SmartChain Media - Media Blockchained

The world has changed in the way it consumes media and entertainment stuff in the recent years with the introduction and the widespread increase in adoption and use of the Internet as well as PCs and anything related to the digital world. Previously, one had to go through a cumbersome process of buying expensive as well as rare disks and machine for their playback and with the rapid advancements in technology, this has changed with the general population being able to easily share and store and view content as they wish.

There was the Vinyl Records at first and getting your hands on a movie for personal watching was unthinkable of. Then came along the VCRs, CDs, DVDs and various other digital media storages that were cheap, fast and offered lot more storage space in very tiny space compared to previous mediums.
Owning a Vinyl Record in itself was considered a luxury in those days, one would be considered as royalty if you'd access to your own private movie collection that you could playback anytime you wanted. Come to think of it, it is something that we take for granted these days.
I remember when I was young and I used to marvel at the fact that i could hold an entire library of books or an entire movie within a small disk the size of my head. While we have come far and advanced much more than those days, it still amazes anyone who takes the time to think about it.
The physical copies are now replaced by those in the cloud and allowing for much more easier storage and access than before as now you'd not have to worry about losing or damaging the physical copy that you had and you'd not have to invest for being able to store it and view it later on. We have moved onto a subscription model where we tend to pay for monthly or yearly subscription for full-time access to all the content in the companies library that you could view from anywhere, at anytime and skip to any part of interest.
The advantages and benefits it brought about were huge, it made TV obsolete, allowed for personalised content and recommendations and so on and so forth, but there were a lot of disadvantages to it the fact that it is owned by few corporations or companies and they had the say on the pricing as well as the content that got onto their library.

SmartChain Media Platform
They aim on solving the above mentioned problems by creating a platform based on the Blockchain that allowed for its users to be able to perform the same actions as they'd done on the online video subscription based streaming and downloading just that them being powered by the Blockchain allows for much more advantages for the users. It solves most of the above mentioned problems.
Being powered by the Blockchain means that it is decentralised and the power of say lies in the hands of the users and not in the hands of few companies and players in the field. It also means that it is much more secure, flexible and scalable.

ICO & Team
They plan on powering their platform by introducing the SmartChain Media (Mediacoin) Token which is powered by Ethereum's ERC-20 Token standard. They are yet to announce their Token Sales dates as of writing.
The Founders have adequate experience in IT Consulting, Media Personalities, Advisors, Blockchain and HR respectively. The advisory board consists of renowned and experienced Artists, Advisors, Analysts, Media Influencers, Marketing Influencer, Investors, Entrepreneurs who also bring along their expertise in fields of Media Industry, TV Industry, Marketing, Business Development, Blockchain, Investments and Finance.
They seem to have a really ambitious idea of changing the way we seem to handle online content lately. They must take into fact that they are going against very big, established and deep pocketed players and must strive hard in making their platform intuitive and easy to use and must do a lot of marketing and advertisements.
They seem to have a really small team, since only the Founders are listed on both their Official Website as well as in their whitepaper and they need to mention others if present or include a few more to their team as they seem to be a bit short-staffed. They have a really impressive Advisory Board consisting of experienced players in the Media Industry and that's what they've set as their initial target.
It remains to be seen if the team can deliver their promises on time and stay relevant in a highly competitive market with opposition from both the traditional as well as the Blockchain space in the coming days.
Website -
Whitepaper -
Telegram -
Published by - dannywhelan
Btalkprofile -;u=1606458