Meet AllSporter Advisors - Marek Kirejczyk

in #ico7 years ago

This week, we’re interviewing our lead blockchain developer — Marek Kirejczyk. He is AllSporter’s blockchain developer. He is the CEO of ETHWorks and worked on different ICO’s who raised their hardcaps, such as Verify, PolkaDot, Aragon, Ambrosus.

Q: Why did you join the AllSporter project as Advisor?

Marek Kirejczyk: AllSporter is a very interesting idea. In the overhyped ICO market, it is one of not so many, focusing on realistic user needs and their experience.

Q: What are the strengths of this project in your opinion?

Marek Kirejczyk: Working application, existing community, strong attention to details and most importantly — mentioned above — strong focus on solving real problems.

Q: Do you think that Blockchain technology can revolutionize current marketplaces? How can it change AllSporter app?

Marek Kirejczyk: Instant transfer of value in any part of the world and strong growth incentivization are two game changers that blockchain is bringing to the community.

Q: How would you rate the AllSporter team? Is it harmonious and experienced to fulfil their promises?

Marek Kirejczyk: I am constantly amazed by AllSporter team’s attention to details, determination and focus on delivering an extraordinary product. Team of A players.

Q: What are the chances of combining the sports industry and blockchain technology?

Marek Kirejczyk: Sport industry like many other is seeking for disruption. It didn’t change much in last decades. Blockchain can radically improve building new product and communities.

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