Ideologies: The great virus of humanity!

in #ideologies4 years ago

They say that ideologies are part of a person's profile, that they say a lot about them, that they are part of the cover letter and therefore define many things in the lives of these people because in it lies their social behavior.
And it is true, I agree with that.
From my point of view, what ideologies do is to divide man; they are blocks of cement that put a stop to life in common, to sharing, which limits the enjoyment of a full life.
We believe that children are innocent and that is why they give themselves and share without prejudice or limitations in order to be happy and to socialize. But this is not so!
What really happens is that children are not born with ideologies, so they do not know racial, ethnic, political, economic or social differences, so they give themselves naturally and live all their childhood, infancy and adolescence in a full life until through study and their environment they begin to catch the virus of ideologies.
If we get rid of ideologies we begin to see the world in a different way, we can understand it better and in this sense we can look for solutions to all the problems that humanity is going through.
Ideologies limit our actions, our discernment, our way of relating to others, they prevent us from accepting others with their virtues and defects.
Ideologies have led us to wars, they have restricted our right to live because they will always divide. They are ways of thinking that we drag like heavy chains since we began to put everything on a scale.
Humanity and the world are demanding from us profound changes in the human, in thinking and therefore in acting. Letting go of these ways of thinking and seeing the world will help us move forward in order to understand each other and thus resolve our differences. The world is in upheaval because of our differences, not because God wanted it that way, so free yourself.

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