xCrypt: Enjoy the Power of the Ecosystem Energized by Hybrid Exchange

What does a crypto lover demand from the market?
Of course, this question can be answered in many different ways. We can talk about the crypto projects, the total supply, the functioning applications and many other aspects to the person who is the subject of this question. And in many ways, we can find satisfactory answers. In fact, however, almost everyone interested in crypto assumes this as an investment tool and commercial property. Therefore, what is actually demanded is to design the environment in which the crypto assets are traded in the best possible way.

If a crypto exchange does not offer the most smooth and practical service to its customers, the first demand from the user must be into this.
So what should a crypto exchange offer? If we can answer this question in the most appropriate way, a serious step will be taken for the sake of crypto enthusiasts.
In this article, I introduce you to the most complete crypto market project xCrypt, which is what should an exchange be. I believe, xCrypt will make it clear.
So let's start!

What is xCrypt?

In essence, xCrypt is a complete crypto trading solution ecosystem. The reason I use the word ecosystem is that the platform is not just a crypto exchange project.
• What xCrypt offers as an exchange is a hybrid crypto market with both centralized and decentralized crypto exchange characteristics. xCrypt is a market for STO projects and also a business centre for ERC-721-based projects.
• All investment is also stored directly in the debit card named xCrypt Card. I guess you can imagine how big this step is to integrate crypto assets into our lives. I always dream about an account that holds every investment tools without an exception. And crypto assets must be a part of this. From now on, they will be for sure.
• Introducing the unique and brilliant application of xCrypt: SAF (Social Analytical Funding System). The SAF system is an ingenious solution that allows people to invest in social interaction. The prominent traders will create a fund for their further trade and investment and explain the trade they did and will do. There are reputation indicators based on their success. The investor invests in selected traders. The resulting profit and loss situations are also shared according to the initial conditions. This is an excellent system, both for enriching investment instruments and for making people learn and earn from different sources.
So far, so good, right? The ideas behind the xCrypt are fabulous. But there are other issues waiting for a solution.
So what does xCrypt aim to answer to the problems of the exchange environments suffer from? Let's take a look at them.

Exchange Problems
ツ One of the most direct problems is high transaction fees. xCrypt pulls its transaction fees to zero and saves its users immediately from this common problem.
ツ xCrypt brings the latest level of solution to the security problems that most exchanges are exposed to (if you remember the latest Binance hack). In addition to the CEX-DEX standard, it presents the current CCSS method as an ultimate solution.

ツ Many of the crypto exchanges create distrust such as sudden closures, technical issues, infrastructure insufficiency. xCrypt responds to the high standard regulations introduced by Malta, the country in which it is located and gives the highest quality service out there to its customers.
The above-mentioned problems and their solutions are the most important ones for today's crypto exchanges.
Let me go a little bit deeper and talk about the details of xCrypt.

Name | xCrypt |
Ticker | XCT |
Supply | 200,000,000 |
Protocol | ERC-20 |
Type | Utility |
Soft Cap | 1.5 m $ |
Hard Cap | 7m $ |
Unsold Tokens | Will be burnt |


Road Map


Final Words
By joining XCrypt and you will get:

👍 DEX-CEX hybrid crypto exchange
👍 Unique social trading system SAF
👍 Direct transfer and withdraw with fiat
👍 Customizable bot trading and airdrop system
👍 ERC-20 / ERC-721 protocols
👍 Multilingual platform
👍 Zero processing fee
👍 User-friendly interface
👍 Guides and tutorials prepared by experienced traders
👍 Highest level of security
What more one can demand from a trading platform?
Thanks for your time.

For more details, please visit the project links or watch the video below

This article is not meant to give commercial or any other kind of advice. It is just an informative text at all.
Always DYOR
ETH Address: 0x0114731DEa1bDC4994B8Ca845B0fFCaed7d9a4d8
Xcrypt's innovative approach will be like a drug to investors suffering from bad exchange experiences.
It looks so successful project which contains ön airdrop ranking system and social Media trading
I acquaint you with the most complete crypto market venture xCrypt, which is the thing that should a trade be.
Xcrypt enables users to benefit from developments in the crypto-currency market while reducing the risks associated with cryptographic currency ownership, transfer and swap
xCrypt brings the latest level of solution to the security problems that most exchanges are exposed to.
What xCrypt offers as an exchange is a hybrid crypto market with both centralized and decentralized crypto exchange characteristics
xCrypt offers great ecosystem with energetic solutions to users.