Substratum - decentralizing the web (Web 3.0) for $0.10 is a BARGAIN!!!

in #ico8 years ago (edited)

Missed the pre-sale NOT by choice. Cryptocurrency doesn't exist in the Philippines...well not entirely true but you have to pay an arm & a leg to get them. So for me to even get in the game. I have to do it the old fashion way. Which means I have to head to my bank, wire transfer some money to my brother in the U.S. He then will purchase either BTC or Eth through coinbase. Coinbase takes close to a week to get it credited on his account. Then he sends it over to wallet. That by the way has nothing to do with Substratum or how its going to help me in the future. Just venting out because instead of me getting 5000 SUBS per eth. Now I'm getting 3000 instead. That a huge difference...Anyways...

This would be my third ICO that I'm joining. I really like big ideas. With current pricing now of $0.10 per token to DECENTRALIZE the web is a bargain.


Substratum is developing an open-source foundation for the decentralized web, providing free and unrestricted access to content for a new Web 3.0

The core idea of decentralisation is that the operation of a service is not blindly trusted to any single omnipotent company. Instead, responsibility for the service is shared: perhaps by running across multiple federated servers, or perhaps running across client side apps in an entirely “distributed” peer-to-peer model.”

The website to get more info is laid out very neat & straight forward

The white paper is super easy to read. They mentioned they figured out the decentralized DNS. How? wasn't explained but then again why would they. Not like we would truly understand.

The road map was too short as well. Shows the ICO timeframe which is happening now until Sept 14. Just right after the ICO they will be added on the exchanges (Bittrex & Bitfinex while Yunbi will follow with no specific dates)

Pretty solid team of 22 developers, , designers, architects, and project managers have been together for 13 years. The team behind Substratum is a US based software development firm. I checked their Linkedin profile. They specialist in web hosting.

What BlockChain Is Substratum Built On?
SubstratumNetwork will be running on its own blockchain. Developed specifically for the Decentralized Web. Substrate, the coin that is the fuel that runs the SubstratumNetwork is a ERC20 compliant token based on the Ethereum Blockchain.



They have bitcoin atms in Manila

Nice. That's good to know. What are the fees associated with it when getting btc.

Not sure.. But here is also a Philippines online exchange with low fees and you can purchase with a debit card.

How about Safe/MaidSafe project, started from 2006.

It is a competitor, and good project.. I think it may be fair to say Substratum has a more simple concept, has a trump card with decentralized DNS if they can pull it off, and has a more mature dev community (blockchain in general) to catch up very quickly (MaidSafe more like pioneers).. they have focused on easy adoption so they hit some really sweet spots with unlimited upside to boot.. i’m biased because i am overly invested in SUB and SNGLS because of that adoption ease.. but i love both projects..