Everyone's A Winner with MEDIA Protocol

Are you one among the uncountable consumers who feed on advertising on social media? Maybe you have a product you wish to present to a wide audience. Or are you a publisher who puts out striking advertisements onto social media platforms, hoping that one in a hundred consumers focus on the ad?
"Pushing a company agenda on social media is like throwing water balloons at a porcupine."
– Erik Qualman
In these times of increasing cluttering, where data has become the most important commodity, how does one make sure one views relevant products, and how does one ensure one's products are advertised optimally?
All creators are at their wits end as to how to put forth their products in the right manner to their customers. And customers, meanwhile are in a frenzy of where, how and what the best content available is. They are constantly seeking out the newest in the field, and are always eager to share this knowledge to their fellow consumers.
In this time of need, online advertising through social media and the like, while a tried and tested formula, does not act as the best possible option.
As a consumer, I can say with conviction that I have moved past the flashy online advertisements without giving a second thought to them. After all, how is my attention and time being rewarded in this cumbersome process? There's only so much that an algorithm can do to hold our interests.
The frustration of undue benefit to current media owners, I.e., the intermediaries (social media, search engines etc.) who unfairly cut a major portion of the profits is also a valid concern among the content creators.
What is it?
MEDIA Protocol is a highly flexible blockchain based safe haven for all those interacting with content in digital form. It is an open-architecture platform that allows direct communication of content between the creators and consumers.
How does it Work?

URLs are registered against a Ethereum account and they can be promoted directly to consumers, using a predetermined cryptocurrency, i.e ERC 20 compliant MEDIA tokens, and smart contracts. The use of self-developed tokens give an element of flexibility and custom protocols.
MEDIA Protocol has also developed a sample dApp, which is worth looking into, for those who wish to develop a dApp that enables the Protocol (CryptoCatnip).
Something For Everyone
The greatest appeal of MEDIA Protocol is that there's something in it for everyone, and it's a win-win.

Once the consumer acts on the content, which can be either in a text, image or video, they are rewarded using tokens. This further encourages the consumers to interact with the content hence offering a live viewership to advertisers. Imagine being rewarded for your attention, and that's exactly what this is. These tokens can be used to make in app purchases and the like.
Publisher and analytic tools make it easier for content creators and publishers to put their work to a wider audience. This conveniently eliminates the role of middlemen who profit unfairly, and give you, the creator, and ultimate power over your content.
Promoters also receive incentive, in the form of tokens and they are given the chance to reward creators for original content.

This benefits mobile apps, blogs, websites and all others who have incorporated their Protocol, which makes up a majority of consumers as well.
This open protocol solves the major disadvantages of lack of incentives between creators and consumers, providing data control, transparency and better products.
If all this has you wondering about how secure this whole process is, look no further. The MEDIA Protocol is foolproof, and has been made secure against tampering and manipulation in any form. It is soon going to spearhead a new dawn in the content domain, both in terms of distribution and consumption. This is, but the beginning of an era of consumer satisfaction, brought about by a dynamic team.
"It takes a big idea to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product." - David Ogilvy
Maybe this is the big idea.
Website - https://www.mediaprotocol.org/
Whitepaper - https://www.mediaprotocol.org/papers/whitepaper.pdf
ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3396313.0
Telegram - https://t.me/Media_Protocol_Community
Written by - Alexanderdaniel
Profile - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2163421