★ BOUNTY★ Global Metrology Project (GMP): Inno Scientific Platform ★
★ GMP is an ambitious international project aimed at creating a network of metrology centers and innovative technology clusters.★
September 28, 2017 07:00 (UTC) - October 12, 201707:00 (UTC)

GMP Project is starting its Official Bounty Program in order to reward its supporters with GMP tokens.
GMP offers 2% for all bounty campaigns will run until the end of the Pre-ITO and the 1 Round of ITO (27 November 2017). As a reward participants are to receive GMP tokens.
The bounties will be paid within 30 days after the end of the Token Sale.
Bounty distribution:

Participation status can be checked in this spreadsheet.
GMP offers 2% for all bounty campaigns collected during the Pre-ITO and the 1 Round of ITO (27 November 2017). As a reward participants are to receive GMP tokens. Bounty campaigns` members who use spam and "artificial" Likes and Shares, are to be excluded from bounty campaigns. The share of the GMP Facebook bounty campaign will constitute 15% from the total amount.
Requirements to your Facebook account:
- Have at least 200 friends;
- Your account must be at least 6 months old;
- Your account page should be accessible to everyone on the Internet;
- Fake accounts are not allowed, all such accounts will not be considered and paid for.
Your participation in the program:
- Subscribe to the Official GMP Project account on Facebook;
- Register with this form;
- Like the GMP Project posts at least 3 times a week;
- Share the GMP Project posts within 5 days from the date of their publication;
- To get a bounty each user must participate til the end of the ITO.
Distribution of shares and their accruals:
Distribution of shares, depending on the number of subscribers:
- From 200 to 299 friends - 1 share;
- From 300 to 999 friends - 2 shares;
- 1000 to 9999 friends / subscribers - 6 shares;
- 10,000 friends / subscribers and more -10 shares;
The number of your subscribers is fixed when you connect your account and does not change during the campaign. The list of participants is being updated and analyzed once per week. To receive bounty, each person must participate till the end of the 1 Round (27 November 2017).
GMP offers 2% for all bounty campaigns collected during the Pre-ITO and the 1 Round of ITO (27 November 2017). As a reward participants are to receive GMP tokens. Bounty campaigns` members who use spam and "artificial" Likes and Shares, are to be excluded from bounty campaigns. The share of the GMP Twitter bounty campaign of will constitute 15% from the total amount.
Requirement to your account:
- Have at least 200 friends
- Twitter account must be at least 6 months old.
- Your page should be accessible to everyone on the Internet
- Fake accounts are not allowed, all such accounts will not be considered and paid for.
The terms of your participation in the campaign:
- Subscribe to the Official GMP Project account on Twitter;
- Register with this form;
- Like the GMP Project posts at least 3 times a week
- Retweet the GMP Project tweets within 5 days. Do not delete until the end of the ITO.
- Post tweets about GMP project using hashtags tokensale, GMP Project, eth, token, ITO, metrology, innovative technology clusters at least once per week
- To get a bounty each user must participate until the end of the ITO.
- Register your retweets every 2 weeks with these forms:
Weeks 1-2 (23.09 - 07.10) (must be sent before 14.10)
Weeks 3-4 (07.10 - 21.10) (must be sent before 28.10)
Weeks 5-6 (21.10 - 04.11) (must be sent before 11.11)
Weeks 7-8 (04.11 - 18.11, if applicable) (must be sent before 25.11 or max. one week after end of token sale, whichever is first)
Weeks 9-10 (18.11 - 27.11, if applicable) (must be sent before 05.12 or max. one week after end of token sale, whichever is first)
Distribution of shares and their accruals:
Distribution of shares, depending on the number of subscribers:
- From 200 to 299 friends - 1 share
- From 300 to 999 friends - 2 shares
- 1000 to 9999 friends / subscribers - 4 shares
- 10,000 friends / subscribers and more - 8 shares
The number of your subscribers is fixed when you connect your account and does not change during the campaign.
The list of participants will be updated and checked once a week, the shares are awarded once a week. Multiple accounts registrations are not allowed, all related accounts will not be checked and credited. To receive bounty, each person must participate till the end of the 1 Round (27 November 2017).
GMP offers 2% for all bounty campaigns collected during the Pre-ITO and the 1 Round of ITO (27 November 2017). As a reward participants are to receive GMP tokens. The share of the GMP Signature bounty campaign will constitute 20% from the total amount.
Requirements to your account:
- You have be at least Jr.Member to wear the GMP Project signature;
- If you have a negative Trust rating in your profile, you will not be accepted to the campaign.
Your participation in the program:
- Register with this form;
- Put the GMP Project signature on your Bitcointalk profile, according to the profile rank.
- Make at least 10 publications a week;
- We do not take into account discussion sections (offtops) (Games, Microprocessing, Politics and Society, Offtops, Archive, Messages in "tipster", Auctions, Crediting, Beginners and help, News, Investor Games, etc.,). These sections are not taken into account;
- To get a bounty each user must wear a GMP Project signature till the end of the ITO.
Distribution of shares and their accruals:
The shares will be calculated according to the rank of the participants:
- Legendary - 2.25 shares
- Hero - 2 shares
- Sr. Member - 1.5 shares
- Full Member - 1 share
- Member - 0.75 shares
- Jr.Member - 0.5 shares
Reward for wearing GMP Avatar – 0.25 shares.
The list of participants will be updated and checked once a week, the shares are awarded once a week.
Codes for Signatures Here:

GMP offers 2% for all bounty campaigns collected during the Pre-ITO and the 1 Round of ITO (27 November 2017). As a reward participants are to receive GMP tokens. The share of the GMP Translation bounty campaign will constitute 10% from the total amount.
This bounty consists of three tasks:
- Translation of ANN+Bounty threads
- Creation and moderation of local Telegram group + translation of pinned message from main group
- Translation of whitepaper to the following languages: Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Croatian and other.
Shares earned will depend on the activity in the thread and the number of members in the Telegram group.
Distribution of shares and their accruals:
- Creation of local Telegram channel in your native language: 5 stakes + 1 stake/member at the end of campaign;
- ANN+Bounty threads: 50 Stakes + 3 Stakes per valid post;
- Translation and publication of Whitepaper: 100 stakes;
- 1 share for translation of any original article about GMP Project.
Send an email with the following details:
- Native language
- Part of bounty you apply for (ANN/WP/Telegram)
- Translation/moderation experience (if any)
- Bitcointalk username
- ERC-20 wallet address
After being accepted and completing the translation, post in this thread with a link to the translated thread or whitepaper
- Also the member should post min 2 posts per day in the national Bitcointalk thread of GMP. In these posts the member should answer the qwestons of the users, published the news and usefull information. By moderation we understand the moderation of your national thread on Bitcointalk needed for participation in the GMP Translation campaign.
- Participants are required to keep the local thread alive by posting regular updates, news or any important announcements. A single post thread will be rejected.
- Automatic (Google or similar) translations will be rejected.
- Unnecessary or repeated posts shall be rejected for stake counting.
- Only posts written by the Original Poster will count.
The list of participants will be updated and checked once a week, the shares are awarded once a week.
Register with this form for reserving the language of translation. The language of translation is reserved when you have received the confirmation on e-mail.
GMP offers 2% for all bounty campaigns collected during the Pre-ITO and the 1 Round of ITO (27 November 2017). As a reward participants are to receive GMP tokens. The share of the GMP Telegram campaign will constitute 5% from the total amount.
To participate in the program:
- Join our Telegram group.
- Fill and submit this form.
- Only one reward per Telegram and Bitcointalk user
- You must be active in the Telegram group at least once per week
Distribution of shares and their accruals:
- 1 share/week for all participants.
GMP offers 2% for all bounty campaigns collected during the Pre-ITO and the 1 Round of ITO (27 November 2017). As a reward participants are to receive GMP tokens. The share of the GMP Social Media campaign (Blogging, YouTube, Forums) will constitute 15% from the total amount.
Blog about GMP Project, promote it in other forums or create YouTube videos and earn some tokens.
To participate in the program:
- Complete and submit this form (once your videos are uploaded or your articles are posted);
- Post a link to your article/video in this thread.
Rules for Blogging/Forums:
- Write a post (article) in any language about GMP Project or scientific innovations, containing at least 1000 characters and 2 links to gmp.im. It can be your blog or your social page on the Internet. The article should be available to everyone on the Internet;
- Forum posts must have at least 100 words.
- Blogs/forums in languages other than English may also be accepted (at the sole discretion of Team GMP Project). Please contact with us first to check.
- Articles with fake views will be disqualified
- Only original content will be accepted
- Spamming/posting in wrong subforums will not be tolerated. Posts deleted or closed by the forum’s administration will not count.
Distribution of shares and their accruals:
- Forum post - 1 share
- Usual article - 2 share
- Unique and wonderful article - 3 shares
To classify your article we will check the popularity of your blog and the quality of the content.
Shares earned depending on quality (decided by Team GMP Project after review).
The shares are awarded once a week.
Attention! We won't accept posts on golos.io! Please, keep in mind!
Make a Youtube video and share it.
- Bounty applies to a maximum of 3 videos;
- Channel MUST be at least 3 months old;
- Videos MUST BE at least 2:00 Mins;
- Videos description must contain link back to gmp.im;
- Videos that do not have human voice over will only receive 50% of the total bounty;
- Videos with fake views will be disqualified;
- Only original content will be accepted.
Videos have to be meaningful and related to GMP Project: the GMP Project Token Sale, aspects of the Whitepaper, related technology, scientific innovations, etc.
1.000.000 Subs + >300.000 Views = 50000 shares
500.000 Subs + >150.000 Views = 30000 shares
100.000 Subs + >30.000 Views = 6000 shares
50.000 Subs + > 15.000 Views = 4000 shares
25.000 Subs + > 8.000 Views = 2500 shares
10.000 Subs + > 2.000 Views = 1000 shares
5.000 Subs + > 1.000 Views = 500 shares
1.000 Subs + >400 Views = 200 shares
100 Subs + >50 Views = 10 shares
- Rejected: 0 shares
- Low: 2 share
- Medium: 4 shares
- High: 7 shares
(per post/video)
The shares are awarded once a week. Shares earned depending on quality (decided by Team GMP Project after review).
Reposting an article to a different site will earn an extra half-share (1 repost allowed).
GMP offers 2% for all bounty campaigns collected during the Pre-ITO and the 1 Round of ITO (27 November 2017). As a reward participants are to receive GMP tokens. The share of the GMP Creative campaign will constitute 20% from the total amount.
Besides all there is another nice chance to promote GMP Project and get bounty for that. It includes everything else that we did not mention and users can offer.
Register your participation by email and we will contact you soon to discuss your participation in the GMP creative campaign.
Feel free to contact us
General rules:
- The Bounty Manager and the Team reserve their right to make changes to the terms in any moment.
- Payment addresses will NOT be changed after submission.
- Any kind of offensive or inadequate behavior when promoting GMP Project will result in immediate disqualification from the bounty campaign
- Bounty Managers/Team decisions are final.
- For queries or complaints please fill and submit this form this thread.