience the exhilarating freedom of realizing for the first time what you really are as a human being. Be warned. Some of the things you will see this far in may be a bit overwhelming to absorb and could prove to be very upsetting to you as, if you are mentally strong enough to unplug from the "regularly scheduled programming" and even look this deep, you may come to the realization that you ARE under attack, whether you believe its for your soul or simply to keep you in control. I'm rambling. The warning is "Once you see, you cannot unsee". In other words, if you decide to go on this quest into why we are being attacked both physically with fluoride and haircuts, and mentally with the constant bombardment of distractions and propaganda on our daily programming, you may find you can see things in a way you never could before. This new knack for discernment can be quite upsetting...and there will be no turning back.Your life WILL change forever, whether you want it to or not. So there it is. Please, we implore you to look into this with your "eye" open. Be brave. We have to start pushing back.
Thanks for reading. We hope you found it both entertaining and informative. Upvotes and feedback are appreciated. Please check our other videos on DTube. we will be blogging more now on Steemit.
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