Witness Voting - A Controversial Methodology

in #i-voted5 years ago

It is 2 AM where I live. Yes. I know. So. Therefore, I'm just sharing the controversial idea. Look to others for the details of how, who, when, what, where.

Stop doing two things immediately!

First Point: Stop running about thinking "I've voted, so all these posts about how to who to vote for is blah blah blah. I'm good. I'm done."

NO. YOU Are NOT finished voting. It's time for strategy and subterfuge! There are witnesses at the top who no longer need your vote. Sneak in and take your vote back (It won't cause them to plummet to the bottom, trust me.) Then scroll down the list to the next Real Witness that is down below the top 20 spot. Give them your vote. AVOID voting for anyone running ver 25.0 with a blue box around it. And make sure the Server status (below the version #) says "Enabled".

Second Point: Take back your voting proxy and do it yourself. You can't pay semi-daily attention to the witness ranking and do what I'm doing to make sure my vote isn't just hanging out with the top dogs. We need votes way down the list.

The people who are responsible for Proxy Voting cannot do this kind of vote shifting because if they do move a large number of votes it actually could cause someone to drop. So. It's up to you to gauge the impact of your single vote and use it wisely.

At the time of this post, @aggroed, @cervantes, and @drakos are the next three in line. Currently all of my votes live below the top 20 line of demarcation. So I'm also able to support some of my favorites like @steempeak, @curie, @stoodkev, @timcliff, @steemitboard, and @neoxian ... Why, yes. Yes. I do remember who made my Steem experience good.

Very little research will take you to posts about the how to and why to and where to and who to. Please do that basic research. Many people have been writing the detailed info. I'm going to go sleep, not recreate the wheel.

PS If you're shocked I'm here, get over it. The platform is still important to people I care about. Of Course I'm here.



Not shocked, but happy to see you, considering I'm not really here much myself.
