PolicyPal. The smoothest ICO I participated.

in #ico7 years ago

I want just to talk about the ICO process, and not the project.
After participate of some ICOs, the PolicyPal was one of the better organized.

  1. Good communication of rules, dates and values.
    Some ICOs look like they want to confuse you with misinformation.
    On that they take the care of record a video with the sympatric founder and the contract address as a way to secure against scammers. Nice touch.

  2. Good rules.
    Just ensuring that for the first 24 hours everyone on KYC will have their token, reduced the FOMO to almost 0%· Good job with that!

  3. Master piece smartcontact
    On my point of view the smart contact was very well build. It is clear that the ICOs have been improved with the time, but just last week I participated of one that don't even used smart contact and make a mess selling above MAX CAP.
    On PolicyPal after the transaction (that did not cause a traffic gem on network because of low FOMO) the TX was very clear identified on my wallet and the tokens was already on my token balance.
    In some passed ICOs that process took from weeks to months!

So, to finish my thought I want to encourage every ICO responsible to just COPY the smart contact of PolicyPal and work on it (remembering that the smart contracts stay published on etherscan.io

For more ICOs like that!

Fabio Ramos