in #ico7 years ago (edited)

MODULE is a blockchain-based stage intended to use the free stockpiling of cell phones, PCs, servers, and so forth as a benefit. Utilizing the MODULE stage, one will have the capacity to take an interest in mining even from a cell phone. Servers and ventures can likewise take part in mining.

Module's accord (mining) calculation makes it conceivable to gain remunerates by loaning out storage room. As the capacity limit of gadgets advances and extends, one can expect the different administrations offered to grow. Notwithstanding issuing new unique coins, clients will likewise have the capacity to create Dapps (decentralized applications) on the stage.

Because of their tremendous potential, digital currencies are as of now pulling in worldwide consideration. There are still issues, be that as it may, for example, the power utilization of PoW (Proof-of-Work) and centralization of PoS (Proof-of-Stake). Various digital forms of money are taking a shot at enhancements every day. In any case, to date no basic arrangement has been come to, as the changes have a tendency to stay inside the traditional system of blockchain.

There is a mystery on the cryptographic money advertise. Little gatherings of individuals with a tremendous measure of capital have digital forms of money, which runs counter to the first thought of the virtual monetary forms introducing a time of decentralization. Thus, blockchain today has turned out to be brought together, and may have misused the chance to initiate money related change and lost its actual incentive simultaneously. In this sense MODULE is going to execute genuine decentralization.


Inward testing will begin from October 2018. The beta variant will be disseminated to clients in December, after the finishing of testing. The official discharge in Google Play and App Store is planned for January.

One of the highlights of their venture is that a token holder = MODL client. The beta variant of the MODL application will be disseminated to the clients who bought a MODL token amid the ICO. The greater action on the application, the more estimation of MODL to be dispersed. Influencers will be utilized to engender the App and procure clients. Public statements will start in the Asian locale from August 2018.

About the MODULE stage

MODULE utilizes another exchange endorsement calculation. It is another innovation stage that empowers everybody to take an interest in mining, even from a cell phone. Notwithstanding building DApps, clients will likewise could issue new monetary standards on the stage.

They concentrated on cell phones to tackle issues, for example, the power utilization concerns caused by digital forms of money and their centralization. The Module venture declares the fate of mining with such vitality productive and simple to utilize gadgets, for example, cell phones and tablets. By discharging the limit of your gadget, you will have the capacity to gain rewards, which will change contingent upon the limit of free stockpiling, use time, space and exchange compose. At the end of the day, loaning of storage room will make you qualified for remuneration. The stage additionally has extraordinary potential as a stage that can give other disseminated application administrations.

In this sense MODULE is going to execute genuine decentralization.


There is a gigantic measure of surplus stockpiling limit on cell phones, iOS and android gadgets around the globe.

Worldwide markets, organizations and governments request stockpiling for their huge databases.

The present blockchains are unified and complex, and crypto mining requires tremendous registering assets and foundation.

The Future According to MODULE

In spite of the fact that the prevalence of digital forms of money has ascended, there are still not very many opportunities to utilize them, all things considered. Bitcoins can be utilized at a few shops, and so on., however the required foundation is still a work in progress. They need to carry digital forms of money into the standard. The MODULE engineers have formulated another calculation. The group is building up a framework under which remuneration is resolved in view of three components of capacity: space-time exchange. This will empower clients to partake in mining from cell phones, for example, cell phones.

That implies They have immense capacity assets on the planet that are being squandered. MODULE is the stage that plans to utilize these capacity assets. They mean to end up an ecologically benevolent stage by viably using unused resources.

One of a kind mining technique "PoSTT"

Outline of the PoSTT Proof of Space, Time and Transaction) convention

The POSTT convention makes a decentralized stockpiling system with its own coins (or tokens) given by P2P. Customers will utilize the tokens for putting away and transmitting information, and excavators will mine the coins (tokens) utilized for information stockpiling, administrations, and so forth.

Component of the PoSTT blockchain

The PoSTT blockchain has its own particular coin. The Verifier will pay the expense of putting away the information with this coin, and the Farmer will get coins as remuneration for giving stockpiling ability to store the information. This implies the PoSTT blockchain has an exchange work related with the sending and accepting of

The Verifier and the Farmer additionally close a shrewd contract identified with putting away each other's information, so the Verifier and the Farmer can securely perform information preparing. At the end of the day, blockchain stores shrewd contracts identified with exchanges with coins (transmission/gathering) and information administration. To do as such, the Farmer have the location of the token for the savvy contract. There is additionally a scaffold server which exists independently from blockchain.

For more information check out the links below

Website: https://modltoken.io/
Whitepaper: https://modltoken.io/doc/whitepaper_en.pdf
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/moduleproject/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MODULE_Project
Telegram: https://t.me/module_project
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/module-project/

Writer username: sweedy

Btt profile link: http://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1821234