
in #ian6 years ago



本文原文链接为http://iang.org/papers/the_governed_blockchain.html#ref_working%20draft ,由本号“EOS技术爱好者”翻译。



The Governed Blockchain


作者:Ian Grigg


IV. The Governed Blockchain


The Challenge for Business


Our challenge then is to move the blockchain agenda from supporting the win-lose at the expense of the win-win, to supporting the win-win over the win-lose.


This is not to say that the zero-sum game, or that win-lose should somehow be forbidden. It's rather to say that our focus is on the win-win because that is where society creates value. Society loses money on the win-lose trade, which is why banks and bankers get richer and people get poorer and those countries that bailed out the banks in 2008 at the expense of the economy are in secular depression. Society - all of us - only create value when we work together and each take a profit out of the trade.


To encourage win-win we need to provide:

⇒ Open entry & exit

⇒ An environment of repeat transactions, where there is no end in sight,

→ Rules of the game

→ a way to trade (that’s the blockchain thing), and

→ Skin in the game







That latter is a new thing. Skin in the game says that we need a method for Alice to hold Bob to account when he acts up. The method needs teeth, so that the value in play is at risk. We need a structure where our community members can guard themselves against an aggressive party turning a trusting win-win trade into a win-lose by trick, just bad trust or downright crime. There must be repercussions for such actions, there must be skin in the game, so as to hold that aggressor to account.


Fixing the Walled Garden


A permissioned ledger provides for this, yet the process described above defeats it for the small player.


Why is that? A permissioned ledger consists of, let’s say:

◯ A wall around the garden

◓ A gate and a gatekeeper - fees, corruption, exclusion

☆ A set of rules,

☆ A method for applying the rules, aka Dispute Resolution,

☆ Consequences - skin in the game.







The problem - the difference between the two above descriptions - is the wall. Let's put them side by side:


◯ A wall around the garden

◓ A gate and a gatekeeper

⇒ Open entry & exit

⇒ repeat transactions

☆ A set of rules,

☆ A method for applying the rules

☆ Consequences

→ Rules of the game

→ a way to trade

→ Skin in the game

Once there is a wall, we have to have a gate to get into the garden. And once we have a gate, we have to have a gatekeeper. We outlined the barrier to entry costs of the gatekeeper above, but there is another cost we did not mention: Regulation.


Unless someone invents a decentralised wall (!), a decentralised gatekeeper (!!) and a decentralised gate (!!!) then the gatekeeper will be subject to both internal pressures and external pressures. To cut a long story short, our gatekeeper will come under some regulator's control, and will then proceed to place all of the regulator's choice rules in place.


See the problem? Pretty soon we'll be back to centralisation, to being a bank and needing a banking licence. Then everything will clog up and we'll be praying for another 2008 style bailout and a decade of stealth bailout, also known as Quantitative Easing.


A decentralised community cannot be beholden to a gatekeeper. If you're unsure of this, talk to the compliance department of any fiat exchange. Free entry has to be preserved in order for the result to be a community blockchain. Therefore, the decentralised community cannot have a wall nor a gate nor a gatekeeper.


Let's tear down the wall.


An Open Park


As well as being aligned to the concept of win-win, the rest of the elements above ☆ are not so forceful as centralising influences. In other words, they are not so controllable from outside the environment of your community’s blockchain. It turns out that we can decentralise these elements and create our system of governance with control in the hands of the community.


In brief, opening the Walled Garden into perhaps an Open Park with a posted notice board looks like this:

· The set of rules is a Constitution.

◦ It is offered and accepted on entry,

◦ It applies to every access, every transaction, every contract, every post.

◦ It points to the method of dispute resolution which is agreed in the same way,

◦ And, as a community document, we require:

· A method for the community to change … everything! A decentralised voting mechanism such as Delegated Proof of Stake (Larimer, 2017) does the trick, and can control change to:

◦ the rules! The Constitution can be controlled and voted by the community

◦ Software changes, too 😊

◦ important roles such as Block Producers, Arbitrators

· The forum of Dispute Resolution [Nagy&Shakel, 2008].

◦ Based on the Arbitration Act of all countries, which is to say, it’s legal 😊

◦ Unifies everyone under the same code (the Constitution) which smooths out any local advantages.

◦ Allows Arbitrators to be appointed by the community’s voting mechanism

◦ (And, did we mention, the rules are managed by the community!)

· An enforcement method for actions

◦ Decentralised voting can change the chain and rules.

◦ Rulings can be enforced by block producers.

◦ Rulings can also reach out to external world.

◦ Ultimately, a ruling enforced can take value or eject a person.







·一切改变社区的方法!一种去中心化的投票机制,如委托证明股权(Larimer, 2017)就能起到作用,并可以控制改变:




·争端解决论坛[Nagy&Shakel, 2008]。










Why does this work? Firstly, the will of the community. It is not the wall that holds the person to account, it is the community, using the tools found inside. The rules are enforced by the members according to a process that is already agreed.


Secondly, in economics terms, the constitution forms a Schelling point to which everyone agrees on entry. This agreement, this constitution is sticky - when push comes to shove, most will stick to the rules, because they see that most will stick to the rules.


Then, the grievances can follow a path agreed by the community. The rules direct their grievances to the Arbitrator, who creates a Ruling, which can then act as a call to action encouraging the community to enforce. As the system starts to work, supporters gather and the process becomes the Community.


Finally, signalling: those smart criminals who are looking for easy marks will realise there are barriers here that will cost more and raise their risks. The the rules and rulings act as a filtering device. Crooks then analyse whether it is better to go to some other garden.


Further Research (of course)


There are three missing elements in this description which we have to leave out of scope.


One is Identity. As a consequence of the need to build trust over an extended series of trades (Alice’s Trust RADR above), Alice needs to be able to remember Bob and recall how her last decision went, before she relies on him again. Identity is a very deep and interesting topic in itself, but it is too big for this essay; interested readers are referred to the Identity Cycle [Grigg, 2015-2018] .

一个是身份。由于需要在一系列的交易中建立信任(之前的Alice的trust RADR), Alice需要能够记住Bob并回忆起她最后的决定是如何进行的,然后再依据这些线索进行下一步。身份本身是一个非常深刻和有趣的话题,但是对于这篇文章来说它太大了;有兴趣的读者请参阅身份循环[Grigg, 2015-2018(http://iang.org/papers/the_governed_blockchain.html#ref_Grigg,%202015-2018)]。

Second, the technical security model. Multisig arrangements, recovery partners, time-delay transactions, staking and hardware wallets are all useful components (Larimer, 2017) that when deployed in concert with a strong Constitution and Arbitration framework will make the job of the criminal much harder.

二是技术安全模型。 Multisig安排、恢复伙伴、交易延迟、质押和硬件钱包都是有用的组件(Larimer, 2017),如果与强大的公约和仲裁框架一起部署,将使罪犯的工作变得更加困难。

Thirdly, how to impose the Constitution on entry? This can be handled with a mix of two elements. (1) Technically by making the Constitution into a Ricardian Contract - one which is both machine and human readable, and critically has its hash placed into any relevant communications with users[Grigg, 2004]. Then, (2) legally, by having the Constitution include a clause that describes how third party operators and developers take on the responsibility for fairly presenting the Constitution to users. Their software can then ensure that users enter into the agreement, as signalled by the presence of the hash, to which all recipients may rely. Interested readers are referred to NortonRoseFulbright's "Legal Analysis of the Governed Blockchain" [NortonRoseFulbright, 2018].

第三,如何在进入时就能实施公约?这可以通过两个元素的混合来处理(1)。从技术上讲,通过公约变成一份李嘉图合约——一份机器可读的、人类可读的合约,并严格地将其哈希置于与用户的任何相关通信中[Grigg, 2004]。然后,(2)法律上,通过公约包含一项条款,描述第三方经营者和开发商如何承担向用户公平地展示公约的责任。接着,他们的软件可以确保用户签署协议,如哈希的存在所示,所有接收方都可以依赖哈希。感兴趣的读者可以参考NortonRoseFulbright对“被统治的区块链”[NortonRoseFulbright, 2018(http://iang.org/papers/the_governed_blockchain.html#ref_NortonRoseFulbright,%202018)]的“法律分析”。



"The principle of open entry is important for blockchain robustness, yet open entry can also occur within a range of actors that does not include the whole humanity, but only those that accept some rules and satisfy some requirements."

[Morini, 2017] .



A governed blockchain is one which has free entry, but conditions apply on entry (Morini 2017). Primarily those conditions are rules of behaviour, encoded in a Constitution, and include two critical elements: a forum for dispute resolution and a method for changing the rules.
一个受治理的区块链是一个有自由进入,但此处的进入是有条件的(Morini 2017)。这些条件主要是构成公约的行为规则,包括两个关键要素:解决争端的论坛和改变规则的方法。

We present it as a third alternative to the permissioned and unpermissioned blockchains (Swanson, 2015).

我们将其作为许可和不许可的区块链的第三种替代方案(Swanson, 2015)。

Up until recently, blockchains had been characterised as unpermissioned or permissioned, and this was thought to be the only choice. More limiting, to a large extent it was believed the two are incompatible, the choice is exclusive.


We offer a third choice, the Governed Blockchain. By identifying the components that differ, we find that one component - free entry versus the wall - is key, and it can be modified to create a third, safer alternative suitable for business.


A community of enforceable rules creates an open garden. A community in an open garden can cultivate win-win trade for the people. A community of win-win traders can build an economy for their mutually beneficial future. And finally, a mutually protective community can finally invite in the mass market.

The working draft of the paper was at: "The Governed Blockchain" - google docs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TKegYdH5ASqGlEWiVDYFMubE7651hsZIuZb8FKO8KNk/edit#. ...



[working draft] "The Governed Blockchain" - google docs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TKegYdH5ASqGlEWiVDYFMubE7651hsZIuZb8FKO8KNk/edit#.

[Grigg, 2017a] Ian Grigg, 2017a; "EOS: An Introduction," iang.org/papers/EOS_An_Introduction.pdf

[Larimer, 2017] Dan Larimer, 2017; "EOS Technical White Paper," github.com/EOSIO/Documentation

[Swanson, 2015] Tim Swanson, 2015; "Consensus-as-a-Service," http://www.ofnumbers.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Permissioned-distributed-ledgers.pdf

[Buterin, 2015] Vitalik Buterin, 2015; "On Public and Private Blockchains," https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/08/07/on-public-and-private-blockchains/

[Evans, 2017] Charles Evans, 2017 "Delegated Proof of Stake: Between Anarchy and Leviathan," working paper forthcoming.

[Porter, 1979] Michael E. Porter, 1979; "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy," Harvard Business Review Vol 59, No 2.

[Wikipedia] Wikipedia, "Risk Matrix," wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk_matrix

[Kerckhoffs, 1883] Auguste Kerckhoffs; "La cryptographie militaire ('Military cryptography')," Journal des sciences militaires, vol. IX, pp. 5-38, Jan. 1883, pp. 161-191, Feb. 1883. http://www.petitcolas.net/kerckhoffs/la_cryptographie_militaire_i.htm Kerckhoffs' 6th Principle is, "Finally, it is necessary, given the circumstances that command its application, that the system be easy to use, requiring neither mental strain nor the knowledge of a long series of rules to observe."

[Narayanan, 2015] Arvind Narayanan, 2015; "Analyzing the 2013 Bitcoin fork: centralized decision-making saved the day," Freedom to Tinker blog https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2015/07/28/analyzing-the-2013-bitcoin-fork-centralized-decision-making-saved-the-day/

[Grigg, 2017b] Ian Grigg, 2017b; “Life is a Cabaret… Or how to split and merge a blockchain,” Financial Cryptography steemit.com/eos/@iang/life-is-a-cabaret-or-how-to-split-and-merge-a-blockchain

[Gupta, 2014] Vinary Gupta, 2014; "[Bitcoin] Cannot be divorced from pre-existing political theory," IAmSatoshi Interview, youtube.com/watch?v=FHFSvttMg6E

[Grigg, 2016] Ian Grigg, 2016; "On Trust," working paper, Part II of Identity Cycle.

[Harari, 2015] Yuval Noah Harari, 2015; “What explains the rise of humans?” TEDGlobalLondon https://www.ted.com/talks/yuval_noah_harari_what_explains_the_rise_of_humans

[Sgantzos 2017] Konstantinos Sgantzos "Implementing A Church-Turing-Deutsch Principle Machine on a Blockchain," forthcoming, HSCBB 2017

[Panchèvre, 2015 (my emphasis)] Ian Maya Panchèvre, 2015; "Immaterial World:The Virtual Politics of Bitcoin."

[Garzik, 2010] Jeff Garzik, 2010; "Strange block 74638," Bitcointalk

[Güring&Grigg, 2011] Phillip Güring & Ian Grigg, 2011; "Bitcoin & Gresham’s Law - the economic inevitability of Collapse," working paper

[Swanson, 2017] Tim Swanson, 2017; "Eight Things Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts Probably Won't Tell You," working paper

[Nagy&Shakel, 2008] Daniel Nagy, Nadzeya Shakel, 2008; "OpenPGP-based Financial Instruments and Dispute Arbitration,” Financial Cryptography 2008,

[Grigg, 2015-2018] Ian Grigg, 2015-2018; Identity Cycle, working cycle of papers, at https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B9aJ9_ZDMOjMbVRIMUNZdUJLakU

[Grigg, 2004] Ian Grigg, 2004, "The Ricardian Contract," First IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Contracting, iang.org/papers/ricardian_contract.html

[NortonRoseFulbright, 2018] Adam Sanitt & Ian Grigg, 2018; "Legal Analysis of the Governed Blockchain," NortonRoseFulbright, forthcoming

[Morini, 2017] Massimo Morini, 2017; "2018: The Year We Make Cont(r)act," Coindesk



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