Zero Carbon Project : Revive the Greenery of the Earth

By now, all of us might have come across Save the Earth slogans. Isn't it? Ever gave a thought what are we leading to? What consequences we are about to face because of our present actions? How are we polluting our environment and manymore. Do you even realize as to what danger we are heading towards?
Friends, it's high time we need to change our lifestyles to sustain life on Earth and make it a better place to live in. It's we who have to stop polluting it as there is no alternative to it. We have to open our arms to the truth that the resources are limited and are diminishing day by day whereas the population, the consumers of these resources are increasing at an uncontrolled rate.

The pain which we have given to mother Earth is innumerable, in the form of excessive industrialization and urbanization leading to deforestation, pollution, global warming and many more. It's our home, our habitat. We need to make every effort to conserve it and work forth to protect every inch of it. We need to work together to maintain and revive the greenery of the Earth and make it a place for healthy survival which can sustain all kind of life forms for years together.
The most poisonous of all is air pollution. It refers to the release of toxic pollutants into the air which are hazardous to living beings and the planet as a whole. Release of toxic gases like carbon di oxide causes the temperature to increase rapidly and this is what contributes to climate change. When the atmosphere becomes warmer, smog is formed which is the combination of harmful smoke and fog. All this gives rise to ozone layer depletion thus leading to increased harmful ultraviolet radiation reaching Earth's surface.

The best example to put forward the point and have a clear understanding of it is the Delhi NCR air pollution. The majority of North-east India is under the sleeves of air pollution. And we can well see the aftermath, respiratory disorders, reduced visibility due to smog, skin irritation and allergies, changes in rain pattern, increased temperature and the disaster is never ending.
Zero Carbon
To control the pollution we need to stop using fossil fuels which are the major sources of carbon and methane and shift to using renewable sources of energy. But the problem is Non renewable sources such as fossil fuels cannot be replenished once gone and they cause severe pollution which is detrimental for the planet and its residents whereas Renewable sources are too expensive. Zero carbon aims to provide zero carbon emission energy with the help of their Energies token. They contribute to the changing environment in a better and efficient way through the application of new technologies.
We should understand our responsibility towards environment and the little effort of everyone may change into a big one. Saving Earth should be our first and foremost responsibility and we should stop polluting it. We can care for the coming birth by caring for Earth. Awareness must be created everywhere to spread cleanliness and greenery. We must switch to alternative sources of energy and promote the same. Using electric cars can replace the existing vehicles which is one of the major sources of pollution. Smoke filters should be set up in factories and smoke should be treated before being released into the atmosphere. We should take a step forward so that we can breathe clean air and make this place a sustainable one.
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Published by - wilsonbyrne
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