Quras Platform is designed for Cloud and IOT (Internet of things) devices to share data between devices by utilizing block-chain technology, smart contract system and machine learning algorithm. The companies around the world who are working on big data will able to use Quras platform for creating their own tokens to reduce cost of data storage. To provide their platform users anonymity feature they will utilize zero proof of technology as a top priority in Quraschain. Their platform will provide secure data collection and analytical structure to help out developers of IOT device software. So they do not have to rely on central server and also Qurasdata will be used for signing contracts different IOT devices to create a trustworthy environment.
Quras platform will support wide range of different IOT devices and application users like educational appliances, home IOT devices, audit, loyalty programs etc. Quras big data solution will support data analysis in different spectrum including healthcare, accounting, storage and others. Quras system will cause high disruption in auditing of financial documents and companies like KPMG has to audit and analyze terabytes of data. As a decentralized public ledger their chain network can be used in auditing process like identifying the ownership of particular person, accounting statement proof and automation of long trail audit process.
Health care industry around the world has to record big data of patients and it is recorded incorrectly that can lead to incorrect treatment of patient. Cloud data cost in increasing worldwide at fast rate and corporate industries and government institutions are looking for a solution to reduce its cost. According to recent research the volume of business data across the globe double up every 2 year and poor data cost USA annually $600 billion. A big company like Walmart who has millions of potential customers has to daily process terabytes of data and akami analysis daily 75 million events for targeting better advisements.
Quraschain will enable any internet user across the globe to start defining and generating required events to generate transactions. Just like torrent seed structure they are focusing on transferring whole IOT data into torrent block-chain based structure. For every new node it is necessary to verify previous two transactions for generating new transaction in the network. Quraschain will utilize zero proof of knowledge concept in which one node verifies the actual fact based information of other node. They have a their own proof of mining consensus system that does not only reward high balance users but also look at how much he transect with others with in the network.

Quras platform will use tangle distributed ledger system that has similar functions just like bitcoin and also support IOT devices. In bitcoin network we have to pay small amount of transaction fees but in tangle we do not have to pay any fees because it is necessary for new node to verify previous two transactions and only a CPU power can computer can run it efficiently. Block-chain based Torrent like seed infrastructure will create a perfect data storage solution for IOT and cloud devices.
Website : https://quras.io/
Whitepaper : https://quras.io/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/QurasOfficial/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/qurasofficial
Telegram: https://t.me/QurasOfficialGroup2
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