Why will MDL Tokens increase in value?
For our early investors it is crucial to know why MDL tokens will increase in value over time. We have just realized that what was obvious to us is not that clear to the community. Here we briefly explain our plans about the usage of the Token and how we guarantee its growth for our crypto investors.
First of all, the value of the MDL token will grow from our expansion in the talent sourcing market, which is itself continually expanding. The more people use our platform, the more people will want to have MDL tokens. Initially we are aiming on providing a product with real value which actually solves existing problems, so we strongly believe we can expand according to our marketing plan.
Secondly, when the market saturation is reached, we are going to implement more functionalities for MDL Token, such as a marketplace ecosystem, partnership programs with brands, and live streaming. When the functionality of MDL Token will increase, more people will want to have it.
Last, but not the least, possession of MDL Tokens will open up more functions on our platforms (Gold Membership features). This will be implemented via Token Hours (the longer and more you keep your MDL tokens, the more Token hours you have). Thus, our platform participants will want to have more MDL Tokens in order to get better use of MDL Talent Hub platform. The feature of Token Hours was adapted from Skyledger’s Coin Hours and will be discussed further in the next article.
We are listening closely to the voices of our community and aim on bringing value both to our crypto investors and talents.
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