
in #ian6 years ago






The Governed Blockchain


作者:Ian Grigg


III. Trust


Trust resolves the hard errors


Fixing a black swan that devastates your new blockchain-based business, but maybe not that of others, is a big ask of the community. For your counterparty and your community to make themselves vulnerable to your misfortunes, on your say so, requires trust. They will need to trust you are telling the truth while they agree and implement emergency changes that put all at risk. For example, the 2013 Bitcoin hard fork incident was handled because once the emergency was spotted, trust allowed the key stakeholders to come to consensus quickly [Narayanan, 2015] .

修复一个破坏你基于区块链新的业务的黑天鹅,但可能不是其他人,而是社区的一个巨大要求。对于你的对手方和你的社区来说,让他们在你经受灾难之后站在你这边支持你,这需要信任。他们需要相信你说的是真话,同时他们同意实施紧急措施,这将使所有人都处于危险之中。例如,2013年比特币的硬分叉事件被处理,因为一旦发现紧急情况,信任就会让关键利益相关者迅速达成共识[Narayanan, 2015]。
Controversially, it only took a very few miners to switch their software version back and force the chain back to the earlier fork - contrary to how we expected decentralisation to play out. A similar process launched the 2016 Ethereum DAO repair, but with less success - although the trust in the dominant stakeholders was enough to make a decision, it wasn't enough to follow through to implementation. Not all of the community put full trust in the decision, and fought the patch to war cries of “code is law.” The Ethereum forked into two, becoming Etherea.


Before we ask how the goal should be met we need to be comfortable with the existence of the goal - to solve for the black swan. The challenge for new business is to understand whether the environment supports the resolution of these serious errors: is your counterparty willing to work quickly and fairly to resolve errors? Is your blockchain resilient to external hacks, both before and after? Will a miner return a fat finger error that would otherwise send you broke? Which event has happened in Bitcoin.


Can you repair a broken smart contract? As of the time of writing, the Etherea do not know the answer to that, and worse, they do not know what happens to a real contract after forking [Grigg, 2017b] .

你能修复有问题的智能合同吗?在写这篇文章的时候,他们不知道这个问题的答案,更糟糕的是,他们不知道分叉出一份真正的合同后会发生什么[Grigg, 2017b]。

These are billion dollar questions - but they are also hundred dollar questions. Although we came to the question via the utter disaster known as the black swan, for a business, the question is broader: Can you fix problems? How? And how costly? Which latter admits that there is no guaranteed fix, but this we already know - business conducts analysis of its risks.


And, this question ultimately reduces to another question: are you with me or against me?


To be cooperative or adversarial?


Huch nobHa'bogh verenganpu''e' yIvoqQo'

Don't trust Ferengi who give back money

Klingon proverb


The incidents above, both successful and debacled, suggest that fixing problems is possible, even if controversial. Business wants us to be able to handle several classes of failure, and in principle, we want detailed answers to a greater or lesser degree for the failures listed above (II. "Error, be gone!").


The choice is stark: Cooperate or Fight.


We can cooperate to solve problems, if we have trust, as did the core devs in 2013.


Or, if we expect insufficient trust on the part of the others, we can fight, as we found with the Mt.Gox, the DAO, the "classics", and a thousand other hacks. Without the expectation of cooperation, in an environment of untrust, your capital can be stolen or destroyed by those who are smarter or more adept than you.


Worse, if you can't beat ‘em, you join them: you play it fast, footloose and fancy free, and steal or destroy the capital of others. Either way, the blockchain of adversaries may live on but your own financial future is likely nasty, brutish and short.


To Win or to Lose?


There are other ways to look at this divide. Here’s several taken from varied disciplines.


Negotiation Theory 谈判理论

The master negotiator seeks a good trade for both parties in a process called win-win. This goal of sharing the win with your other party assumes that there will be follow on trades in some sense - you want your other party to be happy to come back, and also to spread your reputation for fairness far and wide. She wants the same.

As well as routine business, this theory suggests that cooperative trade with win-win negotiating should be the basis of family and employment negotiations, simply because both of these guarantee that there are new negotiations coming soon.



The alternate to win-win is called win-lose. For me to win, you must lose, and vice-versa. This negotiation occurs when there is no apparent follow on trade. The problem with this approach is that, for one side to win, the other side has to lose. If you don’t know which it is, then it’s probably you.

Hence this adversarial approach is reserved for shady business. Especially buying houses, used cars and lawsuits in court are the places where the decision is done on the day, and there is little or no benefit in the future to not fighting for every last crumb.



Economics 经济

When we can both take something positive from our trade, economists call it production, because something extra has been produced by our combined efforts. For example, if one of us has a kitchen, one can provide some ingredients, another has a recipe, and one can cook, we can come together to bake a cake - or cookies, or pie, you pick. The result is that now we have a pie, and that’s better than before. We have produced, and now we can share the fruits of that production.


The alternate is called allocation: when someone (else?) has cooked a pie, and we only get to decide who gets which portion. This pie is made, there is no sensible play where we can make a larger pie out of a smaller one. Assuming that we don't walk out with the same sized slice of pie, then one of us is likely to win a bigger slice, and the other must walk out with a smaller slice!


Game Theory 博弈理论

If a game results in growth it is called a net-positive game. The players come out with a better situation than that which they entered.


The alternate to the net-positive is called the zero-sum game in which the value at the beginning is the same as at the end. Who benefitted and who lost?


Political Theory 政治理论

Capitalism [Gupta, 2014]: Nationally enforced rule of law creates skin in the game for everyone that goes beyond the current trade. Dishonest statements or lack of integrity can be brought to complaint, but all are vulnerable to the system.

资本主义[Gupta, 2014]:国家强制的法治为所有超越当前行业的人创造了机会。不诚实的陈述或缺乏诚信会引起投诉,但所有人都容易受到系统的伤害。

Anarchy: Voluntary rules of interaction leaves no skin in the game beyond the present stake, thus allowing the sharp trader to out-compete the dumb trader. All are vulnerable to caveat emptor.


For the entrepreneur, all of these views end up on the same side of the fence - she wants to be on the left side so she can get some certainty about the safety of her investment. In particular, she wants to have her damages looked at in the event of disaster, even if the nominal result of “you lost” is all she gets back.


Taming the Black Swan


For Alice the trader to know that Bob the entrepreneur is on her side of the fence when disaster strikes is a question of trust. Building a productive business in complex space, over the long term raises the fear of her capital being raided - can she trust her community to be there when she needs them to help?

对于交易者 Alice来说,当灾难来临时,企业家Bob因为信任会站在她这边。在复杂的空间里建立一个有生产力的企业,从长远来看,会让人担心她的资本会遭到袭击——她能相信她的社区会在她需要帮助的时候出现吗?

Trust then is a desirable property. But where does she find it? Is Trust a place, a service or a religion? Can the entrepreneur buy it at the supermarket like I buy beer?


Thinking about when you and I find trust with each other helps to set a framework [Grigg, 2016] . Game theory tells us that to build up the big trust, we need:

◦ Multiple trades, with no expectation of when they might end,

◦ shared profit from this round, and expectations of future shared profits, and

◦ punishments outside the game if we cheat.

考虑一下你和我之间的信任,有助于建立一个框架[Grigg, 2016]。博弈论告诉我们,要建立起巨大的信任,我们需要:



I won’t trust you much after one beer, one meeting, one argument; I am much more likely to trust you after 100 beers, 100 meetings, 100 debates, by which time we’ll both know I’m untrustworthy about counting the beers.

Each of those 100 events requires a decision, and each adds some information for the next decision. This risk analysis is a cycle: analyse, decide, take on the risk, and enjoy the reward (or not!). We both need to remember the outcomes for the next time, and tag that information with the identity of our partner.


Then, trust comes at a high cost, and by its nature, it is too expensive for one trade.


If you require trust with me as your counterparty, the only way to make this workable is if we establish a framework of repeated trades. That is, we spread the cost of trust that fixes the one big snafu over many good trades that each have a little margin devoted to building trust. The building of trust into relationship is made of many small bricks: Introductions, information exchanges, trial transactions, user support, minor teething problems, finding those lost transactions. We hope that enough trust is built in time to capture and tame the black swan when it flies in.


The Blockchain for Tomorrow


Spot the flaw: trust is expensive. We need to 'amortise' or share the cost of all of these small steps. And for that, we need to rely on repeated business, and the expectation of repeated business.


Perversely, trust requires repeated trade and repeated trade requires trust - you are not going to engage in the process of building trust over multiple rounds unless you trust me to at least buy the next round.


Which is to say, right now, we may be cooperating on today's trade, but we are expecting every future trade we might also be involved in. We therefore require a blockchain that is cooperative, for all trades, all persons and all tomorrows, rather than adversarial, for the one big win today.


Blockchains have been lauded for their history, their immutable past, their lock on that which has happened, indeed their trustlessness. But this is to look backwards, to history, to archeology, to dead data. People who trade look forward because all trust builds towards a better future.


We build the blockchain of the future, in which all our tomorrows are anticipated, in which the long term is the term.


Without the future, trust cannot be.


The Man and her Machine


“[Global Thermonuclear War is] A strange game.

The only winning move is not to play.

How about a nice game of chess?”

Wargames 1983



Wargames 1983

We can see something of the answer in the divide between humans and machines. Only humans can engage in net-positive trade, because only humans can value the results. Machines are incapable of production because they cannot value; the best they can do is automate the allocation of value that already exists, and assist in production for their owners.


Value belongs to humans: Pie and cookies are enjoyed only by humans. The appreciation of the results can only be enjoyed by the humans, because humans alone can make the subjective and emotional decision as to what is to be enjoyed. We can employ and own machines to assist in production, in the creation of positive value, but production can only occur because we value it so, because we ascribe a positive value to the results as against the inputs.

Machines then are limited to an allocative approach, win-lose, to fight, to extract, to play until death, whereas us humans have choice - we may play at win-lose, or we may also cooperate, or even switch our strategies because we don’t feel good about the other person. We may not play at all.


Yuval Noah Harari says that what makes humans special is our ability to create fictions or beliefs around which we can choose to cooperate at scale[Harari, 2015] . But none of this works if there is no choice, no risk, and damningly, no reward that can be enjoyed. We can build an AI or robot to engage in (say) high-frequency trading, splice a gene, or predict dating partners. But we cannot build an AI to enjoy early retirement off of a lifetime in the markets, to sip a margarita in bliss, to watch a sunset with a partner or share joy in bringing up a child.

Yuval Noah Harari说,人类之所以与众不同,是因为我们有能力创造虚构或信仰,并据此选择大规模合作[Harari,2015]。但如果没有选择,没有风险,更糟糕的是没有回报,这些都不起作用。我们可以建立一个人工智能或机器人来参与(比如)高频交易、拼接基因或预测约会对象。但我们无法构建一个人工智能,让我们在市场上享受早早退休的时光,在极乐中啜饮一杯玛格丽塔鸡尾酒,与伴侣一起观看日落,或在抚养孩子的过程中分享快乐。

Machines are therefore locked into an allocative game, and absent sophisticated and brittle AI techniques, they find themselves best able to engage in win-lose, in the zero-sum game. Two machines playing any game or protocol can only move existing value back and forth, they cannot create value.


This is reflected in the relative strength of the blockchain as an allocative method, below the line, and the relative weakness that the users and their smart contracts have found themselves in, above the line. In principle, this is sane and rational - before, we said that we should automate the simple, as much of the simple as we can. That which is complex, we leave above the line, for the humans. Therefore, correctly, blockchain places the choice above the line with humanity - win-win or win-lose, your choice, your smart contract, your enjoyment.


The Trap that UnPermissioning Created for Itself


“How much value is stored in smart contracts that actually do anything interesting?”

Vitalik Buterin, tweet 13 Dec 2017

Vitalik Buterin, 2017年12月13日的推特

The unpermissioned blockchain spends most or all of its strength below the line. Whether that user proposition be a payment or a series of simple “script” instructions, a virtual machine or a genetic algorithm trained to respond to questions of import [Sgantzos 2017], it is still automated, and it is left to the user to turn that base tool into valuable trade.

未受允许的区块链将其大部分或全部精力消耗在线下。无论用户主张是支付还是一系列简单的“脚本”指令、虚拟机还是训练有素的用于回答附加问题的演变算法(genetic algorithm)(Sgantzos 2017),它仍然是自动的,用户可以把基本工具变成有价值的交易。

Satoshi’s design is justifiably seen as a breakthrough. The blockchain can complete simple trades automatically, at the allocative level of the zero-sum game; it defers complex trades of a more win-win, productive form to the complex layer, what might also be called smart contract space. The complexity of trade, as epitomised by the technical promise of smart contracts, is exciting to many.


Yet, it is somewhat clear that this latter part did not emerge, or was excruciatingly slow to do so. Why is this?


It may be that Satoshi's design so successfully solved the automation of payment and other simple tasks that the community put the win-lose on a taller pedestal than otherwise deserved. The solution was good at bringing together otherwise adversarial parties to trade, but there is no necessary conclusion that, just because the blockchain can solve an adversarial allocative trade in simple space, that complex space should likewise be adversarial, allocative, win-lose or zero-sum, either individually or in combination.


Above, indeed we present the entrepreneur as one potential user who does not want that. And has walked away in frustration. It is not just the absence of attention to this need, nor the weakness of tooling & solutions, nor the blasé attitude to end-user security. Rather, blockchain today has gone far further in its idolatry - the community champions the adversarial, the allocative, win-lose, zero-sum as the space in which to trade. It is as if the blockchainers say, “we've discovered trustlessness is the answer, and now trust is banned!”


And this is the trap that the UnPermissioned blockchain community has fallen into - the outcome of championing an allocative game is the promotion of an incompatible environment for constructive trade.


The obsession with the allocative approach has consequences. While a trader is concentrating on today’s big win, she is not concentrating on production. If she does win big, then her customer will lose big - and may not be there tomorrow. If on the other hand she loses big, she may depart the scene, with a bitter taste, big losses and no good word to say about blockchain.


Multiply the individual poverty across the community, into debates, chatrooms, decisions, divorces and other bankruptcies - the obsession presents a high barrier. It will over time act as a filter: those people who want to produce, have the patience to build, those who see the value in the long term, the trust will be excluded. Either by frightening them away, by chasing them away, or by win-losing away their value.


While, the easy winners are rewarded and encouraged to stay for another easy kill. If the environment promotes zero-sum trading then zero-sum traders are what will make up the community. If we can label that as a community.


The War on Trust


In Satoshi's view, technology can effectively route around the human "design flaw" in the present money system. Satoshi’s Bitcoin, therefore, is built to be incorruptible by human operators. Bitcoin champions a form of techno-absolutism that insists on properly designed technology as the solution to any social problem. This spirit of techno-absolutism **attracts like-minded people who are fascinated by the mistaken notion that technology can fully "replace" politics or human decision making. **Conjoin Bitcoin's techno-absolutism with an anarchic rejection of institutional authority and a libertarian commitment to property and privacy, and an unique social ideology emerges. It’s an ideology that is espoused by Bitcoin’s technology (i.e., its technology thesis) **and it also permeates the community. **

[Panchèvre, 2015 (my emphasis)]

[Panchèvre 2015(我记的重点)]

It gets worse. The win-lose approach to trade (think: real estate, used car selling and financial products) has now moved to center stage. This brings in people talented at the hard sell, the one off, the deceptive offering, the kill.


But, as the wrong type of trader permeates a community that also champions anonymity and an absence of standards or ethics, the line between aggressive trading and crime dissolves. Anything goes; it becomes rational to do what you can - as long as you don't get caught.


By way of rhetorical examples:

⇒ For me to make money on an altCoin pump, you must lose money by for example buying in with your life savings. Hopefully, for me, at the top, as I dump.

⇒ In the casinos, the house always wins.

⇒ If my ICO can convince the herd to move, I collect money, the herd pays. Delivery is optional, so the obvious happens - most ICOs are well dressed scams.

⇒ If I've bought in early on the ICO, and my take shrinks with each additional contributor, why not DDOS the chain so additional contributions can't get in?







If you look around the blockchain space and can't tell who's getting scammed, it's probably you. 

Jameson Lopp, tweet 23rd September 2016

Jameson Lopp, 2016年9月23日发推

The earliest report of a possible crime is Jeff Garzik's report of an overflow bug being exploited in August of 2010 - some 184 billion were minted through abusing the limit of an integer at 2^64 size [Garzik, 2010] . Many followed. Indeed, many of the above list of black swans were criminally motivated. Which takes us from the early innocent days to the present brutal reality:

最早可能犯罪的是Jeff Garzik报告中溢出被利用的2010年8月的漏洞——通过滥用限制大小的整数2 ^ 64[Garzik,2010] 铸造了另外的1840亿。许多相关的事件在后面也连续发生。事实上,上面列出的许多“黑天鹅”都是出于犯罪动机。它把我们从早期的天真带到现实的残酷中:

Unpermissioned Blockchain is not only win-lose, it is encouraging of crime.


Attracting the sorts of people who can work effectively with win-lose and scaring away the rest is a self-fulfilling destiny in toxicity - BTFD, FOMO, and YOLO are rallying cries, anything goes becomes the climate, and crime follows close behind [Güring&Grigg, 2011]. We start with those who understand the haggle, the trade, the pop, the win in the short term. And we invite those who relish the easy money, the pump & dump, taking money from new players, the big kill. Followed by the crims.

吸引那些能够有效地利用赢输和吓跑剩下的人是在毒性方面自我实现的宿命——BTFD、FOMO和YOLO都在呼喊,一切都成了气候,犯罪就会紧随其后[Guring&Grigg, 2011]。我们从那些懂得讨价还价、交易、流行、在短期内取胜的人开始,邀请那些喜欢来钱快的人,那些从新玩家那里拿钱的吸血鬼和找下家的人,进行韭菜大收割。其次是有罪的。

In the final outcome, the unpermissioned blockchain fails to support business. Not because unpermissioning is a bad idea, but because an environment of zero-sum games promotes zero-sum behaviour, and squeezes out net-positive opportunities of productive trade. In a word, unpermissioned blockchain is toxic.


Of Casinos and Kitties


If your goal is money, you'll develop a destructive personality, as the world appears zero-sum, your desire is for others to do things for you. If your goal is liberty, you'll develop a constructive personality, since your world is your own creation. 

Mark Wilcox, tweet 13 April 2018

Mark Wilcox,2018年4月13日
We can test the win-lose hypothesis: today's blockchains are where we automate payments, gaming, ICOs and exchange of crypto. The popular successful applications on Bitcoin and Ethereum are almost exclusively zero-sum games:

"if you look at State of the Dapps, the large majority of working applications are either for betting, gaming, or facilitating the movement of ether." 

BlockMason, tweet 2017



This is the world of day traders, banks, pumpers & dumpers, private dealing, financial engineers, cartels and so forth: the house always wins, cartels are held together by self-interest, currencies such as BTC can only allocate and any 'gains' are because new buyers cash out the old buyers. There is consensus in transactions, but as we know from game theory, any faith you derive from these transactions is not long-lasting.


What are the net-positive businesses? To our knowledge, there are only two distributed applications in the entirety of crypto space that are productive rather than allocative:

☆ Steemit which is a blog posting site in which readers reward blog posters for good writings, and

☆ CryptoKitties, being a new game that 'produces' a cat from 2 others. The combination is a produced digital asset, however trivial, and the entertainment value of the process suggests that this is a productive venture, albeit controversially so.

If anything, CryptoKitties as a productive application highlights how far we haven't come - we've created a $500 billion industry in which the major crimes outnumber the major productive businesses.




Protecting the Environment


Who shut down BTC-e?


It wasn't the enterprising efforts of the cryptocurrency community or its verbose opinion-makers on social media or the "new 1%." It was several government law enforcement agencies that coordinated across multiple jurisdictions on limited budgets.6 Yet, like Silk Road, some people in the cryptocurrency community likely knew the operators of the BTC-e and willingly turned a blind eye to serious misconduct which, for so long as it continues, represents a black mark to the entire industry. 

[Swanson, 2017]


If the opportunity of unpermissioned blockchain in blockchain is winning or losing, then the outcome is destruction or denial. It’s hard for the small enterprise to make profits in a toxic environment. Encouraging the talents of war and appropriation has the effect of discouraging the talents of peace and trade. Which is fine, if we’re actually fighting a war, but what if we’re not? Such an environment does not welcome those who have the patience to build a business, those who see the value in trust.


Unpermissioned blockchains promote the zero-sum game therefore discourage business with aggressive win-lose, when business is by its nature built on the alternate, win-win. This is the fundamental reason why there have been few stable businesses in blockchain outside the zero-sum game - no rational business person will invest their capital in a toxic environment full of arguments & insults, thefts & hacks, risks of forks and the like.


In small business, we look for the trade that is a positive sum, because we want our customer to come back. We both win a little each time, and therefore, a win-win overall. We cannot grow as a society unless we all make profits together.


Therefore we must, in order to serve people and business, construct a blockchain that is encouraging to win-win, to net-positive trades. And while not discouraging of the allocative trade, which granted is an essential part of trade because of its simplicity, we do want to discourage the win-lose trader from taking center stage and thereby displacing the win-win trader.


We want to attract and incentivise the right sort of people, these that want to do good trade and make shareable profit; we want to discourage and filter out the wrong sort people, those that want to take the crumbs off the table, those that beggar their neighbour, and those that steal.


A blockchain for business is one that promotes win-win, productive trades over win-lose, allocative trades.

It is to that more refined goal we turn in the next section.




We are EOShenzhen








