Aergo 4th generation highly scalable blockchain p1

in #ico7 years ago (edited)

Captura de pantalla 2018-09-14 a las 5.30.38.png

Aergo is a 4th generation blockchain protocol combined with IT plaform that uses advanced technologies. The project is supported and developed by company Blocko.


Official website:
Telegram Announcement channel:
AERGO Whitepaper:
AERGO CHAIN Whitepaper:

What is the problem of Aergo creation? As you know the blockchain technology provides three major characteristics that are fundamental for business, its trust, security and transparency. However the using of existing blockchains solutions brings a lot of problems for existing businesses and this is mainly due to missing capabilities and the lack of control over key features of blockchain. As such the most projects are only used for a simple Proof-of-Concept PoC use cases and despite many such product projects the evolution of the blockchain stack has stagnated. And difficult Enterprise IT integration and a lack of developers, friendly and easy to use software tools are major factors.

So Aergo team believe they can solve all this actual blockchain industry problems, they aim to advanced enterprise blockchain by opening up a new era of mass market usage of blockchain, an era where businesses can easily benefit from both public and private blockchain innovation allowing them to focus on building, deploying and managing new services.

In other words, Aergo project aims to:

  • provide advanced, yet friendly and easy to mass use technology for every broad range of developers and constructors
  • provide a secure and fast public and private blockchain cloud architecture that is built for businesses
  • offer and open ecosystem for third parties developers businesses to connect and engage in


As we see the team started to develop its project in the beginning of 2018 and in 2018 Q2 they achieved its first milestone, it was creation of smart contract that enables storing accessing data and usage SQL-like scripting language, now they are in its second stage it’s a “chain beta“, then Aergo with distributed version control that offers advanced backup and restore, point-in-time recovery, and multi-tenant repository. Other team’s milestones you can see in the roadmap plan
