Viewo: a peer to peer video sharing platform

YouTube - one of the world's leading video sharing platform. But, whom am I telling? Obviously, you would know that. In fact, it would be near to impossible to find someone who doesn't use YouTube for watching videos. It has managed to outrun its competitors by its awesome user experience and great streaming speed regardless of the video quality. But, there are still a few limitations when it comes to today's video sharing platform.
One of them is that they don't listen to the user's voice. There are times when I want to watch a particular set video but simply am not able to. This often irritates me and I begin to search on other platforms. But, that's not how it is supposed to be. We need a platform which can work according to the user's wishes and deliver the content which they want and not which help companies earn better revenue. Also, there has been a fair criticism of the current algorithms used by video streaming companies. I read somewhere in the newspaper that these algorithms penalize high-quality content if they don't fit particular demands of the platform.
Recently, I was going through some video's when I came across a news about a new video sharing platform - Viewo. On visiting their website, I was surprised that they are using blockchain technology and are also promising a very high-speed video streaming service. That amazed me completely as previously I thought that blockchain could not be used for video sharing platform. This is probably why I rushed to find out more about the platform.
Viewo platform
Viewo aims at solving problems of current video sharing platform by listening to the voices of its users and rewarding them. The reward system will motivate the users to share more content and engage with the platform. But, these rewards will be provided in terms of VEO tokens.
Viewo will use various GPU together with their specialized software for live video sharing. The company does promise that it will be able to deliver the content at very high speed ( will be known as a bufferless instant video). If this happens then Viewo's platform might become the world's fastest high-resolution streaming platform.
Also, Viewo said that it can switch from GPU to CPU based on the demand. The platform can encode videos of fly and can be played immediately after successful upload. The platform will also have a wallet service and video recommendation feature (to enhance UX).
ICO and Team
Viewo uses ERC20 token which is created on Ethereum blockchain. The company has released 564 million VEO tokens for sale. Viewo will organize a public sale of these tokens from 11th December 2018- 11th January 2019. The tokens will be sold at a rate of 1 VEO= $0.167 USD (pre-ICO sale) and 1 VEO= $0.20 USD (ICO sale). Viewo will only accept Ether and Bitcoin as the mode of payment for the exchange of VEO tokens. However, you need to invest a minimum of 0.5 Ether.
Viewo plans to kick-start the development process of the platform from Q1 next year with the beta version being scheduled to be launched by the end of Q2 next year. The final version of the platform is scheduled to be launched in Q3 2019. Viewo has said that they are moving as planned and are currently up to the mentioned timeline.
But, the main question comes is whether Viewo is a right choice for investment or not. Well, idea-wise, the company does have quite a lot to offer but again it's the execution that matter the most. Viewo also has a quite experienced team behind its project which can work in their favor. Another thing which attracted me a lot is how active they are on various social media platform which shows that they are serious with the development process and are dedicated to making their dream come true. But, there are a fair amount of competitors who are working on similar problems which may force Viewo to come up with something extraordinary. Also, let's not forget that Viewo has yet not started with their development process. So, anything up to now is mere speculation.
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