Do you want to get into cryptocurrency mining?

in #ico7 years ago


With the massive overhead needed to start mining at home, costs have become prohibitive for every day miners.

At A token driven mining ( company, we’ve come up with a solution for everyone.

Instead of purchasing expensive mining rigs, and paying crazy electrical fees, you can invest in our innovative asset-backed SRXIO token. Our token is backed by our mining infrastructure, meaning you can invest in a mining operation- without actually purchasing the infrastructure yourself!

To learn more about the SRXIO token, and how you can earn a monthly passive income, sign up for our whitelist (!


I am considering this Securix project as a great opportunity for ordinary guys like you and me to be a part of the cryptocurrency mining industry even if we have limited capital. With the help of the people behind this project, we are in a good partnership with Securix!

Securix is a cryptocurrency mining solution based in the Netherlands. It features an operationally ready product, an eco-conscious energy program, and the innovative asset-backed SRXIO token

Very interesting project, they will be a great success

Great project,,i like this future and program is the best

its a project with lots of intresting facts more to it..

Excellent group jobing for a world the best, i love this, i need this

A truly different and extraordinary project which can make their clients generate passive income!

I see a big picture, and I'm still committed to the Securix project. I hope to see the product soon)) I believe, that painstaking work will be done.

SECURIX team have a product and not a software solution which has to be made. this project is very good and very promising for the investors.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Yes definitely

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Securix is way more profitable then trying to run a bitcoin miner at home. There is just so much more involved now. It's not really feasible at home anymore.