UNCLOAK - For Better Security

Technology has seen vast improvement over the years. Unimaginable things have been developed and made life so much easier for us. Talking computers, smart homes, self-driving cars and so much more have been developed which seem so amazing and many more such amazing things are expected to be launched. Artificial Intelligence has paved the way for a revolution in the technological domain and things are just getting better and better. But, as any element in this world, this development in technology has a dark flip-side to it.
Technology has forever changed the world we live in. We're online, in one way or another, all day long. Our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. They hold much that is important to us.
- James Comey
When technology advances, so does the scope for security breaches. Private information is getting stolen, companies are losing large amounts of data and security measures have become primitive and are now getting hacked into easily. This is a major cause for concern, especially since most bank transactions and other important exchanges mostly happen online these days. Just in the last 2 years, there have been around ten instances of data hacking in reputed companies and several more instances that were not as popular. A lot is at stake and if we want to see more development in technology, we have to see more development in cybersecurity too. Unfortunately that is not the case. There is a lack of balance between the development of the two sectors, and this needs to change. It is for this reason, that Uncloak has developed a product that provides advanced cybersecurity features that copes with the current trends in technology.
The Power of Blockchains
Uncloak uses advanced artificial intelligence and the revolutionary blockchain technology as the base for providing a cyber threat management platform that is intuitive, responsive to attacks and reliable. It also has the abilities to be able to detect vulnerabilities and potential threats from external resources even before the attack happens. This places the businesses in the driver's seat and gives illegal hackers a hard time trying to access data and corrupt the system. It eliminates the need for employing and paying very highly trained security professionals with intricate knowledge of complex security systems and instead provides an automated security solution that costs way less but is much more effective.

The best part of this product is that it does not necessarily put security experts out of a job, like how many other technological advancements do. In fact, it encourages them to contribute by providing incentives in the form of crypto-rewards and uses their valuable input to make the product even better. Most importantly, it helps businesses keep pace with the technological advancements and be prepared for any kind of cyber-attacks that could be launched on them, all at a reasonable price.
The utility token used on the platform is called UNC, and it is used for carrying out all economic transactions on the platform, managed by smart contracts, to make the whole process secure, transparent and efficient.
Revolutionising Cyber-Security
Blockchain technology itself uses cryptography and its main feature is security in addition to transparency. Using it for strengthening cyber-security is a brilliant initiative taken up by Uncloak. It helps to remove any doubts that people may have regarding the security of their information and money, which is a lot ever since the news has spread that developments in technology and increase in cyber-security threats are positively correlated. It is also the first of its kind, which makes it special. It enables a healthy growth of businesses and the technology domain overall. With its talented team and supportive investors, it is sure to reach great heights.
Website - https://uncloak.io/
Whitepaper - https://whitepaper.uncloak.io/
ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3375925.0
Telegram - https://t.me/uncloakio
Published by - coineaglebt
Profile - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1936073
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